XIX 1001

  • Julian Amery
  • WWF map from a 2001. New parks have been created in the mean time.

The 1001 Club | Membership list
Mafia dons, intelligence agents, and raw materials executives striving for a sustainable future

Whether you look in Dutch, French, German, English, American, or South-African newspapers of the past 35 years, there is virtually no information available on the 1001 Club, the group which has been built around the 1001 Trust, officially called The 1001: A Nature Trust. Even in the Netherlands, where Bernhard's involvement with Bilderberg should be widely known by now, absolutely no one has heard of his role in creating the 1001. The only official information available about this club is that it was established in the early seventies by individuals like Prince Bernhard, Prince Philip, Charles de Haes, and Anton Rupert and that every member paid a one time fee of $10,000 to get lifetime membership. That's about it.
The strangest club in the world? - Fugitive banker and drug smuggler Robert Vesco, reportedly working for the CIA; Agha Abedi, founder and head of the BCCI; BCCI shareholder Salem Bin Laden, the older brother of Osama, whose small plane crashed when the BCCI scandal came out; Permindex founder Mortimer Bloomfield, who was a SOE-CIA-FBI Division Five and likely Mossad agent, here talking to David Ben Gurion; and 1001 Club member Mobutu Sese Seko, the anti-communist dictator of Zaire, having a laugh with Prince Bernhard, the 1001's head.

Background of the WWF and the 1001

In 1948, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) was erected, mainly by Sir Julian Huxley, a famous biologist. Later, on September 11, 1961, Julian Huxley officially established the WWF, together with people like Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip. Ten years later, around 1971, WWF officials Anton Rupert, Prince Philip, and Prince Bernhard came together and decided to form a club that would cover the administrative and fundraising aspects of the WWF, making the organization's existence independent from donations of the general public. Anton Rupert is said to have been the one who came up with the idea. Bernhard became the 'figurehead', just as Joseph Retinger's secretary described his role in the creation of Bilderberg. Bernhard was well liked, knew many people on both sides of the Atlantic, and as a prince, he was considered neutral. Anton Rupert appointed the Belgian economist Charles de Haes as Bernhard's personal assistant. These two approached most of the individuals that would be invited to the 1001 Club, mainly friends and associates of the two princes. In 1974, all the members were recruited, each of them having paid the one-time contribution of $10,000. From this point on, we have very little information about how the club organizes its meetings and how much each of the members keep contributing.

Club meetings

In 1980, Private Eye magazine wrote (1):
"The puzzling question is what do the '1001' get for their money apart from private prestige and the privilege of dining with Prince Bernhard or the Duke of Edinburgh?"
The mentioning of diners seems to indicate the 1001 Club is organized in the same way as the Pilgrims Society, which arranges diners two or three times a year with several hundred members attending at a time. With every diner you have several guest speakers that are invited. Of course, if the 1001 Club has been set up in the same way is only our best guess. One thing we do know is that new members were still invited in 1996. On the website of Buttonboss Plc. we can read in their history section:
"Buttonboss celebrated its 20th Jubileum and, once again, Prince Bernhard honoured us with his presence in attending the spectacular celebration party in Twente (Holland). It was on this occasion that he, in name of fellow members of the selection committee, offered Henk Brusse membership of the "1001-Club", for which he was responsible in founding. This club compromises 1001 good friends and relations of H.R.H. Prince Bernhard, all of whom support the world-wide activities associated with the World Wild Life Nature Fund."
It took some time and a lot of emailing, but on August 10, 2005 the Dutch branch of the WWF finally confirmed that meetings are still going on to this day (translation):
"I received your question about the 1001-Club. Regular meetings indeed do take place. The location is different every time. For instance, last April there has been a Panda Ball in Monaco and a diner in Barcelona... Could you please inform me why you are interested in this information?"
In my email I asked if the meetings were held in London. The WWF employee said it is very likely that meetings have been organized there too. A very brief 1978 report in The Times confirmed that Prince Philip gave a reception at Windsor castle for 1001 Club members (2). A year before, Prince Bernhard headed a five-day trip to Nepal of thirty 1001 Club members (3).
Besides the fact that this time I actually received an answer that was helpful, what is very interesting is that the information was given to the WWF headquarters in Switzerland, because a short time after I replied to her email, WWF Switzerland became very interested in my website. I never said I had a site so it's obvious someone within the WWF either looked up my name on the internet or did a search on the 'Pilgrims Society' which I mentioned in my email. As far as I can see, my site only received visitations from the WWF's headquarters and not from the Dutch branch I sent my email to. It seems the WWF isn't used to questions about the 1001 Club. It took WWF UK five weeks to reply and WWF Belgium three weeks. According to the Dutch Branch of the WWF questions should normally be answered in two days. When WWF Holland finally replied, the Swiss HQ immediately visited my site, without me ever having contacted them or having mentioned I had a site.
Three days after I uploaded the initial 1001 Club article and 5 weeks after I sent them an email WWF UK finally decided to reply. They confirmed the 1001 Club is still organizing meetings and added to it that the one-time introduction fee has been increased to $25,000.
"I have been in discussions with our major support section in order to find all the information that you require about the 1001 club. There is a one off membership fee of $25,000 (US Dollars) and there are field trips and events organised mainly by WWF International. If you have further queries please come back to us..."
This short message took them 5 weeks! And why did this person have to go in "discussions" to receive "all this information"? Needles to say I did get back to them and asked if the regular staff actually knows about the 1001 Club or if all this information is held behind closed doors within the WWF headquarters. On September 5, 2005, I received the answer. If we skip the usual apology for the delay, the whole email reads:
"I would like to inform you that the 1001 Club is a scheme run by WWF-International, which is situated in Switzerland, and for detailed information we have to contact WWF-International."
As expected, the answer doesn't tell us a whole lot. Anyway, if you have a thousand members with an average age of 45-50 years or so, you'd expect that at least an average of about 20 people die each year. 20 new members who each pay the $25,000 introduction fee is a baseline income for the 1001 Club of at least $500,000 annually.

Difference between the 1001 and the Pilgrims

An obvious difference between the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society is that members of the 1001 Club are recruited from all over the world. You have Conrad Black and Maurice Strong from Canada; Henry Ford II and Robert McNamara from the United States; Antenor Patino and Gustavo Cisneros from Latin America; Sir Peter Cadbury and Lord Buxton from the United Kingdom; Hilmar Reksten and Alf Bjercke from Norway; Henk Brusse and Ferdinand Grapperhaus from the Netherlands; Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza and Berthold Beitz (Krupp) from Germany; Egmond Frommelt and Herbert Batliner from Liechtenstein; Mobutu Sésé Seko and Salay Edu from Africa; Mohammed Al-Naki and Agha Abedi from the Middle-East; Gyanendra Dev from Nepal; and Sir Kenneth Fung and Sir Y.K. Pao from Hong Kong.
Reported nobility and royalty in the 1001 Club: Prince Henrik from Denmark, the "dog lover"; Gyanendra Dev with Prince Philip, right after Dev's family had been murdered almost entirely by his nephew and co-1001 Club member, Crown Prince Dipendra; King Juan Carlos, who doesn't mind shooting endangered species; Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis who seems to have been involved in underhand business with leading Cercle members; and Baron Heinrich II "Heini" von Thyssen-Bornemisza, nephew of the notorious Fritz Thyssen.
Another difference between members of the Pilgrims Society and the 1001 Club is that Pilgrims virtually always are highly respected individuals from high society, whereas many members of the 1001 Club tend to be known as very obscure, often even criminal; the type that would never make it into the Pilgrims even if they were living in London or New York. Still, some of the key figures are involved in both organizations, or at the least closely associated with members of the other organization. But it is important to note that quite a number of lower level people seem to be involved with the 1001 Trust (and maybe the 1001 Club) also, and they might be perfectly well meaning.
A final difference is that members of the Pilgrims Society center around all the influential New York and London banks, law firms, insurance companies, and influential political and economic think tanks. On the other hand, many 1001 Club members are involved with raw materials and bulk shipping corporations, not to mention international mafia cartels. There are leading figures from respectable banks, but overall it's a much more mixed crowd. Because a large number of European interests are represented, obscure elements within the Vatican are also stronger in the 1001 Club than in the Pilgrims Society.

Purpose of the 1001

But what's the purpose of all these people meeting? According to the afore mentioned 1980 article in Private Eye:
"The answer lies in the fact that the WWF International, in the cause of conservation, is increasingly shaking hands with economic and environmental ministers from Third World countries who control the important resources and markets which industrialists so desperately need. Under the guise of the WWF, businessmen can casually meet politicians who share their view that what is good for business is good for bank accounts."
1001 Club members Sidney Spiro, Harry Oppenheimer, Sir Val Duncan, Maurice Strong and Sir Eric Drake. They represented corporations and banks as Anglo-American, De Beers, Charter, Rio Tinto, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and BP, the British Newfoundland Corporation, Société Générale pour l'Energie et les Ressources, the International Energy Development Corporation, P&O shipping, the Bank of England, Barclays and Hambro. Duncan and Strong were close associates of Edmund de Rothschild. Strong, also a close associate of the Rockefellers, used to be a key player in the elitist-version of the UN sustainable development movement, in which it seemingly is the idea to hand over ownership of all national resources to the UN Security Council.
Twenty years after the virtually forgotten Private Eye article, Dutch Attorney J. Wilgers explains to us how the IUCN and the WWF, according to his own research, have been created as fronts for British neo-colonialism (translation) (4):
"In 1948, the IUCN, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, was established. The most important person involved was Julian Huxley. This IUCN had a close working relationship with the British Colonial and Foreign Office. All his life
Huxley had been working on projects related to the conservation of nature. In 1960, he made a trip through the British colonies that were about to become independent. He made sure that the British government was able to keep their hold on the nature reserves located in the countries of the Commonwealth, even today. Somehow he was able to convince the new African leaders that every person from Africa was a natural born poacher.
Great Britain has always been preoccupied with the capture of raw materials from the countries in the Commonwealth and the protection of the unlimited supply of it. It is noteworthy that the IUCN still has the affix, "for natural resources" [International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources]. I also point to the fact that the IUCN is an extension of the government offices and the public sector of the United Kingdom, because in the end, these are the real beneficiaries. A year after Huxley's trip, the WWF was established with the sole purpose of gathering funds for the IUCN. The IUCN went to the background at the moment the WWF came into existence...
30 years later, the WWF controls 10% of the world's surface. They control 40% of Tanzania. At the moment they are focused on South-America. This is something of the last 5 years [since 1994-1995].
It's no secret that a crucial aspect of the West's prosperity has to do with its reasonably inexpensive access to bulk materials as oil and precious metals around the world. If these supplies were to dry up, or become too expensive to import, the economy of the West would collapse totally and permanently. One person who understood that very good was Sir Julian Amery, one of the most important behind the scenes players in post WWII Britain.
"The prosperity of our people rests really on the oil in the Persian Gulf, the rubber and tin of Malaya, and the gold, copper and precious metals of South- and Central Africa. As long as we have access to these; as long as we can realize the investments we have there; as long as we trade with this part of the world, we shall be prosperous. If the communists [or anyone else] were to take them over, we would lose the lot. Governments like Colonel Nasser's in Egypt are just as dangerous." (5)
Amery made these remarks in late 1962, after Egypt had sent troops to Yemen in order to prevent domestic forces from bringing back the ousted Imam. The British had a Crown colony in the south, Aden, but realized they were not a superpower anymore and could do little to defend their overseas interests. Overtly that is, as Amery and his good friend David Stirling, founder of the SAS, soon approached Sir Alec Douglas Home, Foreign Secretary at the time, in the White's Club to discuss their plan of a covert war. The idea was that Stirling would be send to Yemen with a group of ex-SAS men and train the local royalist groups, who were supporters of the deposed Imam. Under the leadership of the SAS, they would then undermine the Egyptian forces. Stirling approached the Saudi House of Al-Faisal, who agreed to fund the entire operation. Weapons were delivered by Adnan Khashoggi; the arms dealer's first major contract. Stirling also received support from the King of Jordan. The Mossad and former MI6 officers as George Kennedy Young and Billy McLean (another close friend of Amery) were also involved in the secret war. The operation was a huge success and in August 1965 the Egyptians had been so tied down that they were forced to sign a cease-fire with the Saudis, the main overt supporters of the Yemeni resistance, and begin their withdrawal. Unfortunately for
Stirling and Amery, Wilson had recently entered office and began withdrawing British forces all over the world. Yemen would soon be taken over by communist-sponsored elements in society. To prevent this from happening in Saudi Arabia, which had been left virtually defenseless by the British withdrawal, Stirling and his business associates managed to sell an Air Force to Saudi Arabia, maintained by SAS mercenaries. The deal would bring many other business opportunities in the future (6).
Although private interests, especially banks, always had a great deal of influence on the British government, the event in Yemen is considered the start of not only the privatization of British foreign policy, but also of covert warfare. The result was not unlike a diluted version of the historic British East-India Company or Cecil Rhodes' British South Africa Company. And herein lies the problem: even though someone like Stirling was quite brilliant in his own way, the group he hung out with was a combination of robber barons, imperialists and fascists. Examples are John Aspinall, Lord Lucan, Sir James Goldsmith, Tiny Rowland, the Cecil family and Lord Julian Amery. Especially the last four had many connections to the leading aristocracy (they were part of it), the business community and international intelligence. They became involved in funding and training rebel groups across Africa; officially to counter the Soviet threat, unofficially to retain control over the minerals in that area. In itself not that much of problem, although human rights have never been a point of consideration for these people, who also supported dictators like Franco, Pinochet, Mobutu and Ian Smith. Rowland, together with Adnan Khashoggi, did a lot of business with Ghaddafi (7). These two picked up where "rogue" CIA agent Edwin Wilson left off 10 years earlier.
However, one operation in particular would be damning to the British establishment if it were to be fully exposed. Men like the 7th Marquess of Salisbury (Cecil) and Julian Amery, both leading members of the international private intelligence group Le Cercle, were strong supporters of the apartheid governments in Africa (8). The accusation is that when it became obvious in the 1980s that the apartheid system was breaking down, British fascists set up private SAS operations in southern Africa to counter this movement, largely in the same manner as the operation in Yemen about 25 years earlier. Retired SAS officers operated through front companies. One of those was KAS Enterprises, a private security firm first headed by David Stirling, and when he died in 1990, by Sir James Goldsmith. Officially, KAS was hired to protect elephants and rhinos from poachers in southern Africa. They were authorized to use deadly force. However, soon people began to notice that a disproportionally large amount of the people killed were ANC activists, many of them part of the armed resistance. Even though reportedly 1,5 million people ended up dead, the operation of bringing a halt to majority rule was unsuccessful. Attention was now shifted to South Africa alone and an attempt was made to destabilize the country to such an extent that the military of the apartheid government could step in and declare martial law. The idea was to set up the ANC against the Zulu-dominated Inkatha Freedom Party, respectively the largest and second largest anti-apartheid movements in South Africa. The tactic was to train black units, like the Anti-Cattle Thieves Brigade and the Crowbar Unit, and to have them commit terrorist actions in the black townships. This was to lead to a civil war followed by a military crackdown. The operation killed several ten thousand people, but accomplished nothing; in 1994 the apartheid system was history. Interestingly, a South African report about Operation Lock, as the project was called, was suppressed by the Mandela government as it was considered "too explosive". Press releases did however indicate that the SAS, in part through KAS, was the origin of the mysterious "third force", blamed for the campaign of terrorism and assassinations. (9)
KAS had been hired by "wealthy conservatives", although besides Prince Bernhard, names do not seem to have been released. It is also not known how much these men knew, or wanted to know, about the secondary operations of KAS. Wilgers (10):
"During that time these people trained a number of elite black units in the wildlife parks [of the Peace Parks Foundation and the WWF]... I have seen that these projects were completely financed by the World Wide Fund for Nature. Of course a certain Prince [Bernhard] has been involved in that, who has walked around there with a suitcase full of money, but the question remains how much this man knew about the projects..."
"It is known that in the past SAS units of the British army have been flown into South-Africa and were stationed on territory controlled by the WWF with the purpose of conducting military operations... Military units have been trained in these kinds of parks and were later brought in connection with murders in the South-African townships. In the Zambezi-Valley, members of the military wing of the ANC have been shot at from WWF helicopters. The Zambesi-Valley was the primary entrance into South-Africa. Under the cover of fighting poachers ANC members have been executed without any form of trial. I call that an undeclared war or genocide..."
"There are 2 types of parks: nature parks and strategic parks. The official purpose of the nature parks is the protection of nature. Often, these parks contain important minerals like diamond or uranium. Locals are encouraged to leave or simply chased away. Type 2 are the strategic parks. If you look carefully you'll find that these parks are either located on certain ridges useful for military observation, or they are border transcending parks like for example those in South-Africa and Mozambique... It is remarkable that corridors have been projected in such a way that they cleverly combine the preservation of nature with the gaining of a military advantage."
Just a theory: it is possible that these so called 'strategic parks' might not be limited to Southern Africa. For instance, if you take a look at Pakistan, our "ally" in the War on Terror, you'll see five major national parks in the north of the country. One is located at the border with India, another at the border with China, and yet another one at the border with northern Afghanistan. The management of these parks works closely with the IUCN and the WWF. The Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) of 1001 Club member Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan is another partner in many of the same projects in that area. It's hard to say if these parks are used for some type of military operations, but they certainly are conveniently located.
Three major parks bordering the surrounding countries. More detailed geographical info can be found at the websites cited. Although the picture seems to indicate that two of the parks are located some distance from the border, in reality they extend right to the border.
Wilgers was persecuted by the WWF for making public statements that the World Wide Fund for Nature is a criminal enterprise. Unfortunately for the WWF, they lost their case, although they never had to admit Wilgers was right. Wilgers wasn't "knowingly speaking untruths", or something like that (11). Years later, I made a call to Mr. Wilgers, who stated that the 1001 Club is directed by the Privy Council and MI6, which now turns out to be similar to the leadership of Le Cercle. All British chairmen of Le Cercle were deeply involved with British and foreign intelligence, and the last three were members of the Privy Council.
More has been written about the policies of the WWF and their intelligence service TRAFFIC, but in this article the real concern is too find out what the purpose of the 1001 is and who its members are-were. Unfortunately, we only have about 5 to 6 percent of all historical members of the 1001 Club, so a full analysis will not be done anytime soon.
When you take a look at the limited membership list that we have, you'll find the leaders and founders of some of the environmental organizations below.

African Wildlife Foundation

A few 1001 Club members and alleged members have been involved in setting up and running the institute since 1961, which was first known as the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation. Among the founders were Russell E. Train (cousin of John Train, the Pilgrims Society member and former financial advisor to CIA-ally John Hay Whitney, who was a vice-president of the Pilgrims), Kermit Roosevelt Jr. (the CIA coup plotter who founded the anti-communist Safari Club), and Arthur Windsor Arundel. Sue Erpf van de Bovenkamp of the 1001 Club used to sit on the president's council.

Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP)

Founded by 1001 Club member Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan. According to the World Bank in 2002: "By many measures the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) is a highly successful NGO-run rural development program. It reaches some 900,000 people in about 1,100 villages in the Northern Areas and Chitral District of Pakistan, near the Afghanistan border."


Formerly owned by the Latin American globalist giant Gustavo Cisneros. This leading Venezuelan environmentalist group was shut down after it was caught faking dolphin killings for a campaign against the tuna fishing industry. At times, the WWF and Greenpeace have been accused of doing the same thing. Cisneros is a Knight of Malta, a member of the chairman's council of the Americas Society, trustee of the Rockefeller University, and a member of the international advisory board of the Power Corporation of Canada. Accused by Chavez of complicity in the April 2002 coup attempt in Venezuela and of using his private TV station Venevision to undermine the administration. Among his friends are the Rockefellers, Bushes, and King Juan Carlos.

Club of Rome

Founded by 1001 Club member Alexander King in 1968 with Fiat's second man, Aurelio Peccei. The former number one man in Fiat, Gianni Agnelli, used to be a 1001 Club member. People like Dean Rusk and Carroll Wilson, both of the Pilgrims Society, helped. 1001 Club member King Juan Carlos is as a honorary member of the Club of Rome.

Natural Resources Council of America (NRCA)

The NRCA was founded in 1946, to a large extent by 1001 Club member Clinton R. Gutermuth, and included in its leadership council people from the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society; among them was Russell Train.

Peace Parks Foundation

The founder and chairman of the Peace Parks Foundation is Anton Rupert, who is said to have come up with the idea of the 1001 Club. The Peace Parks Foundation manages the nature and wildlife parks that are part of the WWF. The Club 21 is the primary financier of the foundation and also acts as its advisor. Among its 21 members are numerous companies of the Rupert Family, the Rothschild Foundation (Anglo-Zionist), De Beers (Anglo-Zionist), Deutsche Bank (German), Philips (Dutch), Total (French; largely controlled by the Suez Group), and DaimlerChrysler (US).

Rhodesia and Nyasaland Club

1001 Club members Harry Oppenheimer and Sidney Spiro dined at the club. Julian Amery, a later head of Le Cercle went there, just as Lord Grenfell of the Pilgrims Society family.

South Africa Foundation

Founded by 1001 Club members Major General Sir Francis de Guingand, a former head of Military Intelligence, and formerly headed by 1001 Club member Harry Oppenheimer. It is a South African big business lobby, and it includes corporations as De Beers, Anglogold, Angloplatinum, GFL Mining Services, Shell, Siemens, Sony, etc. Guingand became secretary and president of the foundation. In November 1969 the foundation gave a luncheon in honour of 1001 Club founder Anton Rupert. 1001 Club member Sidney Spiro was among the participants. The 2nd Lord Beaverbrook, another 1001 Club member, has also attended meetings.

Survival Anglia

1001 Club member Lord Buxton was CEO of the Anglia TV Group from 1958 to 1986. He was chairman of the nature documentary producer Survival Anglia from 1986 to 1992. Besides being Prince Philip's right hand man, he actively suppressed information about the WWF and 1001 Club that journalist Kevin Dowling wanted to make public. A cousin of his, Andrew Buxton, was a long time leading figure in Barclays Bank and created the high-level LOTIS discussions.

WWF Worldwide

From Hong Kong to South-America, all the national heads of the WWF are members of the 1001 Club.

Zoological Societies of New York and London

Charities that work together with some of the local zoos, nature parks, and research centers.


Just as Le Cercle, a lot of members of the 1001 Club have a remarkably controversial background. We only know the names of a relatively small amount of club members, which could well give us a lopsided view of the average visitor of the 1001 Club. Persons who have reviewed the entire list undoubtedly chose some of the more controversial individuals. That having been said, I can't think of a good reason to recruit the radical Zionist, Catholic, and Arab mafia in a group that is supposed to discuss environmental issues. Below you can find examples of some the more controversial and-or remarkable individuals. You can find many more names, plus far more extensive biographies, in this list.

Agha Abedi

Co-founder and chairman of the BCCI, which went down in the most massive banking scandal ever. The BCCI was a money laundering center for weapons, drugs, and all kinds of other illegal businesses. The role of the Bank of England was investigated by a Pilgrims Society member who became a member of the Order of the Garter in 2005.

Ali Ahmed

Corrupt Bengal/Pakistani project developer said to have been involved in the smuggling of diamonds, gold, and weapons with the Dutch, the British, and some American interests. Partner of the mafia-connected CFR member Maxwell Rabb. Disappeared in 1976.

Sir Max Aitken

Son of the 1st Lord Beaverbrook, who was an intimate of Hitler's inner circle and became a very good friend of Rudolph Hess, the Thulist who, like Beaverbrook, was promoting the idea of an Anglo-German Peace. Privy councilor Jonathan Aitken, the former head of Le Cercle who was deeply involved in illegal arms transports, is a great nephew of the 2nd Lord Beaverbrook.

Walter H. Annenberg

Born in one of Chicago's most powerful crime families which both inspired and befriended Al Capone. Somehow ended up becoming Ambassador to England in 1969. During this time, he appointed Gordon Gray, a psychological warfare expert, as head of his Triangle Broadcasting Company. Annenberg became a member of the Pilgrims Society.

Herbert Batliner

Trust manager in Liechtenstein and partner of 1001 Club member and corrupt Mossad agent Tibor Rosenbaum. Accused by the German BND for having laundered money for chancellor Helmut Kohl, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, drug lord Pablo Escobar, and Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire. Batliner also keeps a job in Vatican City.

Salem Bin Laden

Older brother of Bin Laden. Partner of the Bushes. Killed in a 1988 plane crash after his involvement in the BCCI became known.

Louis Mortimer Bloomfield

Ardent Canadian Zionist who helped train the Jewish army in the late 1930s. Met numerous times with David Ben Gurion, a good friend of the Rothschilds. Has been a member of the SOE, OSS, CIA, FBI Division Five, and was a co-founder of the shadowy Permindex. Suspected of being involved in the assassination of JFK and the attempted assassinations on Charles de Gaulle. Member of the Order of the British Empire. Said to be gay, just like his good friend J. Edgar Hoover. Good friend of the Bronfmans.

King Juan Carlos

Even though his patron and good friend was Franco, Carlos is seen as the person who introduced democracy to Spain. He's a Knight of Malta and supporter of Opus Dei. Carlos likes to hunt with foreign leaders like George Bush, Sr. and kill as many endangered species as possible.

Gyanendra Dev and killer nephew

Ascended to the throne of Nepal in June 2001 after most of the Royal family had been murdered by his nephew, Crown Prince Dipendra, who is also said to have been a member of the 1001 Club. Gyanendra has dismissed the democratically-elected government since October 2002.

J. Peter Grace

Former chairman of the Knights of Malta in the United States. Member of the Pilgrims Society, the CFR, and the Council for National Policy. Chairman of the chemical giant W.R. Grace & Co. from 1945 to 1992, which was especially big in South-America. Close to the Rockefellers. Said to be a major player in the fascist underground in the post WWII era, especially in South America.

Prince Henrik of Denmark

One of his close advisors was a key person in the Danish Stay Behind networks. As honorary president of the Danish Dachshund Club he publicly claimed in 2005 that one of his favorite dishes is fried or grilled dogmeat. He also proposed that the Danish people should try it. Somehow he didn't anticipate that most people is his country would be horrified by even thinking of killing and eating dogs.

Nelson B. Hunt

He and his brother were oil heirs. His brother sat on the boards of some of the largest U.S. companies. Hunt is a member of The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus (Templar-inspired militant roman catholic organization). He was a major financier of the John Birch Society and the Council for National Policy. He sat on both boards and was president of the CNP in 1983 and 1984. Hunt has done jobs for the CIA, the Vatican, and the Rockefellers. He has been accused of creating death squads and being responsible for a genocide among tribes in the Amazon basin. He is suspected of having stood in contact with Lee Harvey Oswald, the supposed assassin of JFK. He went bankrupt after his effort to corner the silver market failed. Convicted for it in 1988.

Thomas Jones

Longtime chairman, chief executive and president of the Northrop Corporation. Has been bribing international government officials all his life. Convicted for some of them. Lord Joseph Kagan, another member of the 1001 Club, was the conduit for the money from Lockheed to Prince Bernhard. Fred Meuser was another 1001 Club member said to have been involved in the Lockheed Affair.

Francis L. Kellogg

Briefly served in the OSS during WWII. An American businessman involved in raw materials shipping, including gold, diamonds, and petroleum. Moved in relatively elite circles. Chief of protocol for Queen Sirikit of Thailand during her visits to the United States in the 1980s. Worked for the CIA during his business life. Trustee of the William J. Donovan Foundation and awarded by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan

Said to be a direct descendent of the prophet Mohammed, the ancient Persian royal families, and the Assassin families, who worked with the medieval Knights Templar. The Aga Khan are collaborators of the British empire since the mid-19th century. Sadruddin's father, Aga Khan III, was a Freemason and a member of the Privy Council. Pilgrims Society member John Train was Sadruddin's roommate at Harvard while Jay Rockefeller was the roommate of Karim Aga Khan IV. Longtime tennis partner of George H.W. Bush and heavy funder of the WWF. Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire and received awards from the Vatican.

Daniel K. Ludwig

Very wealthy. Visitor of the Bohemian Grove. Destroyed a chunk of the rain forest in one of his business enterprises. He later helped Meyer Lansky, chief of the Jewish mafia in New York, to set up his drug money laundering empire in the Bahamas. Did everything he could to stay out of publicity. April 27, 1999, The Daily Mail, '20 years ago': "Once fired a tanker skipper for submitting a two-sheet report which had been paper-clipped together... the paperclip was wasteful... Although too stingy to pay his former wife Gladys just [pounds sterling]100 a month in alimony... he poured hundreds of millions into his charity, the Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research, in Zurich."

Paul Mellon

Son of the extremely powerful and ruthless Andrew Mellon. Paul became an OSS station chief in London during WWII. After the war he and the family's companies worked closely with the CIA. Richard Helms, when head of the CIA, made regular visits to his estates, just as the Queen of England. Member of the Pilgrims Society and the elite Roxburghe Club, together with the Rothschilds, Oppenheimers, Cecils, Cavendishes, and Dukes of Norfolk.

Peter Munk

A hungarian Jew, regular skiing partner of Prince Charles, and one of the wealthiest men in Canada. CEO and chairman of the world's largest gold-mining corporation, Barricks Gold, which was founded and majority owned by the controversial Iranian arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi. Khashoggi has close ties to the British royal family and his career has been jump started by the Bin Laden family. Khashoggi has been a business partner of Wally Hilliard, the financial backer of Rudi Dekkers who trained the main 9/11 hijackers. Munk tried to keep it under wraps that his company purchased the rights to a gold mine in Nevada -- containing $10 billion in gold -- for only $10,000. His U.S. gold mines have been accused of poisoning the local water. Munk was accused of insider trading back in 1967.

Tibor Rosenbaum

A Hungarian Jew who became a a Mossad agent in 1951. He was a friend of Prince Bernhard. In 1958, with Edmond de Rothschild, he was a founder of the Swiss BCI through which he funded Mossad and Permindex operations. The bank was kind of a forerunner of the BCCI and equally involved in money laundering.

Edmond Safra

Descendent of a Syrian-Jewish banking family. His ancestors were gold traders in the Ottoman empire. Founder and head of the reasonably large Republic Bank. In the 1980's and 1990's he and his banking system have been investigated for drug and money laundering practices ranging from the U.S. to Moscow and from Turkey to South-America. In 2000, the Republic New York Corporation and its sister company Safra Republic Holdings were acquired by HSBC for $10.3 billion. He has many banking friends in England, Switzerland, and Italy. Safra died in a fire in his Monte-Carlo apartment back in 1999. One of his male nurses, a former marine, set fire to the building, allegedly to rescue him and be the hero. However, seemingly informed sources claim Safra was murdered for having given evidence to the FBI pertaining to the diversion of IMF credit to Russia. He had a fight about this with Boris Berezosky several months before his death. Among the friends of the Safra couple were Nancy Reagan, Condoleezza Rice, and Prince Charles. He had been introduced to the aristocratic London circles by Lord Jacob Rothschild.

Mobuto Sese Seko

Long time dictator of Zaire, which went from one of the richest countries in Africa to one of the poorest. In 1961, Mobutu overthrew the communist Lumumba and, with the support of Belgium, executed him. He forced foreign business interests out of the country. Supported the Rwandan Hutu's, even after the 1994 genocide. When his government issued an order in November 1996 forcing Tutsis to leave Zaire on penalty of death, they erupted in rebellion. From eastern Zaire they launched an offensive to overthrow Mobutu which succeeded in 1997. Laurence Kabila (assassinated in 2001) came to power.

Shah of Iran

The anti-communist dictator of Iran who was an ally of the West. His secret service killed quite a number of dissidents. He was a member of Kermit Roosevelt's anti-communist Safari Club.

Baron Heinrich II "Heini" von Thyssen-Bornemisza

His uncle Fritz was the most important financial backer of Hitler, in cooperation with Hjalmar Schacht, the Dillons, the Rockefellers, Speyers, and several other families. Pilgrims Society member John J. McCloy would acquit his uncle of all the Nuremberg charges, together with Hjalmar Schacht and Alfried Krupp. David Rockefeller was impressed by his art collection in May 1960. Neo-fascist Cercle member Franz Josef Strauss has been accused of taking at least one half a million dollar bribe from the Thyssens in order to promote some of their weapon systems back in the 1980s. Today the Thyssen empire has merged with that of the Krupp family, forming ThyssenKrupp AG. The company is represented at Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay through James H. Brandi (from a Pilgrims Society family).

Robert Vesco

The king of the fugitive financiers. Business partner of Mafia chief Meyer Lansky. Accused of stealing $224 million dollar in 1973 and donated $200,000 to Richard Nixon's re-election campaign. He tried to buy an island and establish it as a sovereign state. Stuck in a Cuban jail until 2009. He will be released when he is 74.

Lew Wasserman

Jewish. Gave many millions to Jewish and Catholic causes. Donated so much to Catholic charities that Pope John Paul II asked to meet him in 1987. Wasserman was a god in the Hollywood movie business up to the 1980's. Stories circulated of executives who fainted or vomited in the midst of Wasserman tirades. Among his friends and business partners were many mafia figures, but his full involvement hasn't been fully explored. Died in 2002.


[1]August 1, 1980, Private Eye, #486, 'Lowlife Fund' (link to magazine)
[2]April 11, 1978, The Times, Court Circular, page 18:
"The Duke of Edinburgh, President of the British National Appeal of the World Wildlife Fund, gave a Reception this evening at Windsor Castle for Members of the 1001 Club."
[3]Friday, October 28, 1977, The Fremont Argus, 'Dutch prince loves nature':
"KATMANDU, Nepal (UPI) - Prince Bernard of the Netherlands arrived here yesterday at the head of a 30- member group of naturalists. The members of the "1001 Club," a group of nature lovers, will be in this mountain kingdom for five days. Bernard, consort of the Dutch queen, was met on arrival by Prince Gyanendra, brother of Nepal's King Birendra. Among those accompanying the prince on the trip are Francis Kellogg, president of the American Wildlife Fund, and Mt. Everest conquerer Tenzing Norkay. The group plans to visit Everest National Park, highest in the world, and the Chitwan National Park, which contains rare one-horned Asian rhine and tigers."
[4]September 24, 1999, Kleintje Muurkrant, 'Advocaat levert felle kritiek op Wereld Natuurfonds' (Dutch - partial translation used for the article)
[5]1999, Adam Curtis, 'The Mayfair Set' (broadcasted on BBC2). Excerpt: "David Stirling was a close friend of Julian Amery's and together they were determined to find a way to stop Nasser... Stirling and Amery had diner with the foreign secretary, Alec Douglas Hume, at the White's Club in St. James's. They proposed a plan: a group of SAS men would mount an operation to fight the Egyptians, but they would do it privately."
[6]Ibid. This documentary does not discuss the role of George Kennedy Young, Billy McLean and the Mossad.
May 1990, Issue 19, Lobster, 'The final testimony of George Kennedy Young - Introduction' (written by Young himself): "However Nasser did get his uppance. Young had already left MI6 for merchant banking when Mossad approached him to find an Englishman acceptable to the Saudis to run a guerrilla war against the left-wing Yemeni regime and its Egyptian backers. 'I can find you a Scotsman', replied Young, and over a lunch in the City introduced Colonel Neil ('Billy') Maclean to Brigadier Dan Hiram, the Israeli Defence Attache. The Israelis promised to supply weapons, funds and instructors who could pass themselves off as Arabs, and the Saudis eagerly grasped the idea. Maclean's irregulars restored the Imam's rule and Nasser pulled out his troops whose morale had been badly shaken by the Yemeni practice of sending back captured troops with their lips cut cut off in a ghastly grin."
[7]A few examples to make the point that the group Stirling hung out with were robber barons, imperialist and fascists:
*) 1999, Adam Curtis, 'The Mayfair Set': "In 1962, John Aspinall opened his own gambling club, the Clermont Club in Mayfair. Stirling was one of its members... [Other members] included James Goldsmith, a playboy and ferocious gambler who is to become a close friend of Stirling's; the tycoon Tiny Rowland, who Stirling already knew from his time in Africa; Lord Lucan, the descendant of the man who led the charge of the Light Brigade; and Jim Slater, the takeover tycoon and asset stripper who ran the notorious Slater Walker. What united all these men was a belief in decisive reckless action. It was this, they believed, had made Britain great; not moderate post-war governments."
*) January 9, 2005, The Observer, 'Desperate Lucan dreamt of fascist coup': "when he [Lucan] left Hatchards, the book under his arm was a Thirties translation of Hitler's political testament, Mein Kampf ... The Countess of Lucan confirmed this weekend that Lucan was an extremist in his politics: 'He did have very right-wing views, some might describe them as fascist. I didn't know he was indulging in extremist reading matter in 1972, although I knew he listened to recordings of Hitler's speeches at Nuremburg Rallies... he [Lucan] and his associates, who included casino owner and party host John Aspinall, and the tycoon Sir James Goldsmith, were increasingly convinced Britain had fallen victim to a socialist conspiracy. Daily Express journalist Charles Benson, one of Lucan's friends, said: 'He was very right wing and never watered it down in front of liberals. He would talk about hanging and flogging and niggers to get a reaction.' One biographer, Patrick Marnham, said: 'Seen from the Clermont Club [Lucan's favourite gambling haunt], the country was starting to resemble the less stable years of the Weimar Republic. Sir James Goldsmith began to develop his theory of "the Communist infiltration of the Western media". Over the smoked salmon and lamb cutlets, the talk turned to the pros and cons of a British military coup... His marriage had collapsed, gambling debts were crushing him and he had become convinced Britain was going to the dogs. In his growing desperation, he had convinced himself that his wife was unfit to bring up his three children and had spent the previous year trying to get her committed to mental institutions. In fact, the 7th Earl of Lucan, who disappeared in November 1974 after the murder of the family nanny [Goldsmith is said to have flown him out of the country], was himself growing increasingly unstable.'" Brian Crozier, former head of Le Cercle and a great defender of Francoism, was a close associate of Goldsmith in the failed effort of getting Franz Josef Strauss (of Le Cercle) elected chancellor of Germany. Strauss was a good friend of Francoist ultrafascists as Federico Silva Munoz (Le Cercle) and Gonzalo Fernandez de la Mora. These two were also defended by Crozier.
*) July 27, 1998, The Financial Times, 'The talented but ultimately unacceptable face of capitalism': "Mr Rowland, born Roland Walter Fuhrhop, of a German father and Anglo-Dutch mother in India in 1917, was a natural outsider and maverick. Educated first in Germany, then briefly in England, he was detained on the Isle of Man during the war, where he was suspected of Nazi sympathies."
*) August 16, 1992, Sunday Times, 'Gadaffi to buy 'SAS package' from Khashoggi': "Colonel Gadaffi, the Libyan leader, is recruiting disaffected former members of South Africa's special forces to train his commandos... Gadaffi is also seeking to buy large amounts of top-quality military equipment, including a sophisticated radar air defence system, American M-40 anti-tank weapons, and NBC combat suits designed to protect troops against the effects of nuclear, biological or chemical attack. According to documents obtained by The Sunday Times, the secret deal of special forces training and equipment for Libya has been negotiated by Adnan Khashoggi, the Saudi arms dealer recently involved in a controversial partnership between Gadaffi and Tiny Rowland... the relationship has blossomed, with both Khashoggi and Rowland promising Libya political influence in the West..."
*) According to Wikipedia, John Aspinall once claimed that Britain was in need of "a Franco-ite counter-revolution".
*) 1999, Adam Curtis, 'The Mayfair Set' (John Aspinall speaking): "Some people actually seek risk, and they put themselves at risk voluntarily. And I think this is a spirit that is to be admired. I think it's the spirit that built the prosperity that everybody in this country is enjoying today was created by adventurers; by merchants-adventurers; by pirats if you like, like [Henry] Morgan and [Sir Francis] Drake." Morgan and Drake worked in part on their own and in part for the British Crown during the war against the (Catholic) Spaniards. Most people would probably agree with the first part of the statement, but many would become worried when a businessmen's idols are pirats like Morgan and Drake.
*) March 13, 2006, Daily Mail, 'A very British Coup': "As for Colonel David Stirling,... he too believed the situation in Britain had become so serious that a military coup had to be an option. According to his friend, Major Alexander Greenwood, Stirling also offered a more informal way of handling the trades union agitators - provoking them into a confrontation. 'He thought: "Let's attack the leaders, let's get them run over by a bus - then they'll start thinking," ' says Major Greenwood, who had become a stockbroker after his Army career."
*) September 5, 1996, The Independent, Julian Amery's obituary: "He threw himself with zest into the role of a backbencher, intervening, in that great, rumbling voice of his, on a wide variety of subjects but, increasingly, in support of the rebel Rhodesian government headed by Ian Smith, thus showing he was his Imperialist father's son to the core... When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979 his first major foreign challenge was the conference of Commonwealth Prime Ministers in Lusaka in the autumn, where the main topic was to be Rhodesia (the government of which was now headed by Bishop Abel Muzorewa, with Smith in close attendance). Rhodesia was the main subject in the adjournment debate of 25 July, the last occasion for discussion of the matter before the summer recess. The Prime Minister took great care over her speech, seeking to placate both those who wanted to bring Muzorewa and Smith down, and the many on the Conservative back benches who sympathised with them. She succeeded, with one exception. Amery alone in the debate divined instantly that she had decided to abandon the Muzorewa-Smith government and, in a bitter and powerful speech, he castigated her for so doing. It was to no avail."
*) March 30, 1997, The Independent, 'Courtiers down the centuries; Profile Robert Cranborne': "After the Guards it was the City and in 1970 he married, causing a family crisis because his bride, Hannah Stirling (daughter [actually, niece] of the founder of the SAS), was a Roman Catholic. The Cecils take the defence of Protestantism and the Church of England seriously and Robert's mother, Mollie, took time to be reconciled. A compromise was reached and the two sons (the "heir and the spare") were brought up as Anglicans, the three daughters as Roman Catholics. In 1978 domestic calm was shattered when Lord Cranborne's brother Richard was killed by guerrillas while filming in Rhodesia. The family were strong supporters of the white settlers - the name of the country's capital, Salisbury (after the 3rd Marquess), giving away the connection. Robert went to Africa to try to find out how his brother died. His brother's death seems only to have reinforced his public support for the whites. During the 1980s he helped organise a secret meeting between Ian Smith and Tory MPs, and backed sporting links with apartheid South Africa." When Robert was reporting on Rhodesia he referred to the resistance as "terrorists" and reported every gruesome detail of attacks and retaliations by the local black resistance fighters, clearly showing his intent of upholding support for White minority rule.
[9]*) January 31, 1997, The Guardian, 'SAS linked to rogue force in South Africa': "The SAS has been linked to violence by a 'third force' that threatened to undermine South Africa's transition to majority rule, in a report considered so explosive it was suppressed by Nelson Mandela... It confirms the involvement of commando units in random violence, the use of poison - supplied by the Seventh Medical Division - by hit squads, and the supply of arms and training to the Zulu-dominated Inkatha movement... The truth commission document says evidence was given to Gen Steyn that destabilisation of the government and neighbouring countries was planned 'to enable the military to step in credibly to create order'. Preparations for this allegedly involved stockpiling arms in countries which included Kenya, Zambia, Mauritius and Portugal, to create 'springboards' for possible military action. It said there was 'a suggestion that there was close contact with the British SAS'... As reported by the Guardian, a group of SAS officers working for a private security firm in Britain [KAS] were hired by wealthy conservationists in the late 1980s to come to South Africa to fight elephant and rhinoceros poachers. They became involved with local intelligence agencies and reportedly took part in paramilitary training. The British security firm, Kas Enterprises, was owned by Sir David Stirling, the founder of the SAS, and taken over after his death by Sir James Goldsmith. The security firm's SAS mission to South Africa was headed by Ian Crooke, who led the SAS..."
*) September 24, 1999, Kleintje Muurkrant, '"People have been murdered under the cover of nature protection" - Attorney severely criticises the World Wide Fund for Nature' (translated from Dutch to English): "It looks like the WWF to a large degree is responsible for several projects, especially in South Africa, where in two fases respectively one and a half million people and subsequently ten thousand people were killed. In the first phase it was about the battle in the frontline states against the ANC [the major anti-apartheid movement], especially against the military wing. The war has been waged under the cover of nature protection and while protecting nature these people have lobbied the legislator to adopt a "shoot to kill" policy, whereby it became legal to shoot poachers in the field before arresting them. Afterwards you have to say that among the victims were quite a lot of ANC members... After 1990 the struggle shifted to the territory of South Africa [instead of the whole of southern Africa]. During that time these people trained a number of elite black units in the wildlife parks [of the WWF], like the anti-cattle thieves brigade and the crowbar-unit that turn out to responsible for the murder of several ten thousand inhabitants of the townships. This was part of the plan to create a civil war between the Bantus and the Zulus, that is to say that the ANC had to be set up against Inkatha [of Inkatha Freedom Party, the second largest anti-apartheid movement which mainly represented the Zulus] and that operation has been conducted with the intention of destabilizing southern Africa."
[10]September 24, 1999, Kleintje Muurkrant, 'Advocaat levert felle kritiek op Wereld Natuurfonds' (Dutch - partial translation used for the article)
[11]January 17, 2000, Algemeen Dagblad, 'WWF lost from lawyer' (Translated from Dutch to English)
Additional references
[1]The American Almanac, The new British Empire
[2]May 1993, Washington Monthly, Book Review: 'At the Hand of Man: Peril and Hope for Africa's Wildlife'
[3]November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, 'The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor', p. 17-18 & p. 43
[4]All of the 1001: A Nature Trust information from the WWF's own archives.
[5]Position description and minimum qualifications of the 1001 Trust funds manager, from the WWF's own archives.
[6]2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion, Het geheime leven van Prins Bernhard', p. 216
[7]2004, Philip Dröge, 'Het Oranjekapitaal,' p. 211-216 (mentions Ali Ahmed, the Shah of Iran, Herbert Batliner, among other names)

Author: Joël van der Reijden
Written: August 14, 2005
Last update: November 16, 2006
Version: 3.0

1001 Club
Incomplete membership list
continually updated

Abedi, Agha Hasan

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Shiite Muslim. President of United Bank until November 1972. Founder (1972) and president of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), which was initially financed by wealthy individuals like Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan. The bank's early growth was concentrated in the Gulf region, where Abedi could take advantage of his contacts. The bank had been only a year old when the oil embargo started (October 1973), but already it was operating in four Gulf states and had opened offices in the immigrant neighborhoods of London. Between 1973 and 1974, BCCI branches began popping up in much fancier neighborhoods of London. Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA was registered in the Caymans in 1975. It functioned as the principal banking subsidiary of BCCI Holdings SA, which had been established in Luxembourg in 1972. Beneath these two umbrella groups, Abedi had begun forming a bewildering array of additional companies and banking entities. February 22, 1992, The Seattle Times: "Former CIA Director William Casey [Le Cercle] met secretly over several years with the Pakistani head of the illicit Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a television report to be aired this weekend alleges. A CIA spokesman denied the allegation, which is included in a 90-minute NBC News report on BCCI to be broadcast tomorrow morning... The NBC report, quoting unnamed BCCI sources, alleges Casey had secret meetings with Abedi every few months from 1984 through 1986 in a $2,000-per-night presidential suite at the Madison Hotel in Washington. The two men discussed the Iran-contra arms-for-hostages transactions and CIA arms shipments to the rebels in Afghanistan, the report says." December 13, 2003, The Guardian, 'Smart money' (a combined review of Loretta Napoleoni's 'Modern Jihad: Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks' and Jeffrey Robinson's 'The Sink: Terror, Crime and Dirty Money in the Offshore World'): "William Casey, Reagan's CIA chief, used Pakistan and its BCCI bank as fronts to train Afghan rebels against the Soviets. Covert operations required a "black network" within the bank and its state equivalent, the notorious ISI. The bank financed and brokered covert arms deals, complete with full laundry service. The short and logical step from there was a BCCI/ISI/CIA move into drug smuggling to feed the needy, and leaky, money pipeline to the Mujahedin. The Pakistan-Afghan connection became the biggest single supplier of heroin to the US, meeting 60% of demand, with annual profits a stratospheric $100-$200 billion."

Agnelli, Giovanni "Gianni"

Sources: July 1997, Jeffrey Steinberg for Executive Intelligence Review, 'Tinny Blair Blares For Prince Philip's Global Eco-Fascism' (Steinberg claimed to have had several 1001 Club membership lists from the 1980s, I believe from a Canadian source); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

The history of Fiat begins with his grandfather, Giovanni Agnelli. In 1899, Giovanni signed a contract with Emanuele Bricherasio di Cacherano, an eccentric Turinese nobleman looking for investors, as a partner in Fiat. Giovanni managed to become the majority shareholder in 1906, but supposedly through illegitimate means. A long judicial battle would follow until May 1912, when Giovanni was acquitted of the charges. The company started to make large profits in the wake of WWI due to all the domestic and foreign military orders it received. In 1918, Agnelli published a book entitled 'European Federation or League of Nations', arguing for a federalist Europe as antidote to destructive nationalism. Eduardo Agnelli, his son, died in a plane crash in 1935. The wife of Eduardo (Gianni's mother), who died in a car accident in 1945, was Virginia Bourbon del Monte, daughter of the Prince of San Faustino and an American named Jane Campbell. The elder Giovanni died 3 weeks later.

Gianni was born in 1921 in Turin, Italy. He graduated in Law from Turin University. During World War II he served as a Cavalry Officer in the Italian Expeditionary Force on the Russian front, with the "Lodi" Tank Reconnaissance Unit in Tunisia and in the "Legnano" Division of the Italian Liberation Corps. For his conduct in Tunisia he was awarded the War Cross for Military Valour. Became president of Juventus (soccer club) in 1947 and over the eight years of his stewardship oversaw the establishment of Juventus as the powerful force in Italian and European football that it is today. In 1955 Giovanni Agnelli married Marella, daughter of Prince Caracciolo di Castagneto and Margaret Clark. Joined Fiat in 1943 as vice chairman. In 1957 David Rockefeller paid a visit to Italy and met with Agnelli. The two became friends and several years later David invited Agnelli to the newly created International Advisory Council of Chase Manhattan. He was appointed managing director of FIAT in 1963. Became managing director, chairman, and principal shareholder of Fiat in 1966. As head of Fiat, he oversaw 4.4% of Italy's GNP, 3.1% of its industrial workforce, and 16.5% of its industrial investments in research. He opened factories from Russia (at the time Soviet Union) to South America, and started international alliances and joint ventures (like Iveco) which marked a new industrial mentality. In 1970, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger met Agnelli at Hotel Quirinale in Rome. After this meeting Kissinger and Agnelli became good friends. In 1973 Agnelli helped with the creation of the Trilateral Commission. According to Adnkronos, Agnelli was friends with Giscard d'Estaing, the Rothschild family and Lord Carrington, Katherine Graham, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Felix Rohatyn, senator Ted Kennedy, the writer Truman Capote, Andy Warhol, and international architects as Renzo Piano, Kenzo Tange, Norman Foster, and Frank O. Gehry. Zbigniew Brzezinski was another influential person he often met with. Chairman of the family’s financial company, the Istituto Finanziario Industriale, the Exor Group SA, the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation, and La Stampa publishing company. He was also on the board of Credito Italiano and of the Mediobanca and was a member of the international committee of Chase Manhattan Bank (until a few years before his death). In May 1974 he was elected chairman of the Confederation of Industry (Confindustria), a position he held until July 1976, when he handed over to his chosen successor, Guido Carli, a former Governor of the Bank of Italy. According to Italian sources, Agnelli was a co-founder of the European Round Table in 1983 (Umberto Agnelli, his younger brother, was one of the original members), together with Pehr Gyllenhammar and Etienne Davignon, both also close to Kissinger, Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds. Named senator for life in 1991 and subscribed to the independent parliamentary group. Later named a member of the senate's defence commission. Honorary vice-president of the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe anno 1998, which was co-founded by Etienne Davignon and brought us the EMU. Member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations. Honorary chairman of the Council for Relations between Italy and the United States. Correspondent member of the Academy of Moral and Political Science of the Institut de France and a member of the Chairman's Council of the (Rockefeller's) Museum of Modern Art in New York (at least in 1999). Trustee of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. Stood down as chairman of FIAT in 1996. Giovanni Alberto Agnelli, the eldest son of Umberto Agnelli, was the first person to be pointed out as Giovanni Agnelli's successor, but died in 1997 of a rare form of intestinal cancer, age 33. His only son, Edoardo, who wasn't interested in making cars, committed suicide on November 15, 2000 by jumping off a bridge in Turin; Gianni himself joined the police at the scene. The Agnelli family was one of the largest investors in Rockefeller Center until 2001, together with David Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, and Stavros Niarchos. At that point the Speyer and Crown families took over, both closely connected to the Rockefeller interests. Agnelli was a member of the 1001 Club, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg steering committee, the European Round Table, and a governor of the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs. Died in 2003. John Elkann (ERT member) is expected to become the new head of the Agnelli interests in the coming years.

Ahmed, Ali

Sources: 2004, Philip Dröge, 'Het Oranjekapitaal,' p. 211-216

Corrupt Bengal/Pakistani project developer. According to people from the Amsterdam underworld, Ahmed ended up in an Indian jail in the 1940s, for large-scale smuggling of gold and diamonds. Supposedly, he was bought free for a a huge sum. In the late 40s and early 50s Ahmed is said to have been involved in the arms trafficking from the Netherlands and England to Pakistan, which was formed in 1947. One of Ahmed's partners in this trafficking was MI6 agent Sir Denis Kendall, a member of Parliament and an intimate of Winston Churchill at the time, who, in the decades after, headed a couple of labs and companies involved in the creation of chemical and biological weapons. Head Finance Intercontinental in London in the 1970s in which Maxwell Rabb became the largest shareholder. Friend of Mobutu and Prince Bernhard. Persuaded Bernhard to convince the Moroccan King Muhammed II to invest in a certain hotel. The deal went awry and it took 20 years for the relations between the two royal houses to normalize. Ahmed disappeared in 1976.

Aitken, Sir Max

Sources: 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Son of the 1st Lord Beaverbrook (1879-1964) who lived in Canada, and as a stauch imperialist was very opposed to Britain joining the European Economic Community (EEC). The elder William Maxwell "Max" Aitken, the 1st Lord Beaverbrook, became a stockbroker and by 1910 had made a fortune from Canadian cement mills. Went on to become a conservative member of Parliament who visited the Western front during WWI. David Lloyd George granted Aitken the title Lord Beaverbrook in 1918, and appointed him as Minister of Information that same year. During the war Beaverbrook acquired a controlling interest in the Daily Express. Beaverbrook immediately set about a coordinated British propaganda programme, responsible for the dissemination of war information at home, among Allies and in neutral countries. His close colleague, Lord Northcliffe, meanwhile was responsible for directing propaganda towards the populations of enemy nations. Turned the Daily Express into the most widely read newspaper in the world. Founded the Sunday Express in 1921. Purchased the Evening Standard in 1929. An employee of Lord Beaverbrook was Sefton Delmer, who was sent to head the German Daily Express office in the early 1930s. Here Delmer became a friend of Ernst Roehm, who arranged for him to become the first British journalist to interview Adolf Hitler. In the 1932 general election Delmer travelled with Hitler on his private aircraft. In 1933 he was also with Hitler when he inspected the Reichstag Fire. Delmer returned to England in 1940 and joined the SOE in its fight against the Nazis. Before and during the initial stages of WWII, Beaverbrook was a strong supporter of Anglo-German Peace, which also included Sir Harry Brittain, Lloyd George, Lord Halifax, Rab Butler, the Duke of Hamilton (royal housekeeper; the one Nazi second-in-command Rudolf Hess tried to reach in May 1941), Sir Nevile Henderson, Sir Samuel Hoare, and seemingly also some senior MI6 figures. Operation Dynamo was completed on June 4, 1940 and Hitler just allowed the British and French forces to escape back to England. Informed historians like the well-connected Sir Basil Liddell Hart (interviewed Nazi generals and knew many important people in the British government) have written that Hitler did not want war with the British Empire, because at least in the initial stages of the conflict the British Empire would devour too many resources to maintain. The earlier mentioned Sefton Delmer wrote in his 1962 book 'Black Boomerang': "Beaverbrook had paid several visits to Berlin between 1935 and 1939 and on each occasion he had talked at length with Hitler and Hess. They were talks in which Hitler, sometimes in the presence of Hess, had gone out of his way to impress his British visitor with his essential reasonableness and good sense. Not without some success, as was shown by Beaverbrook's refusal to believe in 1939 that Hitler could be so foolish as to forego the immense gains that avoidance of war would certainly have brought him... In neutral Switzerland, the Aga Khan had told Ribbentrop's amateur agent, Prince Max Hohenlohe, that Lord Beaverbrook was all for peace and compromise with Hitler. 'Beaverbrook,' so the Prince in a letter to the German Foreign Office on July the 25th, igq.o quoted the Aga Khan as saying, 'is the only man who has the courage, the power and the standing to bring about a change in England even against Churchill, since Churchill has for a long time been in Beaverbrook's pay.'" Minister for Aircraft Production 1940-1941. On September 9, 1941 Beaverbrook first met with Rudolf Hess (Delmer): "Dressed, as ever, in his sober blue serge suit he walked into Hess's sick room, flung his soft black hat on a table and advanced towards Hess with the outstretched hand and wide cheery smile of an old friend. It was the very opposite to the frozen formality of Lord Simon... Hess now stated that the object of his flight to Scotland had been to make peace with Britain "on any terms", providing that Britain would then join Germany in attacking Russia. It was an odd statement for him to make in view of the fact that he had not mentioned the coming attack on Russia with so much as a word when he had his talk with Lord Simon. And to Kirkpatrick he had denied point blank that Hitler meant to attack Russia. Nor had the terms he put down in writing at the time of his talk with Lord Simon suggested Germany's readiness for peace with Britain "at any price"... Hess's main theme was that the British were wrong if they hoped that the conflict with the Soviet Union would so weaken both Russia and Germany that at the end of it Britain's 19th-century hegemony over Europe would be restored... 'world domination awaits the Soviet Union in the future, if her power is not broken now', Hess said." Minister of Supply 1941-1942. Minister of War Production 1942. Lord Privy Seal 1943-1945.

Sir Max Aitken, the 1001 Club member, is also known as the 2nd Lord Beaverbrook. Born in 1910 in Canada. Served as a pilot during World War II, earning the Distinguished Service Order and Distinguished Flying Cross. Reached the rank of Group Captain. Member of Parliament for Holborn 1945-1950. After the war he entered the family newspaper business as a director of the Express Group and Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd. Chairman of Beaverbrook Newspapers since at least the 1960s. Chancellor of the University of New Brunswick. Died in 1985.

Privy councilor Jonathan Aitken, the former head of Le Cercle who was deeply involved in illegal arms transports, is a great nephew of the 2nd Lord Beaverbrook. He has become an opponent of Britain remaining in the European Union and deepining its integration with it, because he feels Britain will have very little influence on decision making in the EU.

Al-Naki, Mohammed

Sources: His biography at the Davos site

Chairman of Kuwait Industries Holding. Military Academy, United Kingdom; Royal School of Military Engineers, United Kingdom; Industrial Course, Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands; Master's degree in Business and Industrial Management, USA. Director, Al Jazeera Holding, Kuwait; Chairman, Kuwait International English School. Vice-Chairman: Al Safat Investment Co., Kuwait; Al Madina Financial & Investment Co., Sultanate of Oman. Member of the Board: Transgulf Industrial Investment, Sultanate of Oman; Alujain Corporation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Al Ahlia University, Kingdom of Bahrain. Member of the Committee, Arab Academy for Electronic Business, Egypt. Life Member, WWF 1001 Club, Switzerland. Board of Trustees, Kuwait America Foundation, Kuwait. Member: Journal of Arab Children, Kuwait; Arab Federation for Engineering Industries, Iraq; Arab Business Council, Jordan; Arab Thought Forum, Jordan. Recipient of the President's Medal, Lion of the Republic of Finland.

Alsdorf, James William

Sources: Digital Who's Who

Born in 1913. Son of a Dutch diplomat who moved to Chicago and became an exporter. Quit the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Finance and Commerce as a sophomore in 1933, and took a selling job with his father's A. J. Alsdorf Corp., one of Chicago's oldest export businesses. Bought the Cory Food Services, Inc. in 1942, focusing a lot on the coffee business. Worked for Cory in Chicago, Toronto, London, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Zurich. Founded the Alsdorf Foundation in 1944. Chairman of Alsdorf International Ltd. in Chicago. Chairman of the Art Institute of Chicago and member of member of the international council of the Rockefeller's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. Involved in many other arts institutes. Member of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, the Asia Society, the Newcomen Society, and the Smithsonian Institution. Director World Wildlife Fund. Associated with the leadership of Loyola University, an old Jesuit university in Chicago. Died in 1990.

Anderson, Robert O.

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Graduated from The University of Chicago in 1939 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Self made oil man and president of the Atlantic Oil Company. Served on the Board of Directors of the national Petroleum Council since 1951 and is the recipient of numerous honorary degrees and awards. Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from 1961 through 1964. Acquired the Richfield Oil Company through mergers (about 1966) and became the chairman of Atlantic Richfield (until 1986 when he retired). Became a partner in the Fazenda Bodoquena ranch in Brazil in 1967, at the invitation of the Rockefellers, mainly David, whom he had known since his days at the University of Chicago. The Rockefellers and Anderson sold the ranch in in 1980 for a substancial profit. Chairman and CEO of Hondo Oil & Gas Company, Roswell, New Mexico, from 1986 to 1994. Served on the Board of Directors of Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, Columbia Broadcasting System, New York; First National Bank of Chicago; Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma, Washington; and Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc. of Los Angeles. In the past 55 years his business endeavors have included - in addition to the exploration, production, refining and marketing of oil - cattle raising and feeding operations, mining and milling, and general manufacturing. By the end of his career, Robert O. Anderson was reported to have more land holdings than any other person in the world. He had also bought the London Observer and was the founder of the International Institute for Environment and Development (London). He heavily financed the Aspen Institute of which he was a chairman.

Annenberg, Walter H.

Sources: 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Son of Moses Annenberg, publisher of The Philadelphia Inquirer. Born in 1908. The story of Moses & Max (older brother) Annenberg is a tale of a hardworking immigrants and financial geniuses who got their start working alongside violent Chicago gangsters while employed by newspaper titan William Randolph Hearst at the turn of the last century. After some time, the owner of the Tribune, Bertie McCormick, decided to hire Moses Annenberg away from Hearst. For a while, the Annenberg brothers were sending out thugs to battle each other. Fifteen years later, Max Annenberg was alleged to be an associate and friend of Chicago crime boss Al Capone. In 1924, Moses Annenberg got involved with a racing news service in Chicago and Milwaukee. Soon there were reports that those who didn't take the Annenberg race wire service were themselves the victims of beatings, fire bombings and, on occasion, murder. The crime syndicates had come to be dependent on Moses Annenberg. Without his service they couldn't operate their illegal gambling rackets. In 1938, the Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, traveled from Washington D.C. to give a speech in Philadelphia condemning Moses Annenberg, who, at that time, was backing the Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania. Ickes charged it was Annenberg's violent tactics during the Chicago newspaper wars that inspired gangsters like Al Capone. Ickes said that "the hiring of Moses Annenberg by Hearst was the beginning of the subsequent flood of lawlessness that almost engulfed law enforcement in the United States." Moses, Walter, and 2 other business associates were indicted in 1939 for evading more than $2 million in taxes and another $3 million in penalties and interest. Moses was later separately indicted for conspiring to bribe a Philadelphia detective. In April 1940, Moses Annenberg agreed to plead guilty to one count -- "willfully" evading $1,217,296 -- and to pay almost $9 million in fines and penalties. In exchange for his plea the government agreed to drop all charges against his son, Walter Annenberg. In the 1940s, Walter Annenberg established Triangle Broadcasting, which at its peak controlled 6 AM radio stations, 6 FM radio stations, and 6 TV stations. He is also the founder and owner of Triangle Publications, which owned the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Daily News, TV Guide and Seventeen Magazine. Received the Alfred I. DuPont Award (Pilgrim) in 1951. Received the Marshall Field Award (Pilgrim) in 1958. Founded The Annenberg School for Communication at The University of Pennsylvania in 1958. Ambassador to England 1969-1974. During his assignment to Britain, Annenberg appointed Gorden Gray as chairman of his Triangle Broadcasting Company 1969–1975. Gray was very big in government and intelligence since 1947, the original director of the Psychological Strategy Board, and a heir to the R.J. Reynolds fortune. Annenberg founded The Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California in 1971. In 1988, News Corp. acquired Triangle Publications, including TV Guide. Founder-trustee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California. Annenberg also served as Trustee of the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships and the Winston Churchill Traveling Fellowships. He was Emeritus Trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The University of Pennsylvania and The Peddie School. Annenberg received honorary degrees from many international universities. Annenberg was named Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. He was also named Officer of the French Legion of Honor, and presented with the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy. (received dozens of other awards and honors) He was a member of the Associated Press, the American Society of Newspaper Editors, International Press Institute, National Press Club, Overseas Press Club, American Newspaper Publishers Association, Sigma Delta Chi, the International Arts-Medicine Association, and the Inter-American Press Association. Has been awarded by the ADL. A former Commander of the United States Naval Reserve, Annenberg also was a member of the Navy League of the U.S. He also has his own foundation, the Annenberg Foundation. Walter Annenberg was a generous philanthropist who gave millions to universities, art museums, charities and PBS. He was a friend to kings and presidents. Member of the Pilgrims Society and the 1001 Club. Died in 2002.

Batliner, Herbert

Sources: 2004, Philip Dröge, 'Het Oranjekapitaal,' p. 211-216

Senior lawyer and fund manager from Liechtenstein who is said to administer more than 10,000 letterbox companies and foundations. In 1974, Prince Bernhard sold his Castle Warmelo to the Evlyma Trust in Liechtenstein, a subsidiary of Tibor Rosenbaum's (1001 Club; Mossad agent; criminal) BCI. The Trust was managed by Herbert Batliner. President of Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze Sociali located in Vatican City. Good friend of the former German chancellor Helmut Kohl (chancellor from 1982 to 1998). A 2002 Observer article reported about a classified BND report which accused Herbert Batliner of laudering money for Kohl's Christian Democrat party (CDU). Besides having funneled money to Kohl's political party, the BND also accused Batliner of having done the same for pro-western Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, drug lord Pablo Escobar, and Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire/Congo (1001 Club). As one might expect, Batliner has been cleared of all charges. The globalist Walther Leisler Kiep (bio), one-time treasurer of Kohl's CDU, was involved in receiving these illegal campaign donations. At the same time Kiep negotiated illegal arms deals for the Thyssens, ironically just as Franz Joseph Strauss, Kohl's original neofascist opponent. A Peter Frommelt was mentioned as a trustee of the Evlyma Trust. Peter might have been a relative of Egmond Frommelt, the 1001 Club banker closely associated with the royal House of Liechtenstein.

Beitz, Berthold

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (Steinberg of EIR claimed to have had several 1001 Club membership lists from the 1980s, I believe from a Canadian source)

From Germany. Like his father, Berthold studied to be a banker. In April 1939, at the age of twenty-five, he was engaged by the Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company in Hamburg. It was as a result of the expertise he had acquired in the strategically important oil industry that Beitz could have his military service deferred and receive a wartime commission as the business manager of the Beskidian Oil Company—later renamed the Carpathian Oil Company—at Boryslaw in eastern Galicia. Protected the Jews in his company from prosecution and has been awarded for that. Beitz was an important German industrialist of the second half of the 20th century. In 1953 he took over as CEO and chairman of Krupp Industries (picked by Alfried Krupp). Chairman of Grundig AG until 1993. Chairman of the Krupp Foundation in 2003, while in his nineties. He is a honorary member of the International Olympic Committee.

Bin Laden, Sheikh Salem

Sources: October 5, 2001, Executive Intelligence Review, 'Why the Real Name Is 'Osama Bin London''

He was the older brother of Osama Bin Laden and one of only four Saudis in the 1001 Club (late eighties). James Reynolds Bath was his U.S. representative from 1978 and on, through which he made large investments in the United States. In 1979 Bath bought a 5% share in George W. Bush's first oil company, Arbusto. Bath made his fortune by investing money for Sheikh Kalid bin Mahfouz (20% stake in BCCI) and Salem Bin Laden into the BCCI, which was indicted in 1988 for being involved in a huge amount of drug laundering. Salem Bin Laden died in a small plane crash over Houston in 1988. Finally, in 1991, the bank went out of business. This money from the BCCI has likely been used in financing the Mudjahedeen and various terrorist organizations that came into existence after the Afghan war.

Bjercke, Alf R.

Sources: Digital Who's Who; From a biography on his personal site (never responded to questions for more information about the 1001 Club via bjercke@online.no)

Leaving school, he became a cowboy in Argentina, before studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Joined the Royal Norwegian Air Force in Toronto in 1941. Managing director and chairman of a Norwegian paint company, which set up sister companies in Ethiopia, Denmark, and Sweden. Received the Officer's cross of the Star of Ethiopia and president Bourguiba named him commander of the Order de la Republique. Honorary consul general of Tunisia in Norway 1963-1993 (a post now passed on to his son). Head of Alf Bjercke A/S in Oslo since 1969. Director, vice-chairman, or chairman at Jotungruppen A/S, Nydalens Compagnie, Addis Ababa National Chemical Ind. Ltd., Norwater, ABC Produkter A/S, Scanpump A/S, Vallenova, Inc., Oplandske Dampskibsselskab, Norwegian Shipping & Trade Journal, A/S Habil, Akershus Broiler Co., Chilinvest A/S., Pan Art Gallery, Vinland Film A/S & Co. Atheneum Pub. Co., Atheneum Communications, Inc., Mosvold Overseas Trading Co., Alamo Co., JMB A/S Parfumes, Chimpundu Mine, Ltd., Norgem Mining Ltd., Kitwe, Zambia, Mineral Resources A/S, UniClip A/S, Alvern-Norway A/S, Fröyna Industries, Moelster International A/S, A/S Moist-Absorbing Soles, Ide-Ko A/S, Hamper A/S, and Nor-art A/S. Chairman board A/S Norsemeter 1992-1996. Vice chairman of the Norwegian Spring Water Association. Headed the Polio Plus campaign, chairman of the Norwegian Athletic Association, member of Norway's Olympic committee, president of the International Wine & Food Society, charter member of the Peace Park Club of southern Africa (together with the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Oppenheimers), and author on diplomacy and business ethics. Chairman council Kofoed School, 1962-80; member Olympic Committee of Norway, 1971-74; executive committee Norwegian UNIDO Council, del. conference; Norway del. Economic Commission for Africa; member Norwegian Arbitration Board for Competitive Questions; chairman Society for Protection of Ancient Towns, Society for Reconstruction of Old Christiania, 1968-96; member council Norsk Sjofartsmuseum; chairman board Norway Business Museum, 1980-88; Norwegian member adv. committee Sail Training Association, London; past chairman Nordic Adv. Council for Industry; member Commission 3 CIOR, Norwegian chairman Rotary International Campaign Polio Plus (eradicating polio); member campaign committee Norwegian Conservative Party, 1974; board directors Artists Gallery of Oslo, 1957-69; vice chairman East Norway Sailing School Ship Association, 1961-78; chairman Norwegian-Ethiopian Society, 1954-70, Sammen for Salinas Fund, 1995; chairman council Norway-Am. Association; chairman fin. committee Norwegian World Wildlife Fund Board Reps.; Norwegian rep. Operation Sail 76; board directors A Smoke-free Generation, 1980; chairman Norwegian Church Council, 1984; board directors Care (Norway), 1984, Norwegian Organization Asylum Seekers, 1984-87. Wity Royal Norwegian Air Force, 1941-45; major Reserve. Member Norwegian Association Industries (past director), Norwegian Inventors Association (hon., chairman arbitration), Color Council Norway (chairman 1958-69, 72-81), Norwegian Paint Manufacturers Association (past chairman), Norway Athletic Association (chairman 1968-72), International Wine and Food Society (president), Peace Park Society (charter), World Wildlife Fund 1001 Club, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Club Norway, Phi Gamma Delta, Oslo Business Men's Club (director 1968-70), Oslo Military Society (manager 1997), Royal Norwegian Air Force Association, Rotary (district governor 1980-81, vice chairman world community service, European Area coordinator Family and Community Concerns Task Force 1995-96), Norwegian Inventors Society (hon.), Norway-Tunisian Society (chairman 2000).

Black, Brion Battin

Sources: 1999 email exchange which appeared in Google

International Counsel on Institutional Development (ICID). Board member of the Sonoma County chapter of the American Red Cross in 2005 and 2006. Former Director of the World Wildlife Fund, according to himself and according to the website of Deborah Fudge's Sonoma County Supervisor campaign. 1999 email from Black: "The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) International (headquartered in Switzerland) has a program called "The 1001" This is a group that is kept at 1000 members plus Price Bernard of the Netherlands, who founded the group. "Membership" is for a life time. When I was directing it, the cost was a one-time contribution of US$25,000. All the funds were invested in "The 1001: A Nature Trust", an endowment fund. The fund grows due to recruitment of new members (due to deaths) and from additional contributions from members. Again, while I was there, the income from the 1001 Trust paid for all of WWF International's fundraising and general administration costs. This was wonderful because we were able to assure all our annual and project donors that 100% of their contribution would go directly to program funding... "Members" are invited to go on 1st class expeditions to visit WWF field projects in rather exotic locations (at their own expense). This is not only a good perk. But, is a great major donor cultivation tool. (e.g. one member left WWF a legacy of around $18 million)" The Bohemian Grove is located in Sonoma County.

Black, Conrad M.

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (Steinberg of EIR claimed to have had several 1001 Club membership lists from the 1980s, I believe from a Canadian source); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Born in 1944. His father, George, was a British agent and the founder of Hollinger. BA from Carleton University in 1965. LLL from Laval University in 1970. MA in History from McGill University in 1973. Chairman and co-owner Eastern Twps. Pub. Co., Ltd. since 1966. President and chairman of Argus Corp. Ltd. 1978-1979. Chairman The Ravelston Corp. 1978-2005, which owned Hollinger, the British Daily Telegraph, the Toronto's National Post, and the Argus Corporation. Through Argus, Ravelston Corporation owned the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (A&P) and the Chicago Sun Times. Chairman and CEO of the Telegraph Group Ltd. 1987-2004. Chairman and CEO of Hollinger International, Inc. 1987-2003. Non executive chairman Hollinger International 2003-2004. Hollinger also owned hundreds of small Canadian and American newspapers. Jerusalem Post. November 23, 2003, the Observer, 'Fall of a tycoon: Black with his back up against the wall': "Black was adept at attracting the rich and famous to his boards. At one time or another his various boards have included such luminaries as Lord King, bankers Henry Keswick and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Lord Hanson, former Tory Minister Lord Carrington, former head of the Federal Reserve Paul Volcker, Lady Thatcher, Canary Wharf's Paul Reichmann and the jailed former chairman of Sotheby's Alfred Taubman, as well as the late Sir James Goldsmith, Fiat boss Giovanni Agnelli and former Israeli president Chaim Herzog. At one time Hollinger had 20 directors and a 13-strong advisory board and critics dubbed it an Almanac de Gotha of the international Right... The Hollinger International board contains some of the biggest beasts in American business and politics, including former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Deputy Defence Secretary Richard Perle... The presence of Black's wife, journalist Barbara Amiel, on Hollinger's board is a concern..." Pilgrims Society members Lord Kenneth Roy Thomson and Raymond Seitz was another director of Hollinger. In May 2004, Hollinger International, now free of Black's control, filed a $1.25 billion racketeering lawsuit against Black and other former corporate insiders, accusing them of pillaging the company of more than $400 million. In October 2004, a judge dismissed the racketeering claims, and Hollinger refiled without them, adding neocon Richard N. Perle as a defendant. Director of Sotheby's Holdings, Inc., Brascan Corporation, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, CanWest Global Communications, and the Jerusalem Post Limited. Appointed to Privy Council of Canada in 1992, in the same year as Charles R. Bronfman, Paul G. Desmarais, and Maurice Strong. Decorated officer Order of Canada. Member International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations. Chairman of the Editorial Board of the National Interest, a neocon foreign policy magazine founded by Irving Kristol, who also founded the CIA's magazine Encounter. Members of the advisory council of the the National Interest have included Henry Kissinger, Morton Abramowitz, Dov Zakheim, John Mearsheimer, and James Schlesinger. Daniel Pipes has been a long time contributor to the National Interest. Member Trilateral Commission. Member steering committee of of Bilderberg. Member of the chairman's council of the Americas Society. Member Hudson Institute. Member Center Policy Studies. Appointed to the House of Lords, U.K., in 2001. Member International Institute for Strategic Studies. Member Toronto Club, York Club, Toronto Golf Club, Granite Club, University Club (Montreal), Mount Royal Club (Montreal), Century Club (New York City), Everglades Club, Beach Club (Palm Beach), Athenaeum, Beefsteak, Whites (London), and Garrick (London). Patron Malcolm Muggeridge Foundation. Trustee Nixon Center.

Bloomfield, Louis Mortimer

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Ardent Canadian zionist. Joined the British military and served in Palestine as an Intelligence Officer under general Charles Wingate. Involved in training the Jewish army in Haganah from 1936 to 1939. Worked for the British SOE (competitor of MI6; role taken over by the SAS). Recruited in the OSS in 1942, and was given the rank of major. The OSS became the CIA in 1947, and Bloomfield continued doing contract work for the new organization. Member of the FBI's Division Five. Regularly visited Israel and met with David Ben-Gurion in 1949. President of Heineken's Brewers, Ltd. Successful lawyer with Phillips and Vineberg in Montreal. Incorporated Permindex in 1958, became a major stockholder, and was president of Permindex's Candadian department. Permindex, which counted Clay Shaw on its board, was Garrison's main suspect of having coordinated the 1963 Kennedy assassination. It has also been suspected of coordinating the failed assassinations on Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970). Personal consultant and good friend to FBI head J. Edgar Hoover and has been considered the same to the Bronfmans. Bloomfield and J. Edgar Hoover have both been described as homosexuals. Knight of St. John of Jerusalem and a member of the 1001 Club.

Bovenkamp, Sue Erpf van de

Sources: Digital Who's Who

Born in New York City. Student at the Gardner School, Art Students League, and the Cooper Union. President Armand G. Erpf Fund in New York City since 1971. Founder and honorary chairman of Erpf Catskill Cultural Center since 1972. Member of the board of advisors and founder of the New York Zoological Society since 1971. Co-founder and life member of the World Wildlife Fund since 1973. Founding member of the 1001 Nature Trust since 1973. Fellow in perpetuity Metropolitan Museum Art in 1977. Life fellow of the Pierpont Morgan Library since 1974. Member of the council of friends of the Whitney Museum of American Art 1971-1977. Member of the Whitney Circle 1978-1993. Director of Catskill Center for Conservation and Development 1983-1986. Member of the advisory council of the department art history and archaeology at Columbia University since 1972. Established a university seminar on uses of the oceans in 1977. Member of the advisory council of the Translation Center in 1986. Life conservator at the New York Public Library in 1980. Fellow of the Frick Collection since 1971. Member of the president's council of Columbia University, 1973-1978. Life member of the Museum City New York since 1972. Member New York Academy of Sciences, the Planetary Society, the Museum of Natural History (life), the president's councils of the Asia Society and the African Wildlife Foundation, the Wildlife Federation (advisor and president's circle). Member of the Museum of Natural History. President of the council of the Asia Society Office: The Armand G. Erpf Fund.

Brusse, Henk

Sources: History at Buttonboss website

Founder of Buttonboss (button producer in the UK, Netherlands and Germany). Heavy donor to the WWF since 1982. Prince Bernhard attended some of the companies parties and offered him membership in the 1001 in 1996. He has been to Palace Soestdijk.

Busch, August Anheuser, Jr.

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

Scion of the famous brewing family, Busch served as Chairman of the Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. from 1946-1975. During his tenure, the company his grandfather established emerged as the largest brewery in the world. Busch's grandfather Adolphus Busch came to America from Germany in 1857, settling in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1866, he founded the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company with his father-in-law, Eberhard Anheuser. Busch discovered a way to pasteurize beer, allowing national distribution of his product. By 1901, Anheuser-Busch's brewery was the nation's largest. Busch also developed a beer lighter than those commonly sold at the time. This beer, named Budweiser, ultimately became the world's best seller. The Busch family is said to have close ties to Opus Dei in the United States.

Buxton, Lord Aubrey Leland Oakes

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (Steinberg of EIR claimed to have had several 1001 Club membership lists from the 1980s, I believe from a Canadian source)

Born in 1918. Descended from the anti-slavery and pro-environmentalist politician Sir Charles Buxton through this person's first son, Edward North Buxton (1812-1858). Member of the House of Lords. Helped to establish the WWF and is a lifelong vice-president (he still is anno 2005). CEO Anglia TV Group 1958-1986. Founded Survival Anglia in 1961 and became the program's presentor. Extra Equerry to HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, 1964-1997. Member of the Countryside Commission 1968-1972. Member of the Royal Commission on Pollution 1970-1975. Held the office of High Sheriff of Essex in 1972. Held the office of Deputy Lieutenant of Essex from 1975 to 1985. Created Baron Buxton of Alsa in 1978. Chairman Independent Television News 1980-1986. Chairman Oxford Scientific Films 1982-1986. Member of the Nature Conservancy Council 1984-1986. Chairman of Anglia Television Group 1986-1988. Chairman of Survival Anglia 1986-1992, which made nature documentaries, sometimes in cooperation with Prince Philip. His daughter Cindy Buxton, a wildlife photographer, worked with Orson Welles (famous for his Rockefeller-funded War of the Worlds broadcast) on the documentary 'King Pinguins: Stranded beyond the Falklands'. Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order since 1996. Kevin Dowling, a journalist who wanted to expose the 1001 Club and the WWF back in the 1990s, had a deal with Channel 4 to produce a documentary. After a phone call from prince Philip's right hand, Lord Buxton, the whole project was canceled. All of a sudden the (unfinished) documentary wasn't up to the quality Channel 4 demanded. Involved with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Has been prominent in the Anti-Slavery International (ASI), an organization promoting supranational intervention which has been founded in 1787, and counted among its early leadership Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton (1822-1908).

Andrew Robert Fowell Buxton, a cousin of Aubrey, was born in 1939. He is descended from the anti-slavery and pro-environmentalist politician Sir Charles Buxton through this person's second son, Thomas Fowell Buxton (1822-1908). Went to Oxford University, and joined Barclays Bank in 1963. Andrew was a director of Barclays Bank UK from 1978 to 1980, a general manager of Barclays Bank Plc. from 1980 to 1984, a managing director from 1988 to 1992, CEO from 1992 to 1993, and non executive chairman from 1993 to 1999 (after institutional investors called for a separation of the roles of CEO and chairman). Remained an advisor to Barclays after 1999. Barclays replaced N.M. Rothschild & Sons when they abdicated from their seat (always the chair) at the London Gold Fixing in 2004. Rothschild chaired this commission for 84 years. President of the British Bankers Association from 1996 to 2002. Chairman of Spearhead International Limited and a director of Merrill Lynch and Rio Tinto. In 1999, Andrew set up the new High-Level Liberalisation of Trade in Services (LOTIS) Group, the major pusher behind GATS 2000, and became its chairman. Founder and co-chair of the Financial Leaders Group and the European Services Leaders Group.

Cadbury, Sir Peter

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (Steinberg of EIR claimed to have had several 1001 Club membership lists from the 1980s, I believe from a Canadian source)

Has been a leading figure in Corporate Finance in London throughout his career. After 5 years at Linklaters, he spent 27 years at Morgan Grenfell & Co., now the investment banking arm of Deutsche Bank, including 20 years as a director, and the last 6 as its Deputy Chairman. Subsequently he became Chairman of Close Brothers Corporate Finance Ltd. Cadbury also sits on the advisory board of Gow & Partners, and has been a chairman of Preston Publications Ltd. Peter Cadbury is a scion from the very influential Cadbury family that ownes chocolate and beverage (Cadbury Schweppes) interests worldwide. Since 2000, Peter Cadbury has his own corporate advisory firm, Peter Cadbury & Co, and is Non-Executive Chairman of DTZ Corporate Finance Ltd and a Director of Celltech plc and other companies. Past directorships include Chairman of Henderson Smaller Companies Investment Trust and SMG. His family members have been members of the Pilgrims Society, the Eugenics movement, and the OECD Corporate Governance Business Advisory Group. George Cadbury has been a director of the Bank of England 1970-1994.

Carlos, King Juan

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Born in 1938. Direct descendant of Queen Victoria through his grandmother and Louis XIV of France through his family name, Bourbon. The Bourbons ruled France until the French Revolution. Son of Don Juan de Bourbon, Count of Barcelona. Don Juan met with Franco in 1948 and Franco agreed to educate and look after Juan Carlos. Carlos began his studies in San Sebastián and finished them in 1954 at the San Isidro Institute in Madrid. Joined the army, doing his officer training, from 1955 to 1957, in Zaragoza. In 1956, his younger brother, the Infante Alfonso died of a gunshot wound in Estoril, Portugal, with Juan Carlos as the only witness. The official explanation is that it was an accident which occurred while cleaning a gun. Alfonso suffered from haemophilia and did not survive. It is uncertain whether Alfonso or Juan Carlos pulled the trigger. From 1957 Carlos spent a year in the naval school at Pontevedra and another in the Air Force school in San Javier in Murcia. In 1961 he graduated from the Complutense University. Then went to live in the Palace of Zarzuela, and began carrying out official engagements. Founder and honorary president of WWF-Spain and a patron of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC). Honorary member of the Club of Rome. Carlos and Franco became quite close, living only a few miles from each other. In the 1960s Franco was looking for a successor and allegedly after having spoken to Otto von Habsburg, head of the Paneuropa movement, Franco designated Juan Carlos as his successor. July 18, 1969, The Times, 'Prince of 31 to get the throne his father claims for himself - How Franco made a king for Spain': "There is a strong belief that Juan Carlos has emerged as General Franco's heir with the help of the Opus Dei, a Roman Catholic pressure group which is widely distrusted for its political and economic ambitions. He is reported to have the support of Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco [Franco's right hand man; reportedly a patron of Opus Dei in Spain], Vice-President of the Government, and senor Laureano Lopez Rodo [major Opus Dei player], Development Minister." Franco died in 1975 and now King Juan Carlos, a Knight of Malta and supporter of Opus Dei, became the new Head of State and was in charge of Spain's process towards democracy. He initially kept the Francoist hardliner Carlos Arias Navarro, who had succeeded Admiral Blanco, as president/prime minister. Navarro promised a change to democracy, but he was fired in 1976 by Carlos, because of a lack of faith by the opposition that he was really interested in carrying out these promises. Federico Silva Munoz, a dangerous fascist and later Cercle participant, subsequently appeared on a short list of Carlos' highest advisory body to be made prime minister of Spain. Carlos, however, opted this time for the more centrist, but still conservative, Adolfo Suarez Gonzalez, whom he thought would be best suited to unite the different factions within the government. Suarez, reportedly, was a member of Opus Dei, but he did manage to get the job done. Visited the Netherlands in 1980, the first visit of the Spanish royal family to the Netherlands since 1549 - two decades before the outbreak of the 80 years war. Privately, Carlos had always been a good friend of Prince Bernhard and used to spent some of his holidays is Castle Soestdijk. Received the Charlemagne award in 1982, which is awarded by the Paneuropa Union to persons they consider crucial in the effort of European integration. Charlemagne was the ruler of the Frankish Empire and founder of what became the Holy Roman Empire, which is exactly what the leaders of the Paneuropa Union (Coudenhove-Kalergi; Habsburg; Thurn und Taxis; Torre e Tasso; Huyn; etc.) are trying to recreate. Carlos is known to be a very avid hunter. October 16, 2004, The Scotsman, 'Outrage at bear-faced cheek of killer king': "Spain’s King Juan Carlos has come under fire from conservationist groups after shooting bears in Romania just as the WWF was staging an international forum to showcase their work in integrating bear and human populations. The WWF trip was organised to show the world’s media how bears and humans had learned to live in peaceful co-existence. But WWF sources claim the good work was undone by the hunting trip, which drew local newspaper headlines with reports of the King’s weekend hunt and his group’s "success" at shooting nine animals including a pregnant female. The respected Carpathian animal protection group, the Aves Foundation, said King Juan Carlos and his entourage killed nine bears while hunting. The foundation claimed he then left two others wounded, which his attendants were unable to kill, and lost track of after pelting them with bullets. The Aves Foundation claims he also killed a number of wolves and wild boar during his two-day trip, staying at one of former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s hunting lodges in Covasna, central Romania. Laszlo Szabo-Szeley, president of the group, said: "Only Ceausescu did things like this. No moral hunter in this world kills more than one bear because it is completely unethical... A spokesman for the King described the visit as private and refused to comment on what he was doing in the country... King Juan Carlos is known to be a keen hunter and has hunted in the past in many countries, at times with other foreign leaders and even with former US president George Bush Snr... But this is not the first time the Spanish King has drawn the wrath of conservation groups over his passion for blood sports. Last year he came in for fierce criticism for killing a rare wild European bison during a hunt in Poland’s Borecka forest, one of Europe’s last surviving areas of ancient woodland... The bison is among the world’s rarest animals with only about 1,600 remaining, and the Polish Society for the Protection of Animals condemned the hunt and the government’s decision to let the animal be shot as a "total scandal". The King reportedly paid £4,700 to be allowed to shoot the 100-stone bison. The latest incident in Romania will only add to growing fears that the brown bear will soon become extinct in the region. Romania is one of the few countries in Europe that permits limited bear hunting. Hunting-tourism has become big business in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains, the last place in Europe apart from Russia, where many large carnivores, bears, wolves and lynxes, can be found. Organised hunts in the country have grown popular with Europe’s rich and elite who often pay tens of thousands of pounds for hunting trips organised by specialised companies... Aves’ Laszlo Szabo-Szeley has also sent a report to Nastase which details evidence that the bear population is down from the official figure of 6,300 to 2,500. The Aves Foundation report argued: "Romania’s kill figures for the trophy-hunter market are way above a sustainable cull. They endanger the species."" Earlier, on June 4, 2004, the Sunday Herald quoted Laszlo, head of the AVES Foundation, as saying: "Our telephones are being tapped, our mail is steamed opened, our website has been broken into, anonymous callers regularly threaten our activists' lives and I am being frequently summoned to the police 'for questioning.'" This happened after László "... submitted a report to Nastase [Romania’s Socialist prime minister] challenging the official bear population figure of 6300, proving with well-supported evidence that the total was now down to a mere 2500." Laszlo became sick in late 2004 and conviently died in 2005, age 55. Email from Romania to PEHI in February 2006: "[Laszlo] pissed a lot of top politicians and business peoples with his exposure of bears hunting. Then it appeared in a TV show and commented along the hunting parties Tiriac organizes at its Balc domain (Romania; got it for a ridiculous low amount): 185 boars at one of these (lately there has been another one, 200+ boars killed). Tiriac promptly sued (he is quick at). Laszlo was making a life from organizing trips in the Danube Delta (amongst others) and came back in august 2004 from one trip only to go to hospital and die 6 weeks later - he was only 55 years old! But the process continues against wife and children - quirk of the Ro laws (http://www.evz.ro/article.php?artid=250456). No speculations in the press about the nature of its death, just babble in the environment milieus." Carlos is a Knight of Malta and head of the Spanish branch of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Karl von Habsburg, son of Otto von Habsburg, is head of the only other branch of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Claims the title King of Jerusalem, as the successor to the royal family of Naples.

Additional: According to Alex Constantine, King Juan Carlos was among the financial benefactors of the Children of God cult, in which seemingly a worldwide pedophilia and mind control network was hidden. 1995, Alex Constantine, 'Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.', p. 135-138: "The Children of God have gathered alms from powerful admirers. Chief Inspector Juan Carlos Rebello, who led police in the COG raids, said "we found evidence suggesting that the Family was funded by influential businessmen worldwide." One Argentine magazine found that some financial supporters of the cult were "well known and powerful people," and pondered whether Berg's disturbed mental state "is being exploited by a network of powerful people to sexually control an army of children." Julia Berry, the prophet's own kin, has said that it was her "privilige" to be paired sexually with "very important men - men from the government." The Children of God, she said, "always had very powerful friends.... I met presidents from around the world."... One former member from Costa Rica told Argentina's Gente magazine on September 9 about her life inside the cult: "My father used to have certain priviliges inside the organization, " she said. "He was considered a very important person for public relations. His paternal grandfather, the criminal lawyer, Guillermo Padilla, was a close friend of Chile's military dictator Pinochet, and Juan Carlos, the king of Spain." Pinochet and Carlos became financial and political benefactors of the cult... In Libya, Colonel Khaddafi was enamored with the cult. He provided them sanctuary, counsel, and even penned a song [praising the cult]... In the United States the political pull of the sect extended to the Bush administration. A chorale of Family children kicked off a Christmas show in 1992 for Barbara Bush in the East Room of the White House, for which they received certificates of appreciation signed by President Bush. The sect also sang for Bush after he toured the ravages of Hurricane Andrew in south Florida [remember the Franklin and Spence affairs]." Unfortunately, Constantine does not specify his source for his claim that Carlos was involved with the cult. However, following are two newspaper articles of the time that confirm some of the other "controversial" claims of Constantine. September 3, 1993, The Times, 'UK children rescued from religious cult; The Family': "British children are among 160 young people freed in Argentine police raids on 10 houses used by a sect called The Family... The police chief who co-ordinated the raids [was] Chief Inspector Juan Carlos Rebollo... The raids were ordered after complaints that children had been kidnapped and were being sexually abused. Videos and magazines of children being sexually abused were seized in the raids. Most of the children, some as young as three, are from the United States, but Canadians, Chileans, Peruvians, Brazilians and Argentinians are involved. Insp Rebollo said: "Some of these children don't have documents. There are many who have fake passports. It is very difficult to identify each single child's nationality.'' The leaders charged include four American men in their early thirties and forties, an American woman aged 42, two Canadian women of 33 and 21, a Frenchwoman and a German man... A judicial spokesman, Carlos Villafuente Russo, said that cult leaders faced charges of "sexual abuse, deprivation of liberty'' and allegations that children were used in "abhorrent satanistic acts". Children of God was founded by a former Methodist preacher, David Brant Berg... Insp Rebollo said: "These children were not like your average child. They had blank stares and acted like zombies. We found them locked up in tiny rooms. "We found evidence suggesting that The Family was funded by influential businessmen worldwide and that children were kidnapped in one place and taken to another so that they would be difficult to trace.'' September 5, 1993, Sunday Times, 'The day the `Martians' woke up; Children of God': "Juan Carlos Rebello, the police commissioner in charge of the operation, was taken aback by the children's condition. "They seemed like Martians, autistic,'' he said. "They were living in compartmented cells and answered questions like automatons. Whenever one of them tried to say something, another would look at him and he would fall silent, terrified."... This weekend the Argentinian authorities are investigating claims that the Children of God supported themselves by prostitution sending teenagers to tour five-star hotels and the sale of the pornographic videos in the capital. Police and social workers have counted 19 nationalities among those arrested and taken into care and fear the children may have been part of a global child-sex network; some are thought to have been moved to South America after previous raids on Children of God communities in Australia and France." In Italy it is known that Emanuele Canevaro, Duke of Castelvari e di Zoagli, born in 1942, was the major patron of the cult. Rose McGowan, of Charmed, was raised in Italy within this cult, of which her father was the regional head. In February 1999 on Howard Stern she said: "A lot of kids were disappearing into child slavery rings... I could be sweeping Khaddafi's door step right now, basically... What would happen was if there was a bunch people in a family, a bunch of kids and the parents wanted to leave or something one of the kids would disappear." According to a former cult member, McGowan went back to Italy with Marilyn Manson and tried to get access to the former Children of God property owned by Canevaro. He refused to let them see it.

Cisneros, Gustavo

Sources: May 4, 1992, PR Newswire; November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Latin America's billionaire media baron. Knight of Malta. Chairman and CEO of the Cisneros Group of Companies (very prominent in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), which has large stakes in companies like Univision, AOL Latin America, DirecTV Latin America, and a score of other media companies. Member of the board of international directors at the United World Colleges in London, which is presided over by HRH Prince Charles. Trustee of the Rockefeller University and a friend of the Rockefellers. PR Newswire, May 4, 1992: "Cisneros, a Venezuelan native, is a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Chase Manhattan Bank, the Chairman's Council of the Americas Society and the International Advisory Council of the United States Information Agency. He is also a member of the board of overseers of the International Center for Economic Growth and the International Advisory Board of the Power Corporation of Canada. His other memberships include, but are not limited to, the International Advertising Association, the board of directors of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in the U.S., and The 1001: A Nature Trust for the World Wildlife Fund in Switzerland." He is an outspoken critic of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, whom he criticizes for "arrogant abuse of power and authority." In turn, Chavez accuses him of complicity in the April 2002 coup attempt (on Chavez) and of using his private TV station Venevision to undermine the administration. Luckily for Cisneros, about 80% of his holdings are outside Venezuela. Cisneros hobnobs with U.S. friends such as Jimmy Carter and George Bush Sr. Guests at his daughter's lavish New York wedding reception in October 2002 included Kofi Annan, Sid Bass and Oscar de la Renta. He also ran BIOMA, a leading Venezuelan "environmentalist group" shut down after being caught faking dolphin killings for a campaign against the tuna fishing industry. Early in 1994, the family bank, Banco Latino, in Caracas, went broke after it was charged with fraud. His brother Ricardo, one of the directors, was fugitive for years until caught and sent to jail. Cisneros has received Spain's Order of Isabel la Católica, conferred by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I (also a 1001 Club member and Knights of Malta), for strengthening international ties between Venezuela and Spain.

Cooley, George R.

Sources: New York State Library, 'George R. Cooly Papers, 1941-1986' (made large contibutions to the 1001 Trust, but might not have been a member of the 1001 Club)

George R. Cooley was born May 29, 1896 in Troy, New York. He graduated from high school in 1914 and subsequently joined the armed forces to fight in the first World War. After his tour of duty, he returned to the Albany area and got a job with the banking house of Dillon, Read, and Company. Shortly thereafter, he opened his own investment house and became a successful investment counselor in the Capital District. After he retired he became interested in the field of botany and deeply involved in the modern conservation movement. In 1960, he joined the Board of Governors of The Nature Conservancy and was responsible for the establishment of several sanctuaries in Florida and New York State. He made substantial contributions to the National Council of Churches, the World Wildlife Foundation, "The 1001 : A Nature Trust," the American Baptist Historical Society, and the Colgate Rochester Divinity School. He later received the 1971 American Motors Corporation Conservation Award and the 1985 Oak Leaf Award. He died at his home in Rensselaerville, N.Y., September 27, 1986.

Dev, Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah

Sources: October 28, 1977, The Argus (Fremont), 'Dutch prince loves nature', Page 16; September 25, 1998, Executive Intelligence Review report

Chairman of the King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation 1982-2001. Chairman of the Lumbini Development Trust 1986-1991. Member of Honour of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature. Member of the 1001-Nature Trust. Ascended the Throne of the Kingdom of Nepal in June of 2001 after most of the Royal family had been murdered by his nephew. Prince Philip came to meet him in the days thereafter. In October 2002 he dismissed the elected government and has since appointed a series of prime ministers. He says he acted because the cabinet failed to fulfil its mandate, including the restoration of peace. Britain, the United States, and Britain have imposed military sactions since then, while China is supportive of the King's decisions. Gyanendra received a huge amount of international awards. The Grand Cross Order of the House of the Orange (The Netherlands). Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. Among his business interests are a hotel in Kathmandu, a tea estate in the east of Nepal, and a cigarette factory.

Dipendra, Crown Prince

September 25, 1998, Executive Intelligence Review report

Born in 1971 as the eldest son to King Birendra of Nepal. After a dispute with his parents about who he was to marry, he shot his father King Birendra, and his mother, brother and sister on June 1, 2001. After killing his family, he shot himself. Some people are of the opinion that more has been going on than meets the eye.

Drake, Sir Eric

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Born in 1910. Joined British Petroleum (BP) in 1935, then known as the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), which had the exclusive right to extract and market Iranian oil. General manager of the AIOC in 1951, when Mossadeq was working to nationalize the AIOC. Duncan flew to London to address the Cabinet, pleading that "we should not allow the biggest foreign in Britain to go without doing something about it." (May 27, 1985, The Times, 'When Britain brought off a coup'). Nov 4, 1996, The Times, Drake's obituary: "Partly thanks to his efforts, BP survived the Mossadeq episode and it was, no doubt, in recognition of this that in January 1952 he was appointed CBE at the relatively early age of 41." In the United States as BP's North American representative 1951-1953. Created and headed a new supply and development department for BP 1953-1957. Director of BP Trading since 1957, the company's main subsidiary. Director of BP's main board since 1958. Vice chairman of BP 1963-1969. Chairman of BP 1969-1975. In the autumn of 1973, in the wake of the Arab oil embargo, he found himself summoned to Chequers - along with the chairman of Shell - to confront the Prime Minister. Became a Knight of the British Empire in 1970. One of the sponsors of a fundraiser of the British Library of Political and Economic Science in 1973, together with Pierre Trudeau, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, the Earl of Drogheda and the Rhodes Trust. Vice chairman of large shipping corporation P&O (Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company) in the 1970s for five years. Chairman of the Mary Rose Trust, which was founded in 1979 and presided over by the Duke of Edinburgh. Died in 1996.

Duncan, Sir Val

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Born in 1913. Son of Norman Duncan. Educated at Harrow and Brasenose College. Called to the bar in 1938. Served in the royal engineers during WWII. Assistant secretary at the German and Austrian Control Office right after WWII. Member Coal Board 1947-1948. Joined Rio Tinto in 1948 as a commercial manager, and represented the company in mainland Europe. Chairman and CEO of Rio Tinto Zinc since at least the late 1960s. In the past, the Rothschild family owned a third of Rio Tinto and is said to have counted the Windsors among its shareholders. Appointed president and CEO of the British Newfoundland Corporation and chairman, CEO and president of Churchill Falls in 1969, after his predecessor, Donald J. McParland, had died in a plane crash over Labrador. British January 8, 1976, The Times, reaction of Edmund de Rothschild to the obituary of Sir Val Duncan: "These characteristics were particularly shown in his contribution to the British Newfoundland Corporation (Brinco) and its development of Churchill Falls. When he and I first flew over the almost unexplored territory of Labrador in 1954, he understood the immensity of the preparatory work..." Director of the Bank of England and British Petroleum (BP). Chairman of a committee in 1968 to report on the future of the Foreign Service. Formed a group of industrial and trade union representatives in 1973. Involved in the preparation for a coup to oust prime minister Harold Wilson in the early 1970s. March 13, 2006, Daily Mail, 'A very British coup': "Sir Val Duncan, the chairman of Rio Tinto Zinc, promised: 'When anarchy comes, we are going to provide a lot of essential generators to keep electricity going . . . then the Army will play its proper role.'" Sir Val Duncan was a dowser and had met with Uri Geller in the early seventies. He inspired Geller to use his talents to find minerals (Henry Kissinger, Gerald Ford and Alexander Haig were very interested in his talents, according to Uri Geller himself). Died in 1975.

East, Barry

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Owned Town & City Properties. In June 1974 Sterling Guarantee Trust took over Town & City through a reverse takeover.

Eastwood, John

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Made his fortune with factory farming.

Edu, Chief Shafi Lawal

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Spelled by EIR as "Chief Salay L. Edu". The late founder (in 1980) and president of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF). The NCF is described as "Nigeria's foremost non-governmental organisation". EIR: "In 1989, Chief Edu hosted Prince Philip in a visit to the wetland area bordering Niger, a tour requiring a new airfield. In 1990, Edu hosted Prince Charles in a visit to the site, to view migrating birds from Europe. The WWF wants to put a park in the area. Chief Edu also happens to be the point man in Nigeria for Royal Dutch Shell, a financial moneybag for the WWF. Shell runs 50% of Nigeria's 2 million barrels per day oil production. Through this route, the Fund launched its provocations. In a bid to cut off supplies of foreign exchange, Shell organized a strike of oil workers, who demanded the release of Abiola from jail and a government payout of $800 million in arrears Nigeria allegedly owes Royal Dutch Shell and other foreign companies. "Shell is behind this strike," a well-informed London source told EIR. "The easiest thing for them to do is to bribe the union with a payoff to provoke such a strike. It is entirely political. Shell and the U.K. Foreign Office want a civilian regime which will be weak." The Abacha government, however, managed to settle the strike in September."

The Dutch, British, and other countries vied with Portugal to control the lucrative slave trade that was organized out of Nigeria and by the 1700s, the British controlled most of the coastal region. The tide changed after Britain abolished slavery and sought to eliminate slave trading. In 1861, Nigeria was made a British colony and in 1906, land east of the Niger River was incorporated into the colony. Slowly, Britain began to prepare the country for self-rule: in 1946 Britain divided Nigeria into three parts, each with an advisory assembly. Nigeria was restructured as the Nigerian Federation in 1954. The country experienced difficulties in the 1960s as the various ethnic groups making up the country battled for control. In 1966, a civil war erupted following a coup in which the prime minster and many others were killed. Between 1967 and 1970, the war in Biafra raged (correspondent, fresh MI6 agent, and later Cercle chairman Jonathan Aitken was stomping around here some time in the 1960s). Biafra was the region that seceded from Nigeria after rejecting a plan that divided the country into 12 states. This devastating conflict cost the lives of at least a million Biafrans (mostly of the Ibo tribe) and severely damaged the Nigerian economy. But through the years, political instability, as manifested by coup after coup, has been a constant in the country. In 1999, the first popularly-elected president in 16 years came into office.

The British have been accused of continually manipulating events in Nigeria. Especially the Eastern Region of Nigeria was exceptionally rich oil and natural gas resources. Even [more so] today Nigeria is very important to the West for its high quality oil production. Shell and British Petroleum have major installations there.

Edu, Aboyamo

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Son of Chief Shafi Lawal Edu.

Ford, Henry II

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

Grandson of the famous Henry Ford. He left Yale before graduating. Member of the International Advisory Council of Chase Manhattan. President, CEO and chairman of Ford Motor Company 1945-1980. Chairman Finance Committee of Ford Motor Company 1980-1987. At the beginning of the 21th century William Clay Ford Jr. (great-grandson of Henry Ford) was CEO of Ford Motor Company.

Frommelt, Egmond

Sources: Digital Who's Who

Born in 1927. Engaged in various businesses in Liechtenstein 1953-1955. Bank employee at the private bank, Zurich, Switzerland, 1956-57. Trainee at a brokerage firm in New York City in 1957. Employee of the Bank in Liechtenstein AG [owned by the Prince Hans-Adam II family foundation] 1958-1963. Deputy managing director Bank in Liechtenstein 1963-1968. Managing director Bank in Liechtenstein 1968-1983. Minister of social affairs in the government of Liechtenstein 1978-1986. Chairman of the management board Bank in Liechtenstein 1983-1989. Chairman of the board of directors Bank in Liechtenstein 1989-1993. Honorary chairman of the board directors Bank in Liechtenstein since 1993. Has been a director of various corporate subsidiaries of Bank in Liechtenstein 1983-1993. Director in various chambers of commerce. Chairman First Liechtenstein Swiss Fonds. Member of the Lions Club and the WWF's 1001 Club. Member of the 3-person board of the Art Foundation of the LGT Bank in Liechtenstein, together with Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein (younger brother of Hans Adam II), the chairman, and René B. Ott, director of the LGT Bank in Liechtenstein. LGT is composed of the wealth management experts of the Princely House of Liechtenstein, and developed out of the Bank in Liechtenstein, which was founded in 1920. Its four core competencies are Private Banking, Trust Services, Asset Management and Alternative Investments. Per 30 June 2005 LGT had assets worth about $60 billion under management. LGT Bank has consistently been awarded the highest ratings ever given to comparable financial institutions. January 21, 1999, National Catholic Reporter, 'Catholic reformers launch investigation of church financial practices': "Interest in church finances was first galvanized two years ago by news that the Cologne archdiocese in Germany -- rumored to be among the richest in the world -- had deposited money in a bank in Liechtenstein infamous for its stringent banking secrecy laws. "Why should Cologne shift all of its money there if the purpose is not to hide how it is used?" Simon Bryden-Brook, secretary of the European Network and a member of Catholics for a Changing Church in England, said in a telephone interview... Network organizers had planned to stage a protest outside the Liechtenstein Global Trust Bank, where the funds from Cologne were deposited. The bank is wholly owned by the country's Catholic crown prince, Hans-Adam II." February 2, 2005, Apollo Magazine: "The purchase of the Badminton cabinet out of his own funds by Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein--the profits of whose Liechtenstein Global Trust Bank..." According to the "Sunday Times of India" for August 4, 1991, "Hans-Adam controls 97% of the voting rights and 85% of the share capital of the Bank of Liechtenstein, which in turn controls the $3.3 billion GT Management of London."

Fung, Sir Kenneth Ping-fan

Environmental Justice Foundation, 'List of Signers - Total number: 181 (NGOs)

Studied in Hong Kong and California. Founder Dransfield Group in 1936 (now DICHAIN Holding). Chairman and co-founder Cheung Chuk Shan College in 1969. Founded the WWF Hong Kong in 1981. Knight Bachelor and Commander of the Order of the British Empire, Knight of St. John of Jerusalem, Knight of Justice, and member of several other orders. Kenneth has been appointed by the People's Republic of China as a Senior Consultant for External Economy of the People's Government of Chongqing, and Honorary Director of the Beijing Municipal Development Centre of Science and Technology of Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry. He served four successive Governors and Deputy Governors, representing St. John Ambulance Brigade, as the first Chinese to hold this post. He was appointed by Queen Elizabeth II to serve on the Executive Council (Senate) and the Legislative Council (Congress) of Hong Kong. Upon his retirement from the Executive Council in 1972, Queen Elizabeth II granted Sir Kenneth the special privilege to retain in perpetuity the prefix "Honourable" to his name in recognition of his long and distinguished service to Hong Kong for almost four decades. Kenneth has been a supporter of the Environmental Justice Foundation (mentioned his 1001 Club membership), which thinks about solutions of a worldwide ecological crisis. Serious donator to the The Hong Kong America Center, chairman Hong Kong Arts Festival Society. The Sir Kenneth Fung Ping Fan Foundation Trust funds several environmental projects. Died in 2002.

Godrej family

Sources: The Godrej company website

The Godrej family is a wealthy Parsi (Persian) Zoroastrian family living in Mumbai (Bombay), India. The late S.P. Godrej was the founder Trustee and President of WWF India. Adi Godrej is the chairman of Godrej Group, involved with Insecticides, Agro & Foods, Real Estate, Chemicals, Technology, Home Appliances, Office Equipment, Security Equipment, Machine Tools, and more. Adi has an estimated net worth of $1.9 billion. J. N. Godrej is chairman and managing director of the Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., one of the largest privately-held engineering and consumer products corporations in India. The combined sales of the company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, during 2004, amounted to about US$ 980 million. Two family members are directors of the company. Its shares are not listed on any Stock Exchange. About one-fourth of the Company's share capital is held by Pirojsha Godrej Foundation, a public charitable trust. The website's company mentions: "We are also a member of the exclusive "1001: A Nature Trust", which is actively associated with preservation of nature, wildlife and the environment... We have been associated with TRAFFIC-India (Trade Record Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce), a division of WWF-India, which is responsible for monitoring and studying legal and illegal trade in wildlife and its derivatives, thus contributing to the enforcement aspects of bio-diversity conservation. "

Goulandris, Basil P.

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

In 1950 he took over the management of the family shipping companies based in New York. For many years he held the position of honorary chairman of the Association of Greek Ship Owners and was also a director of the American Bureau of Shipping. In 1981 he was appointed the title of Knight of the Legion of Honour and in 1986 of Officer of the Legion of Honour.

Grace, J. Peter

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Born in 1913. Bachelor of Arts from Yale University in 1936. President and CEO of the chemical giant W.R. Grace & Co. 1945-1992 (big in South-America). Said to have been involved in Operation Paperclip and relevant projects after 1945. Member Council on Foreign Relations since 1950s. Chairman of the Order of the Knights of Malta (SMOM) in the United States. Director Citibank. President Catholic Youth Organization for the Archdiocese of New York. Chairman National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine. Member Willard Garvey's International conference on privatizing education. Chairman of the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD), set up in 1962 to control Latin America's labor unions. Special forces commanders colonel Lansdale and general Richard G. Stilwell wrote the blueprints for the AIFLD, while David Rockefeller was one of the trustees. Trustee American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism 1950 (Pilgrim Heinz II also). Involved with the CIA-sponsored Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe. Chairman President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control (under Reagan). Chairman Advisory Committee of Americares 1982-1995, which also counted the involvement of Zbigniew Brzezinski (Le Cercle), General Stilwell (Le Cercle), the Bush family, and received a lot of support from the Knights of Malta. Director Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America (involved the Iran-Contra affair). Member Council for National Policy (CNP), Pilgrims Society, Newcomen Society, and 1001 Club. Died in 1995.

Grapperhaus, Ferdinand

Sources: 2004, Philip Dröge, 'Het Oranjekapitaal'

Born in Utrecht, the Netherlands in 1927. Ph.D in 1952. Involved with Comtrax, a Dutch financial transaction firm which acted as a front company for British intelligence. It was founded in 1940 by Guillaume Meertens who also was the favorite agent of Klaus Barbie. Professor of tax-history. State Secretary of Finance 1967-1971. Director Mees & Hope. Member European Employment Lawyers Association and the International Federation of Labour Lawyers. Member of the Dutch Social Economic Council (SER).

Guingand, Sir Francis Wilfred "Freddie" de

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Born in 1900. A former British Major-General. Appointed head of the British Military Intelligence in early 1942, but soon went to Africa. Guingand served with general Montgomery from El Alamein to the surrender of the Wehrmacht in the West. Serving as his chief of staff he was responsible for the running of Montgomery's armies whilst they made the most glorious march in British military history, from Egypt to the Rhine. Montgomery appointed De Guingand soon after his arrival in the desert to supersede Claude Auchinleck. De Guingand was to prove indispensable to Montgomery, not only in battle, but also in relations with the Americans. De Guingand seems to have been blessed with considerable diplomatic skills, an area in which Monty was sorely lacking. Guingand is said to have gotten along especially well with General Walter Bedell Smith, Eisenhower's Chief of Staff, because they both had bad stomachs. Knight of the British Empire. Went into business in Southern Rhodesia in 1946. Chairman of Tube Investments and director and chair in several other companies. Chairman of the South African Jockey Club. Co-founder, secretary, and president of the South Africa Foundation, a South African big business lobby that includes corporations as De Beers, Anglogold, Angloplatinum, GFL Mining Services, Shell, Siemens, Sony, etc. Died in 1979.

Gutermuth, Clinton Raymond

Sources: Digital Who's Who

Born in 1900. Went to the University Notre Dame, the American Institute of Banking. Assistant cashier at the St. Joseph Valley Bank in Indiana 1922-1934. Worked in conservation in Indiana 1934-1945. Executive secretary of the American Wildlife Institute in Washington 1945-1946. Trustee and secretary of the North America Wildlife Foundation, Inc. 1945-1974. Vice president Wildlife Management Institute 1946-1971. Director and advisor at the Wildfowl Foundation Inc. since 1956. Co-founder of the Natural Resources Council of America (NRCA) in 1946, which included in its leadership people from the Sierra Club, the Wilderness Society, and British agent Russell Train (head of the WWF and an intelligence associate; cousin of Pilgrims Society member John Train, who was a financial advisor to Pilgrims vice president and CIA-associate John Hay Whitney). Secretary of the NRCA 1946-1957. Chairman of the NRCA 1959-1961. Chairman of the annual North America Wildlife and Natural Resources Conferences 1946-1971. Founding director of World Wildlife Fund of the U.S. 1961-1973 and a later president. Honorary president of the WWF since 1973. Director National Rifle Association 1963-1973, president 1973-1975, and on the executive council since 1975. International trustee and on the executive committee of the World Wildlife Fund International 1971-1975. Director and president of the National Institute for Urban Wildlife 1976-1985. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. Honorary member American Committee for International Wildlife Protection. Member African Safari, the Wildlife Society (honorary trustee since 1951), National Audubon Society, Wilderness Society, the Nature Conservancy, the 1001-Nature Trust, the Polar Institute of North America, the Soil Conservation Society of America, the Arctic Institute of North America, the Safari Club International, and the Zoological Society of New York. Member of the Cosmos Club and a 32° Knights Templar Freemason.

Haes, Charles de

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

An economist and a lawyer, Charles de Haes was born in Antwerp in 1938. He first became involved in WWF in the early 1970s when asked by International Trustee Anton Rupert to help create 'The 1001: A Nature Trust'. Through this, HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands – WWF founder President – and one thousand other influential individuals agreed to each contribute US$10,000 to WWF. This was designed with a view to achieving financial independence for the secretariat. From 1975, Charles de Haes went on to serve 18 years as Director General, including two and a half years as Joint Director General with his predecessor, Fritz Vollmar. During this time, he helped initiate international fundraising and awareness campaigns, and further develop the WWF network through initiatives such as the partnership with IUCN and UNEP in the World Conservation Strategy, which links conservation and development.

Hanes, John W. Jr.

Sources: 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Comes from a influential bankers family, senior partner Chas. D. Barney & Co., Stock Exchange member, SEC, undersecretary of the U.S. Treasury, assistant to John F. Dulles, chairman of the (John F.) Dulles Manuscript Committee, donated heavily to the Princeton University Library together with the Rockefeller Foundation and Herbert Hoover, established the Carol Hanes Scholarship Fund in 1984.

Henrik, Prince

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Born in 1934. Born in France. Son of Count André de Laborde de Monpezat. Spent his first five years in French Indo-China (now Vietnam) where his father was in charge of family business interests. Simultaneously studied law and political science at the Sorbonne, Paris, and Chinese and Vietnamese at the École Nationale des Langues Orientales 1952-1957. Served with the French army in Algeria 1959-1962. Secretary at the embassy in London 1963-1967. Married what is now of the queen of Denmark, Margrethe II, in 1967, who became Queen of Denmark in 1972. 2005, Daniele Ganser, 'Nato Secret Armies', p. 169-170: "'Berlingske Tidende can reveal that Absalon is the Danish branch of the international Gladio network. This has been confirmed by a member of Absalon to Berlingske Tidende who wishes at present to remain unnamed', a Danish daily newspaper sensationally headlined its discoveries in 1990. (6 [November 25, 1990, Danish daily Berlingske Tidende, 'Ogsa Danmark havde hemmelig haer efter anden verdenskrig']) The source, named Q by the newspaper, confirmed what Colby had revealed in his book. 'Colby's story is absolutely correct. Absalon was created in the early 1950s', the source Q related... 'Colby was a member of the world spanning laymen catholic organization Opus Dei, which, using a modern term, could be called right-wing. Opus Dei played a central in the setting up of Gladio in the whole of Europe and also in Denmark', Q claimed. 'The leader of Gladio was Harder who was probably not a Catholic. But there are not many Catholics in Denmark and the basic elements making up the Danish Gladio were former [World War II] resistance people...(7 [Ibid])'... When another group of Danish journalist insisted to be given at least the name of a Danish CIA contact person, Colby revealed that 'his Danish contact person' for the Gladio net had been Ebbe Munck, a central figure of the Danish secret service and a former member of the resistance movement who later had entered diplomacy to become an advisor to the Danish Queen Margarethe [II]. (10 [November 26, 1990, Danish daily Information, 'Mere mystik om dansk Gladio'])" In 1945, Hans Ebbe Munck (1905-1974), ambassador to Thailand at the time, was sent to the United States to meet with President Truman. Munck was a co-founder of the Cultural Confederation of Foreign Societies, which was established on April 17, 1970, "the day after the birthday of the heir to the throne, H.R.H. Princess Margrethe". Prince Henrik has been patron of the club since its founding. Henrik founded WWF-Denmark in 1972 and has been its president ever since. Honorary president of the Danish Dachshund Club. May 3, 2005, The Telegraph, 'I like my dogs grilled or sautéed, reveals Danish prince': "Prince Henrik, the prince consort of Denmark, has shocked animal lovers by declaring that dog meat - fried or grilled - is one of his favourite dishes... He invited Danes to try eating dog meat themselves. "I do not mind eating dog meat at all," he said. "The dogs I eat have been bred to be eaten anyway, just like chickens. "It tastes like rabbit, like dry venison, or like veal - just drier." He said the meat tasted best when it was sautéed or grilled and cut into thin slices... He previously provoked nationwide debate when he suggested that parents should use the skills of dog training to bring up their children." Patron of the Fund for the Future of our Children.

Hoffman, Dr. Luc

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Founded the Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat in 1954, a private research institute devoted to ornithological studies. In 1974, he created the Tour du Valat Foundation whose mission is to study the functioning and protection of natural wetlands. Directed the MAR project in 1958 (IUCN, IWRB, ICBP), which aimed to promote waterbird monitoring and wetland censuses. Its major outcome was the signature of the international Ramsar Convention in 1971 for the conservation of wetlands. Played a key role in the creation of WWF International and in major conservation projects in Spain, Greece, and Madagascar. Created the International Banc d'Arguin Foundation in 1985 whose mission is to protect the Banc d'Arguin, a world heritage Ramsar site in Mauritania. Awarded the Conservation Medal of the Duke of Edinburgh (WWF International), the Kai Curry-Lindahl award of the Waterbird Society (1994), and the Légion d'Honneur of France. Currently President of WWF-France and Director emeritus of Wetlands International. Past vice-president of the IUCN (1966-1969), WWF International (1961-1988), and Wildfowl Trust (1979).He has also been a director of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Hoffman-LaRoche.

Hunt, Nelson Bunker

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

His father, Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, Jr., was a Texas oil man, who founded Hunt Oil and headed the American Council of Christian Churches. Nelson's brother, Ray L. Hunt, has been U.S. Secretary of Commerce, sat on the board of Halliburton (named as a financier of Permindex), Electronic Data Systems Corporation (founded by Ross Perot) Pepsi Cola and the American Petroleum Institute. Nelson himself was a John Birch Society financier and director. Financier, vice-president, and president (1983-1984) of the secretive Council for National Policy, a major supporter of the Campus Crusade for Christ, a main financier of the Wycliffe Bible Associates. The CNP doesn't release membership lists or allows any media coverage of what they discuss. A significant portion of the names that have been exposed represent America's hard-right. Among it's members you can find John Ashcroft, Pete du Pont, Milton Friedman, Jack Kemp, Trent Lott, Jerry Falwell, Oliver North, Edward Teller, John C. Whitehead and Stanley Monteith of Liberty Radio (said he counters the propaganda). In 1951, Bunker Hunt and Wallace Johnson, founder of Holiday Inns, worked with and funded Bill Bright's Campus Crusade for Christdonating $15.5 million. In 1967, Hunt formed the Christian World Liberation Front (CWLF) as a covert front for Campus Crusade, which split off and became a leading ministry in the Jesus People movement. H.L. Hunt has been named as a major financier of Permindex. Hunt is said to have partially underwritten the cost of an anti-Kennedy newspaper advertisement that appeared in the Dallas Morning News the day of the assassination. Hunt's oil profits were said to be threatened by Kennedy's announced plans to end the oil depletion allowance. A note written by Lee Harvey Oswald addressed to "Mr. Hunt" has raised speculation as to whether it was intended for the oil tycoon, one of his sons, or the CIA agent E. Howard Hunt. Bunker Hunt arranged a retreat for more than 500 millionaires who pledged $20 to Campus Crusade. He once organized a paramilitary force called "Americans Volunteer Group" which he intended to use as a "death squad" against political opponents. [Hougan 55-56; Saloma 53; Diamond 51-56, 250] In 1967, Nelson Bunker Hunt provided Cameron Townsend, founder of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) and the Wycliffe Bible Translators, property in Dallas for a new international translation center. Thy Will Be Done, by Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, documents the business and political connections between Wycliffe Bible Translators, the Rockefeller family, and the CIA. The result of the dealings was the genocide of indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin, although Cam Townsend denied the deaths. In 1966, H.L. Hunt was approached for funding Vatican anti-communist operations in Latin America. Bill Bright persuaded Nelson Bunker Hunt to underwrite the $6 million cost to produce the 'Jesus' movie in the 1970s. Donated $10 million to Pat Robertson's (CNP president, just like Hunt) Christian Broadcasters Network in 1970. Hunt contributed to the contras through NEPL, $484,500. He also illegally tried to corner the silver market in the 1970, but this went wrong and the family ended up bankrupt. In August of 1988 the Hunts were convicted of conspiring to manipulate the market. Hunt is a member of The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus (Templar-inspired militant christian organization).

Jahre, Anders

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Anders Jahre was a prominent Norwegian shipowner, lawyer and benefactor. Quite early, he saw the tremendous commercial potential of whaling. In 1918 he initiated a modern whaling concept and from then onwards played a major role in the development of industrialized, large scale whaling. He was the first to build industrial-scale mother whaling ships. In 1928 he founded the shipping company Anders Jahre and throughout 1929-30 several other subsidiary whaling companies. In the 1930'ies he started the oil refinery Sandar Fabrikker as well as the chemical factory Jahres Kjemiske Fabrikker. These were amalgamated into Jahres Fabrikker in 1963. Anders Jahre was for many years board chairman of Kosmos and Jahres Fabrikker as well as several other shipping companies.

Jones, Thomas

Sources: 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Convicted of giving Nixon's chief fundraiser, attorney Herbert Kalbach, $75,000 in $100 bills for use as "hush money" for the CIA connected burglars who were caught breaking into the Watergate building, good friend of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Jones and his wife socialized with the Reagans both at the White House and at their own functions. Longtime chairman, chief executive and president of the Northrop Corporation, also during the time the B2-Spirit was developed. Had some problems when it was revealed that his company paid 30 million dollars in bribes to government officials and agents around the world in exchange for contracts. One of these bribes involved fellow club member Prince Bernhard. Kicked out of the 1001 Club in 1975. Jones has a five-acre vineyard at his Bel Air mansion.

Kagan, Lord Joseph

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Labour party donor. Head of Gannex rain coat manufacturing firm. Convicted of theft and conspiracy to defraud the British tax service. Was the conduit for the money from Lockheed to Prince Bernhard.

Kellogg, Francis L.

Sources: October 28, 1977, The Argus (Fremont), 'Dutch prince loves nature', Page 16

Born in 1917. Kellogg grew up in New York City and Bar Harbor, Maine; his father was general manager of the Electric Storage Battery Company of Philadelphia, and the family had philanthropic interests in the Metropolitan Museum and the New York Botanical Garden. Graduated from Princeton in 1940. Enlisted in the Army in 1940, and served with the Field Artillery Transportation Corps. At the end of the war he briefly was a member of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Married Fernanda Wanamaker Munn in 1942, great-granddaughter of the department store's founder. Joined the Wanamaker board in 1946, and then became vice president of the New York operation. After the main New York store was shuttered in 1954, Kellogg became CEO of the national department store. He eventually divested the company's department store holdings and went into minerals, petroleum, and port operations, renaming the company International Mining Corporation (IMC). IMC acquired the Canton Corporation of Baltimore in 1960, the fourth largest shipping company (iron ore, other bulk cargoes, and general cargo) on the Atlantic Seaboard at the time. At this time, IMC had disposed of its last department store, and owned a 25% interest in natural gas royalties, minerals, and fee properties along the Gulf Coast of Southern Louisiana, and holdings in Placer Development, a large Canadian-based international mining corporation. It also had investments in oil and real estate. Founding director of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in 1961, together with Julian Huxley, Prince Bernhard, and Prince Philip. By 1962, IMC operated as a subsidiary of the South American Gold and Platinum Company. Attended a New York ball in 1966, with Mrs. Edwin F. Russell (co-chair; formerly Lady Sarah Spencer-Churchill and daughter of the 10th Duke of Marlborough) and Bernard M. Baruch Jr. also attending. He still was president of the IMC in 1967. Left his business directorships in 1970 to join the Nixon administration. First Nixon's delegate to various international conferences. Then became special assistant to the secretary of state (William Rogers and Henry Kissinger) for refugee and migration affairs. Member of and adviser to the U.S. delegation to the General Assembly of the United Nations until 1974. Served as president of the WWF from 1971 to 1976. President of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy for 12 years and was treasurer at the time of his death in 2006. Director of the Afghanistan Relief Committee. Founding member of the Charles & Anne Lindbergh Foundation, which was established in 1977 through an effort of friends of the Lindberghs at The Explorers Club in New York City and a national campaign led by General James H. Doolittle and Astronaut Neil Armstrong. Served as president of the Lindbergh Foundation for some time. In the 1980s, Kellogg acted as chief of protocol for Queen Sirikit of Thailand during her visits to the United States. Founded and until his death was chairman of the Thai Support Foundation. Knight Grand Cross of the Most Noble Order of the Crown in Thailand. Received the title Commander of the Order of Merit of the Knights of Malta. Founding member of the Garden Conservancy in 1989. Director of the Veterans Office of Strategic Services. Trustee of the U.S. Committee for Conservation Nepal. Trustee of the William J. Donovan Foundation. Died in 2006. A short biography issued by his office, stated: "For a number of years, simultaneously with his other activities, Kellogg was on special assignment with the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]."

Kent, Geoffrey J. W.

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Chairman and CEO of Abercrombie & Kent. Founded in 1962 by Colonel and Mrs John Kent and their son Geoffrey as a safari company in Nairobi, Kenya, Abercrombie & Kent has become a name synonymous with top quality in the tour travel industry. As an international group of companies, A&K provides upscale adventures and luxury travel in more than 100 countries on all seven continents. In 1965 Geoffrey Kent became Managing Director of the company and the following year, Colonel and Mrs Kent retired from active participation. In the 1970s he met, and later entered into full partnership with Jorie Butler of Oak Brook, Illinois, opening offices in the United States and London to service European and American markets. A few years later they married. Today Mr & Mrs Kent spend a good part of every year making reconnaissance in outlying parts of the world to evaluate the economic and environmental potential for high-quality tour operations. The A&K Group of Companies comprises 45 worldwide and satellite offices, including London, Paris, Cairo, Nairobi, Arusha, Kampala, Johannesburg, New Delhi, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Lima and Phnom Penh. The significance of operating its own offices in the USA and abroad cannot be overstated. Employing more than 3000 travel professionals worldwide, A&K overseas locations are staffed by local residents of each country who quite naturally impact an intimate knowledge of their culture, and love for their homeland, to visiting travelers.

Keswick, Sir Henry N.L.

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Brother of Simon Keswick. Son of Pilgrims Society member Sir William Johnston "Tony" Keswick. Tony was the grandson of William Keswick, the person that took control of Jardine Matheson in 1886 (1834-1912). Jardine Matheson has its origins in the 1830s, when founders William Jardine and James Matheson invested their substantial returns from opium trade in China. According to EIR, they are still involved in the drug business today. Hugh Matheson founded Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ) in 1873, which the Rothschilds owned for 1/3 in 1905.

Henry Keswick joined Jardine in 1961 and was assigned to the firm's offices in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Director of Jardine Matheson 1967-1970. Senior managing director of Jardine Matheson 1970-1972. Chairman of Jardine Matheson 1972-1975. Re-appointed a director of Jardine Matheson in 1988. Chairman of Jardine Matheson anno 2006. Former chairman of the Hong Kong Association and today still its vice chairman. Henry and Simon Keswick, who control the group from London, are said to have pushed Chris Patten's appointment as governor-general of Hong Kong in 1992, a post that would disappear in 1997.

Sir John Keswick, Henry's uncle, is a backer of the WWF, a former chairman of Hambros Bank (Peter Hambro is a member of the Pilgrims Society), and a director of the Bank of England.

In June 2005, it was announced that Jardine Strategic Holdings would acquire a 20% stake in Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG for $185 million from British insurance company Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Plc. The Keswicks are the only family outside the Rothschilds to hold a stake in the holding company. It's is supposed to be a long term investment.

Khan, Prince Sadruddin Aga

Sources: October 28, 1994, Scott Thompson for Executive Intelligence Review, 'The Train/Goldsmith Nexus'; November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor'; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216 (only mentions "Aga Khan" and "prince")

His nephew Karim is the 49th Imam representing most of the Nizari Ismaili community, a sub-sect of the Sevener Shia Muslim Ismaili sect. He (Karim) was given the British title "His Highness" by Queen Elizabeth II in 1957 at the death of his grandfather, Aga Khan III. The Ismaili line of Imams supposedly trace their lineage back to the Prophet Mohammed (born 570 AD) through Fatima Zahra, Mohammed's daughter. Fatima Zahra's son, Husain, married a daughter descended from the royal house of Persia from the most remote, almost prehistoric, times. The Aga Khan's ancestors also ruled in Egypt as Caliphs of the Fatimid dynasty for a number of years, at a period coeval with the Crusades. His forefathers are said to have been involved with the Assassins, the Kights Templar associates during the crusades (12th and 13th century). Aga Khan I was a governor-general of the Persian (Iran) province of Kerman. After an unsuccessful insurgence in the 1840s against his sovereign, Khan had to flee to Afghanistan and came under the protection of the British colonialists. He started to provide mercenary services to the British in their conquest of Afghanistan and ended up receiving a very decent pension. Aga Khan III (1877-1957) was a founding member and president of the All India Muslim League in 1906, which was the driving force behind the creation of Pakistan as a Muslim state from British India (the minority Muslim group had ruled India until the British put an end to that). In Pakistan, the League formed the country's first government, but disintegrated in 1958 following an army coup. In 1932 Aga Khan III represented India at the World Disarmament Congress and from 1937 to 1939 he was president of the League of Nations. Aga Khan III was a Freemason and a member of the Privy Council.

Born in 1933 in Paris, Sadruddin Aga Khan is the son of Mohammed Shah Aga Khan III of the Indian royal family. Founding publisher of the Paris Review in 1953, a literary magazine based in New York. Received a Harvard degree in political science in 1954. Graduated from Harvard's Centre for Middle Eastern Studies in 1957. According to EIR, Sadruddin's roommate at Harvard was John Train, managing editor of the Paris Review and cousin of Russell Train. Russell and John were deeply involved in the environmental movement and British intelligence. Coincidentally Jay Rockefeller was the roommate of Karim Aga Khan IV. A speech from David Rockefeller at the Hadrian Award Luncheon The Plaza Hotel, October 25, 1996: "His Highness The Aga Khan is a man of vision, intellect, and passion. I've had the pleasure of knowing him for almost forty years, ever since he was an undergraduate at Harvard and a roommate of my nephew Jay Rockefeller." Michael David-Weill, co-chair of the event and controlling shareholder of the Lazard bank, gave another speech praising Agha Khan, just as Cyrus Vance did. Lord Jacob Rothschild couldn't make it to this meeting, but sent a personal note to Karim to congratulate him with his new award. Patricia Buckley, sister of William F. Buckley, was the other co-chairman of the event. Sadruddin was married to British former top model Nina Dyer from 1957 to 1962, the former wife of Baron Heinrich von Thyssen-Bornemisza. She committed suicide in 1965. UNESCO consultant for Afro-Asian projects 1958-1959. Adviser to the High Commissioner for Refugees since 1959. Executive secretary to the UNESCO International Action Committee for the Preservation of Nubia (the Nile River civilization) in 1961, which brought together archaeologists from Eastern Europe and the West at the height of the Cold War to save the ancient treasures of Abu Simbel, the temples of Philae and Kalabsha and the Christian churches of Nubia. Two term United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 1965-1977, a position he held alongside King Hussein of Jordan. Married Catherine Sursock in 1972. Set up the Bellerive Foundation and Groupe de Bellerive (think tank) in 1977, an environmental protection organization located at his Lake Geneva apartment. Built up a priceless collection of paintings, drawings and manuscripts dating from the 14th century in his Lake Geneva house. Sadruddin's grandmother had left his father a library of Persian books, mystical texts and astrological treatises, and it was through these that Sadruddin became interested in Islamic art. Special consultant and chargé de mission to the secretary-general of the United Nations in 1978. In 1981, he won the vote to become U.N. Secretary General, succeeding Nazi war criminal and Schwarzenegger friend Kurt Waldheim, but his election was vetoed by the Soviet Union. Known as a tennis partner of George H.W. Bush. According to EIR, Sadruddin was asked by George H.W. Bush to undertake secret negotiations during the Iran-Contra crisis. Sadruddin and Maurice Strong published a report in August 1986 entitled "United Nations Financial Emergency: Crisis and Opportunity." Special United Nations representative for humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan from 1988 to 1990 and for Iraq and Kuwait after the Gulf War in 1990 and 1991. He urged the swift lifting of sanctions against Iraq after the Gulf War (which didn't happen because of the United States policy). In 1990 he founded the charity Alp Action, after he became concerned about the degradation of the Alps by tourist development and deforestation. Again an unsuccessful candidate for the position of UN secretary-general in 1991, this time losing the appointment to Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Together with Robert McNamara (1001 Club) identified as a member of the Administrative Board of the International Pugwash Foundation in Geneva in 1995 (official Pugwash history). Director of the in 1999 established Geneva-based Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue, together with Neil Bush (George W. Bush's brother), Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope since 2005; supporter of Opus Dei), Rene-Samuel Sirat (the former chief rabbi of France), and Jordan's Prince Hassan (Muslim). Member of the 1001 Club and the Peace Parks Club. Long-standing trustee and former vice-president of the World Wide Fund for Nature International (WWF). Named a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2002. Received the Egyptian Order of the Star of the Nile. Died in 2003. His half-brother, the late Prince Aly Khan died on exactly the same day forty-three years before.

King, Alexander

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1909. Studied at the Royal College of Science in Londen, the University of Munich, and the Imperial College. Scientist at the Imperial College 1932-1941. During this period he was the leader of an expedition to the small Jan Mayen Island, which has a foggy arctic climate and no natural resources. During and after WWII he worked for different British government agencies, including a position as scientific advisor to the British Embassy in Washington. The most classified information he helped to transfer in this function had to do with the Atomic bomb developments. Also worked for the office of the British High Commissionair in Canada. Worked in different executive positions for the OECD 1958-1974. Helped to establish the Club of Rome in 1968 with Fiat's second man, Aurelio Peccei. People like Dean Rusk (Pilgrims Society) and Carroll Wilson (Pilgrims Society) helped. He later helped with some papers of the Club of Rome (ecology and sustainable development). He has also been the head of the National Teachers Association.

Kleinwort, Sir Kenneth Drake

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Born in 1935. Eldest son of Ernest Kleinwort. Ernest was the fourth son of Sir Alexander Kleinwort, the first baronet, and the baronetcy passed to Kenneth from his uncle in 1983. His family founded the Kleinwort Benson merchant banking and investment management group. Emigrated to France in 1976 and increasingly concentrated on the cause of wildlife and conservation. Trustee of the Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust. That trust, together with other charities Sir Kenneth represented, owned more than Pounds 20 million of Kleinwort Benson shares which earned dividends of some Pounds 5 million a year. The Ernest Kleinwort Trust supported local charities in Sussex, but most of those dividends were deployed in Europe, Africa and South America to help endangered species such as the rhinoceros survive in their natural habitats. Acted as a foreign ambassador for Kleinwort Benson and developing a range of private business interests in North and South America. He became president of Interalia Leasing in Chile in 1980, and bought a house in Brazil in order to spend more time there. Joined the council of WWF International in 1978. Kleinwort settled in Switzerland in 1988. Ohrstrom Foundation, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Kleinwort Overseas Investment Trust Plc. His uncle Sir Cyril H. Kleinwort was a member of the Pilgrims Society. Died in 1994. His eldest son, Richard, inherited the baronetcy.

Lavy, Leslie

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Former head of the defunct David Samuel Trust (1970's information). 2005: Chairman of the Heritage Committee of the Commonwealth Jewish Council. The Council was created by the unanimous agreement of Jewish leaders from 16 Commonwealth countries, meeting in London from 29th November to 1st December 1982. It now includes the Jewish communities of 37 countries, Hong Kong having observer status. The Council works in concert and association with the World Jewish Congress of which Edgar Bronfman is the longtime president. Edward Bronfman is one of the trustees of the Jewish Council. Coincidentally, Namebase lists only one source of information about Leslie Lavy, which is a 1976 book about 1001 Club member and drug runner Robert Vesco.

Leverhulme, Lord

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

The last Lord Leverhulme died in 2000. The family's residence, Thornton Manor, was sold when he died. Leverhulme bequeathed a total of £31,477,042 to his family. His grandfather, William Lever, had built up a vast industrial empire. William was also the founder of Lever Brothers, which later became Unilever. The last Lord Leverhulme has been an advisor to Unilever since 1949. In 1985 he became a honorary advisor.

Lippe-Biesterfeld, Prince Bernhard van

Sources: October 28, 1977, The Argus (Fremont), 'Dutch prince loves nature', Page 16; August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; July 1997, Jeffrey Steinberg for Executive Intelligence Review, 'Tinny Blair Blares For Prince Philip's Global Eco-Fascism' (Steinberg claimed to have had several 1001 Club membership lists from the 1980s, I believe from a Canadian source); December 17, 1997, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Optellen en afschieten' (weekly Dutch journal since 1877); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion'; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

Born in 1911 as a count. Bernhard was born and educated in Germany. Became a member of Sturm (Hitler youth movement) around 1931, which is 2 years before Hitler came to power. Became a member of the SS in 1934, which consisted of Hitler's most elite and most trusted aides. This automatically ment he also became a member of the NSDAP. At the Nuremberg trials the aristocratic Nazi Friedrich Eberstein would claim how the Nazi party's prestige sky-rocketed after aristocrats like Bernhard (specifically mentioned him) joined the movement. Briefly worked with Gerhard Fritze, who owned an Amsterdam bank financed by the Swedish Wallenberg family (largely rule Sweden's economy; intermarried with the royal house). Because of his mother's connections, Bernhard went to work for NW-7, the IG Farben industrial espionage unit, and ended up in it's Paris branch in 1935. IG Farben was one of the main companies that built up the Nazi war machine. It also made massive use of Auschwitz slave labor. While in Paris, and staying with the aristocratic Kotzebue family, he became a close friend of Sefton Delmer, who was a Daily Express journalist and an agent for the Hitler- & Hess intimate Lord Beaverbrook (his son was a member of the 1001 Club), not to mention an employee of British intelligence. Delmer had been in Berlin until 1933, having direct access to Hitler and the Nazi party. Tom Driberg, a homosexual communist journalist who worked for Beaverbrook too, also approached Bernhard in Paris. Driberg, who already was a friend of Guy Burgess, worked for the Soviets, codename LePage, and Bernhard considered him a friend too. Around this time Bernhard had met with future Dutch queen Juliana, who was quite desperate for a husband at that moment. Bernhard's IG Farben financial advisor initially acted as a middle man between the two. It took Bernhard quite a bit of effort to convince Wilhelmina that he was the right person to marry her daughter, because he wasn't an exceptionally high aristocrat and was considered a too extravagant. He was able to marry Juliana in 1937. At this point he wasn't a member of the SS anymore, but only after his marriage with Juliana, one day to be exact, he resigned from the NSDAP. Unfortunately, he didn't put an autograph under his letter, so officially he was a member of the NSDAP until 1938, which is when his membership automatically expired. Earlier, on November 14, 1996 he met with Hitler to renounce his German citizenship. In his personal diaries Hitler refers to Bernhard as a "gigolo", but publicly the marriage is considered a good thing. Around this time Bernhard met with friends at IG Farben and the SS to say goodbye. Not long after the Spanish civil war started in 1936 between the fascist Franco and the democratically elected government, Bernhard and his brother had the nerve to show up at a royal party in the Hague dressed as Franco officers. In 1938, Bernhard's responsibilities increase and he has to work closely with Francois van 't Sant, Queen Wilhelmina's right hand and the most important liaison officer between MI6 and GSIII, the Dutch military intelligence agency. Van 't Sant communicates anything that is happening in Dutch high society to the British and makes a lot of money in the process. Bernhard starts communicating information between Queen Wilhelmina and GSIII, in which he makes many friends. At the same time Bernhard starts to work as an informant for GSIII, communicating messages from his German friends to the Dutch intelligence service. His younger brother Aschwin, an officer of a German panzer division, continually passes messages to him. They even travel together occasionally. In the summer of 1938 they visit King George VI, under the wary eyes of MI6. It is believed that they are discussing a German coup in preparation by admiral and spychief Wilhelm Canaris (old friend of the Lippe-Biesterfelds; boss of Aschwin; didn't seem to appreciate the imperial aspirations of Hitler) and several of his associates. This coup is called off in late 1939. As Bernhard is sure the Germans will attack the Netherlands soon, not allowing it to be neutral, he quietly started to receive his family's German possessions, moved to The Hague, and made plans to evacuate his family to Paris. One month before the German invasion of Holland, which occurred in May 1940, Bernard had a reunion with his old buddy Gerhard Fritze and a group of IG Farben associates. According to one of the attendants, Frank-Fahle, who was arrested after war, Bernhard said to them, as inspector-general of the Dutch military, that he would find it very difficult to lead Dutch troops in battle against the Germans. When the German attack began the Oranges moved to London. Bernhard went back for a few days, suggested to execute a few Dutch collaborators of the Germans (which didn't happen), went to Paris, and back again to London. For some reason, this short trip would make him a legendary hero. In the UK Bernhard wasn't trusted and Ian Flemming, the later James Bond author and a MI6/Naval Intelligence officer, was sent to spy on him. Sefton Delmer (Naval Intelligence; the Beaverbrook employee), Ian Flemming, and Prince Bernhard spent a lot of time together, but it seems that Flemming couldn't find any pro-nazi connections to Bernhard. Flemming later incorporated the character Count Lippe, a low level member of a worldwide secret criminal group (SPECTRE) involved in drug trade and extortion of NATO, in his James Bond movie 'Thunderball'. Some have speculated this character might be a reference to Prince Bernhard, who was born as Count von Lippe-Biesterfeld. Flemming would slowly move out of Bernhard's life. Through Delmer, Bernhard came into contact with Lord Beaverbrook (Aitken family; wanted peace with Hitler, like Hitler himself wanted with the British Empire; close to Hitler and Hess) and became very close with Penelope Aitken (married a nephew of Lord Beaverbrook), who was the mother of Jonathan Aitken, a later MI6 agent and head of Le Cercle. During this time Bernhard (who recruited the son of Lord Beaverbrook in the 1001 Club) also came into contact with mystery man Joseph H. Retinger (raised by Polish nobility; MI6 and likely a Jesuit or SMOM member; later founder of Bilderberg). Anthony Drexel Biddle Jr., US Ambassador to the European governments in exile in London during WWII, a Pilgrims Society member, and a person that informed US intelligence about the Synarchist Movement of Empire in France, became a good friend of Bernhard. Allen Dulles (Cap & Gown; Pilgrims Society; OSS; CIA director; SMOM; nephew of a Jesuit; Paperclip; co-founder US Military-Industrial Complex; Warren Commission), John J. McCloy (Pilgrims Society; Rockefeller guy; chair CFR; released the most important nazis; Warren Commission), McGeorge Bundy (Skull & Bones; Army Intelligence; chair Ford Foundation; 1001 Club), general Walter Bedell Smith (Chief of Staff of SHAEF; CIA director), and general Eisenhower became other close associates and friends of Bernhard during WWII. FDR had always been a good friend of the Oranges. In late 1940, Bernhard started to work as a liaison officer between the newly established Dutch Central Intelligence Agency (CID) and the SIS and SOE. Head of the CID became Francois van 't Sant, the most important agent of the Oranges. Bernhards reputation got another dent when Englandspiel came out in 1943, even though he didn't have a direct role in the affair. During Englandspiel dozens of Dutch intelligence agents, which were flown in from England, were immediately caught by waiting Germans over a period of about a year. Captured agents sent plenty of messages that the operation had been penetrated by the Germans, but the SOE ignored them for some unknown reason. In 1944, after the Allied invasion of Europe, Bernhard flew across the front and asked both the Pope in Italy and Retinger in Poland to try and look out after his family members that were still in Germany. It seemed however that especially his mother could take care of herself with all the contacts she had within IG Farben. In 1944, during the allied siege of the Netherlands, Bernhard became head of the Domestic Forces (BS), which was the coordination center for the Dutch resistance. His headquarters, complete with wine cellar, was located in Hotel Metropole in Brussels and consisted of members of MI6, the SOE, and Dutch resistance. One of his closest friends here was Gerben Sonderman who used to work with SS officer Klaus "Butcher of Lyon" Barbie. Barbie dreamed up Hitler's Final Solution and was responsible for the rape, torture, and murder of thousands of people. At Nuremberg Barbie was released by Pilgrims Society member John J. McCloy and ended up in Bolivia where he became responsible for setting up the local US-allied death squads and the early drug exporting routes to the US via Columbia. After the failed Battle of Arnhem in September 1944, which was part of the larger Operation Market Garden, it turned out that Christiaan "King Kong" Lindemans had given information about this operation to the Germans. Lindemans, a hero of the resistance, worked in Bernhard's office and supposedly was "turned" by the Germans in 1944. This became just another dent in Bernhard's image, just as the fact that he was starting to gather war loot around this time, like expensive BMWs and small airplanes. After the liberation Bernhard's Gestapo" started to become a menace to the Dutch people, so his organization is not allowed to make arrests anymore. Bernhard's II BD intelligence service now started to map all fascist and anti-communist elements within Dutch society. One of his closest associates has the surname Van Houten and is suspected by British Intelligence to have been the same Van Houten on papers King Kong, the spy who informed the Germans about the upcoming Battle of Arnhem, had been carrying during the time of his arrest. Due to a lack of proof the issue is dropped. When the Dutch government is restored again, Bernhard is in favor of increased influence of the Royal House in state affairs. It won't happen. Because of his ambitions Bernhard did became the point man for the Anglo-American globalists from this moment on. Bernhard started to work more with the United States. One of these persons is Henry Luce agent C.D. Jackson (deputy chief of the Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF; one of the "the Park Avenue Cowboys"; vice president of Time-Life and one of the most trusted aides of Henry Luce; advisor to the President for Psychological Warfare; member Operations Coordinating Board during his time as advisor; president of the National Committee for a Free Europe; co-founder Radio Free Europe and the American Committee for Cultural Freedom; thought the Zapruder film was too shocking to release to the public; trustee Carnegie Corporation). Jackson will largely be responsible for setting up the post WWII psywar and US intelligence division in the Netherlands and other parts of Western Europe. In 1945, the Dutch intelligence group BVD was set up and Bernhard catapulted a lot of his friends in it. There is some infighting however between Bernhard's friends and employees who don't want anything to do with him. In 1946 King Kong is about to be investigated by the BVD and Bernhard's friends fear he might release some compromising information about the prince. Subsequently King Kong dies under suspicious circumstances. BVD investigations into Englandspiel are also done only very superficially. After the war, Bernhard made sure a lot of his former nazi buddies were protected from prosecution and helped them back into prominent positions. In 1948, it was discovered that Bernhard was a member of the NSDAP. It is covered up and the press won't report on it until 1976, after the Lockheed Affair. After WWII, Bernhard acted as representative for the Dutch government and multinationals. Doing business with the Fascist regime in Argentine, together with all the fled nazis in that country, wasn't a problem for him. Also worked for the CIA. Commander of the Dutch domestic army 1946-1976. Inspector-General of the Dutch Air Force, Army, and Navy 1946-1976. The Greet Hofmans-Affair from 1948 to 1956 created tensions between the Prince and the Queen. The investigation results are still being withheld, but it is known that Bernhard and the CIA were displeased with Juliana's "communist" tendencies of disarmament of Europe to such an extent that they were preparing to put her into a mental hospital (think stay-behind networks?). Some believe Greet Hofmans actually was some kind of Soviet spy. Bernhard held a speech at the University Club in New York in 1953 where he called for European integration and a common currency. Approached by his friend Joseph Retinger to establish Bilderberg, which was founded in 1954 and sponsored by the CIA. Bilderberg chairman 1954-1976. Bernhard got along very well Paul Henri Spaak, Paul van Zeeland, Jean Monnet, Pierre Trudeau, JFK, Nixon, Ford, the Shah of Iran, and countless other international individuals. He loved to duck hunt with Stavros Niarchos (family of Onassis and also a 1001 Club member). His wife, queen Juliana, invited UFO contactee George Adamski to their home in 1959. First chairman of the WWF in 1961. President of the WWF until his death. Co-founder of the 1001 Club in the early 1970s. Edmund de Rothschild is the godfather of Alexia Grinda, one of his extramarital daughters. Bernhard met the mother, the 18-year old Helene Grinda (of the noble Roussel family), in 1966, at a swimming pool of the Rothschild family. In 1974, Prince Bernhard sold his Castle Warmelo to the Evlyma Trust in Liechtenstein, a subsidiary of Tibor Rosenbaum's (1001 Club; Mossad agent; criminal) BCI. The Trust was managed by 1001 Club member Herbert Batliner. Friends of Bernhard included David Rockefeller, H.J. Heinz, Gianni Agnelli, Henry Ford II, Henry Luce, Tibor Rosenbaum, Robert Vesco, Mobutu, Suharto, Cornelis Verolme, the Loudons of Shell, Ernst van Eeghen, Ernst van den Beugel (KLM), and Freddie Heineken. Accused of taking bribes from Lockheed and likely also Northrop in 1976. Invested in KAS Enterprises, which became a front for the SAS in their struggle against Mandela's ANC. In 1980 the Oranges had a capital of 650 million euros. A conservative estimate shows that this capital has grown to at least 1,4 billion euros today. Most of this capital is invested in real estate and shares in corporations like Shell.

Livanos, Georges

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

A Greek who mainly lived in Lausanne, Switzerland. His father, Stavros Livanos, was a great figure in Greek shipowning circles. During the Second World War, Georges Livanos served in the American army in Japan. In 1949, he founded his own company, Ceres Hellenic Shipping. Shortly after, he inherited his father's fleet of 30 ships, including the world's five largest supertankers. Eugenia, Georges Livanos sister, married a competitor, Stavros Niarchos, and her sister Tina married Aristotle Onassis. After Eugenia's death, Tina divorced and remarried Stavros Niarchos, Aristotle Onassis' lifelong rival. With over 100 ships, Georges' fleet was the largest merchant navy in Greece. He also created a shipping company between the Greek Isles and was involved in the protection of ocean and coastal waters. In 994, his fortune was an estimated 3 billion dollars. The Greek shipowner then diversified his activity and invested in real estate, as well as in the banking industry with Basil Goulandris, another Greek shipowner also based in Lausanne. Georges Livanos passed away in 1997, leaving his business to his son, Peter Livanos.

Loudon, John H.

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Born in 1905. Born into a prominent Dutch family: his grandfather was the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, while his father had succeeded the legendary Deterding as president of Royal Dutch. Loudon's parents wanted him to join the Diplomatic Service, but he had already become fascinated by the international oil business and in 1930. Spent some time with Shell Oil at its Houston headquarters until 1937. General manager of Shell's Venezuelan operations 1944-1947. Director of Royal Dutch Shell 1947-1952, responsible for Shell's American interests. Loudon himself was widely praised for the deft way he handled negotiations with Mossadeq during the Iranian oil crisis in 1951. Chairman of Shell Oil 1952-1965. Co-founder of Bilderberg in 1954, where he met and impressed David Rockefeller. First chairman of Chase Manhattan's International Advisory Council, which was created in the late 1960s. Loudon would help Chase with recruiting additional members of its IAC board, among them later 1001 Club members Gianni Agnelli and Sir Y.K. Pao. Director N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. Successor of Prince Bernhard in the WWF presidency 1966-1981. Berhard considered him a good friend. Received the WWF Member of Honour Award in 1981. Knight of the Order of The Netherlands, a Grand-Officer of the Order of Orange-Naussau and, in 1960, was appointed an honorary KBE. Member Atlantic Institute for International Affairs and the 1001 Club. Died in 1996.

Ludwig, Daniel K.

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Set up National Bulk Carriers, which became the largest shipping company in the US. His shipyards pioneered the use of welding rather than riveting the hulls of ships, thereby saving valuable time during World War II when demand for ships soared. He transported oil and molasses around the world. He set up the Jari project, which was an attempt to create a tropical tree farm in Brazil for producing pulp for paper. Later helped Meyer Lansky, chief of the Jewish maffia in New York, to set up his drug money laundering empire in Bahamas. Ludwig is one of the richest private citizens in the world and has been a visitor to the Bohemian Grove. Died in 1992. April 27, 1999, The Daily Mail, '20 years ago': "THE richest man in America was irate about a 1979 BBC documentary on his life and times. MONICA PORTER recalls billionaire Daniel Ludwig. DANIEL K. LUDWIG - America's richest man and a notorious miser - steadfastly refused to cooperate with BBC television in the making of a programme about his extraordinary life, which was broadcast on this date in 1979. The billionaire's loathing of publicity was legendary, and he was furious that the documentary had been made at all. He never talked to journalists if he could possibly help it and, when cornered, displayed a mordant sense of humour. To one young reporter who had the temerity to ask him for an interview, he snapped: 'Just make it up, sonny. Say I raped my wife.' The last photographer who dared take his picture was knocked down, and the amazingly fit, nonsmoking, non-drinking, 81-year-old shipping tycoon afterwards tap-danced on his camera. Too mean to run a car or spend money on taxis, Ludwig always insisted on walking between his Manhattan home and his nearby skyscraper office. He was worth an estimated [pounds sterling]2 billion, but once fired a tanker skipper for submitting a two-sheet report which had been paper-clipped together. As the document was inside an envelope, the paperclip was wasteful, stormed Ludwig. Michigan-born Ludwig started his rise to untold wealth at the age of 19, when he borrowed $5,000 from his father and converted an old steamer into a barge to transport wood and molasses. He soon expanded from freighters into the highly profitable tanker business and went on to pioneer the modern supertanker. Although too stingy to pay his former wife Gladys just [pounds sterling]100 a month in alimony - the hapless woman died penniless - he poured hundreds of millions into his charity, the Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research, in Zurich, before his death in 1992."

Luyt, Louis

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Louis Luyt was born in 1932, and grew up in modest circumstances in the Karoo. In the 1940s Luyt was employed as a railway clerk. During his rugby career in the 1950s, he captained the Orange Free State province. By the end of the 1960s Luyt had become a millionaire. In 1989 he took over the Presidency of the Transvaal Rugby union and shortly afterwards was elected President of the South African Rugby football Union (SARFU). It was during this period that he came under attack for his administration style and efforts to transform the sport into a professional one. He was accused of nepotism, bullying tactics, and administering autocratically. In 1992 Luyt clashed with the African National Congress when he chose to play only the Afrikaans section of the national anthem at the Springbok’s rugby test match against the All Blacks at Ellis Park stadium. Luyt became infamous for his role in the court case involving President Nelson Mandela. He was a hostile witness in the commission of inquiry into SARFU affairs. Gradually people distanced themselves from him, including his former son-in-law Rian Oberholzer, the then Managing Director of SARFU. This moved resulted in Luyt’s sacking as President of SARFU in May 1998. Luyt then ventured into politics with the Federal Alliance Party (FA), which he financed personally. His stated purpose in forming the FA was to protect the rights and integrity of Afrikaners. The FA took part in South Africa’s first democratic election in 1999 but won no seats, dissolving soon thereafter. As an entrepreneur, Luyt was prominent in the establishment of the Triomf fertilizer empire, and that of the Citizen newspaper, which was embroiled in the info scandal of the late 1970s, which prompted the resignation of the Minister of Information Connie Mulder, and indirectly to the retirement of Vorster from the Premiership. Luyt is married to Adri and they live in the north of Durban.

Magnin, Cyril

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

A third generation San Franciscan born in 1899, Cyril Magnin's life was characterized by an unflagging commitment to the business, civic and cultural vitality of San Francisco. Mr. Magnin served as President of Joseph Magnin, Co., a clothing company that helped modern American women dress in the stylish designs of the day. As President of the Port of San Francisco, which then belonged to the state of California, Mr. Magnin lobbied tirelessly and ultimately succeeded in transferring the valuable Port property to the city of San Francisco. He was also responsible for creating the role of San Francisco's "Chief of Protocol". Also a champion of the arts, Cyril Magnin worked with Mayor Joseph Alioto (president of the San Francisco National Bank) to convince Avery Brundage to donate his incomparable Asian art collection to San Francisco's Asian Art Museum. He brought the A.C.T. to San Francisco, nurtured Beach Blanket Babylon, and also provided input and guidance to the California Culinary Academy. Not one to remain behind the scenes indefinitely, Mr. Magnin played the part of the Pope in the 1978 movie "Foul Play" with Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn. Mr. Magnin is also remembered fondly for his role in a commercial which ran on television for many years. His speaking part read, "I've had an 80 year love affair with San Francisco . . . My name is Cyril Magnin and this is my dog, Tippy."

Some people have accused Cyril Magnin and Joseph Alioto of having been members of the mafia and the circle that killed JFK. Mae Brussell, of whom Magnin was an uncle, was a dedicated conspiracy researcher. She died of rapid-spreading cancer in 1988 while investigating child abuse with a connection to Army Intelligence and Nazis.

Marmor, Boris "Bobby"

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Controlled Scotia Investments in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Joined the board of Hallmark Securities in 1970. Chairman of Westmoreland Investments in the early 1970s. Turned up as a shareholder in the Wolverhampton Steam Laudry company in the early 1980s. "Convicted embezzler-turned-property-developer and casino owner whose activities are again under official investigation", according to Spy Magazine.

McNamara, Robert Strange

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

Born on June 9, 1916 in San Francisco. McNamara graduated in 1937 from the University of California at Berkeley and went on to earn a graduate degree from the Harvard Business School, where from 1940 to 1943 he taught as an assistant professor. Poor eyesight kept him out of combat during World War II, but he served in the Air Force's Statistical Control Office, focusing, as he had done at Harvard, on ways to improve efficiency and productivity. After the war he brought his management skills to the ailing Ford Motor Company and became one of the "Whiz Kids" credited with the company's revival. In 1960 he became the first person outside the Ford family to rise to the position of president of the company. The same year, McNamara accepted President-elect John Kennedy's offer to become secretary of defense. McNamara set out to reorganize and streamline the nation's defense force and its bureaucracy. He was central to the Kennedy administration's drive to change U.S. military strategy from its Eisenhower-era reliance on nuclear "massive retaliation" to one of "flexible response," including a range of conventional options. McNamara emphasized cost control, the phasing out of what he believed to be obsolete weapons systems, and greater overall efficiency. While arguing that there was no essential difference between large organizations such as Ford and the Pentagon, and even though he did gain considerable control over the defense establishment, McNamara also had to deal with resistance from a variety of powerful, entrenched traditionalists in the various services, to say nothing of Capitol Hill. Trusted by Kennedy, McNamara became very influential in the administration. He was an important member of Kennedy's circle of advisers during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. He was also a central figure in the evolution of the nation's nuclear strategy from "massive retaliation" to a more limited "counterforce" doctrine to "mutually assured destruction," seeking international strategic stability. During the Vietnam War, McNamara initially was a great believer in victory and was convinced the United States could win thanks to its technological superiority. But by 1966 McNamara became disillusioned with the war and offered his resignation to President Johnson in 1967. August 6, 1967, The Lima News, Ohio: "On March 30, 1966, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara "categorically denied" flying saucers exist and said all of the thousands of alleged UFO photographs were "only illusions."" In 1968, he became president of the World Bank. During the 1980s he became a critic of the nuclear arms race and a proponent of a policy of "no first use." McNamara recently published a memoir on Vietnam, admitting that he had been tragically misguided in his view and conduct of the war. Due to the McCarthy hysteria all the nuanced, clear thinkers at the State Department had been purged. McNamara has been a member of Bilderberg, the Atlantic Council of the United States, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. He was a primary sponsor of the United Nations affiliated (New Age) Lucis Trust together with Greenpeace (1001 Club), the Rockefeller Foundation (undoutedly represented at the 1001 Club; Pilgrims) and Thomas Watson of IBM (1001 Club; Pilgrims). It used to be called the 'Lucifer's Trust' and was inspired by Alice Bailey (who, in line with Moses, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Crowley, etc., received her info in trance through some kind of spiritual being). Together with Sadruddin Aga Khan (1001 Club) identified as a member of the Administrative Board of the International Pugwash Foundation in Geneva in 1995 (official Pugwash history).

Mellon, Paul W.

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

His father was known as a ruthless businessman who greatly suppressed his workers in all his hundreds of companies and polluted the environment to the extreme. He was the only one to hold his own against the Rockefellers and the Morgans. Paul was a member of Yale Scroll & Key. He didn't spend much time in business. Long-time neighbor of the powerful Averell Harriman and worked together with his son-in-law. During WWII, Paul Mellon became OSS station chief in London and liaison to British Intelligence. After WWII, Martin A. Lee and Bruce Schlain note in Acid Dreams: "... members of the Mellon family maintained close ties with the CIA. The Mellon family foundations have been used repeatedly as conduits for Agency funds. Furthermore, Richard Helms was a frequent weekend guest of the Mellon patriarchs in Pittsburgh during his tenure as CIA director [1966-1973]." Buckingham Palace told Executive Intelligence Review investigator, Scott Thompson: "The Queen has known Mr. Mellon for many years and visited his estate at Upperville, Virginia, probably for the first time in the 1950s." Founded the Old Dominion Foundation which merged to become the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Philanthropist, art collector and horse breeder. Established the Yale Center for British Art. Summer 1999, Yale Alumni Magazine: "President Levin noted in his tribute that "of the many thousands who have contributed to Yale University, none has done more than he [Paul Mellon] to shape and support it."..." At his death, Mellon left Yale $90 million and more than 130 works of art-the largest single gift ever to the University. Zodiac Club member J. Carter Brown wrote an obituary of him in Yale Alumni Magazine. Mellon has been a member of the 1001 Club and the Pilgrims Society.

Meuser, Fred C.

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Dutch born American citizen who later lived in Switzerland. Met Prince Bernhard while serving with the RAF in WWII and the two became close friends, Bernhard's family often staying at his residence. Second in command of the succesful Star fighter sales effort in Europe during the 1950s and 1960s. European sales manager of Lockheed in the early 1970s, when Lockheed was promoting its F-16. Bagman for the $1.1 million bribe to Prince Bernhard from Lockheed in 1976. According to Meuser, the Swiss lawyer Hubert Weisbrod was crucial in his lobbying work.

Milmo, Emilio Azcárraga, Jr.

Sources: 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Born in 1930. Mexican businessman and son of Emilio Azcárraga Vidaurreta, Sr. Educated at Culver Military Academy and graduated in 1948. Married four times, most recently to Paula Cussi and then his former mistress, a past representative to Mexico in the Miss Universe pageant, Adriana Abascal. Owner of Univision, a twelve-station Spanish language network in the U.S., and in the 1960s and 1970s as a controlling shareholder of Televisa. Owner of "El Nacional", a sports daily newspaper in 1990-1991. Owned major Mexican television stations and was the chairman of the U.S.-based Spanish language TV network "Galavision". Involved in publishing, video rental, and real estate ventures. Died in 1999. Passed on his business to his son Emilio Azcárraga Jean.

Munk, Peter

Sources: January 3, 1997, Jeffrey Steinberg for Executive Intelligence Review, 'George Bush's "Heart of Darkness" -- Mineral Control and Africa'

A hungarian Jew, regular skiing partner of Prince Charles, and one of the wealthiest men in Canada. CEO and chairman of the world's largest gold-mining corporation, Barricks Gold, which was founded and majority owned by the controversial Iranian arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi. Khashoggi has close ties to the British royal family and his career has been jump started by the Bin Laden family. Khashoggi has been a business partner of Wally Hilliard, the financial backer of Rudi Dekkers who trained the main 9/11 hijackers. Munk tried to keep it under wraps that his company purchased the rights to a gold mine in Nevada -- containing $10 billion in gold -- for only $10,000. His U.S. goldmines have been accused of poisoning the local water. Munk was accused of insider trading back in 1967. Peter Munk is also chairman of Trizec Properties in Canada.

Navapan, Sukum

Sources: One of his official internet biographies

Born in Thailand in 1925. LLB. & Higher Diploma in Accountancy, Thammasat University
MBA Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA. President of the United Insurance Co., Ltd. 1955-1957. President of the General Insurance CO., Ltd. 1955-1957. Secretary-general of the Poh Teck Tung Foundation 1957-1966. President of Thai Military Bank 1958-1981. Chairman of the Hyatt Rama Hotel 1974-1976. Chairman of the 23rd World Cup Golf Tournament, Bangkok, 1975. President of the American Universities Alumni Association (AUAA) 1976-1977. Chairman of the Thai Bankers Association 1976-1978. Chairman of the ASEAN Bangking Council 1977-1978. Member of Parliament 1978-1979. Thai Representative of the Inter-Parliamentary Union 1978-1979. President of the Table Tennis Association of Thailand 1985-1989. Director of the Ramathibodi Foundation 1992-1996. Director of the Bangna Central Property Co., Ltd. 1993-2001. Trustee of the National Symphony Orchestra Washington D.C., USA. 1993-1999. Chairman Navatanee Group of Companies Bangkok. Director of American Standard Sanitaryware (Thailand) Plc., Siam Inter-Continental Hotel, and Siam Food Products Plc. President of the Wharton Club of Thailand. Chairman of Standing Committee, John F. Kennedy Foundation & Sukumo Foundation. Director of the Mahidol Foundation. Director of the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra Foundation. Member of the 1001 Nature Trust of the WWF. Life Adviser of the International Golf Association (IGA). Honorary member of the Thailand Olympic Committee. Honorary Rotarian of the Bangkok Rotary Club. Chairman of the Wharton Alumni Club of Thailand. Member of the Northeast Region Development Committee. Chairman of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Bangkok Meeting. Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant. Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble of the Crown of Thailand. Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Admirable Order of Direk Kunaporn. His wife is chairperson of the Siew-National Co., Ltd.

Niarchos, Stavros

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Once he had received his doctorate in law, he worked for his uncle who was a shipowner. At the age of 25, Stavros Niarchos became independent and frequented the prestigious royal yacht club. He was a naval officer in the Second World War, during which time part of the trade fleet he had built with his uncle was destroyed. Nearly 2 million dollars in insurance money helped him to buy another fleet. In 1952, the same year as his rival Aristotle Onassis, Stavros Niarchos built the first supertankers capable of transporting enormous quantities of oil and fuel. In 1956, the Suez Canal Crisis considerably increased the demand for the type of large tonnage ships that Niarchos owned. Business flourished and he became a billionaire, just like his rival, Aristotle Onassis. The shipowners' rivalry continued into their private lives. After his divorce from Henry Ford's daughter, Stavros Niarchos married Georges Livanos' sister, Eugenia. 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', pg. 448-449: "In late 1959 we were guests of Stavros [1001 Club] and Eugenie Niarchos for a week's sail through the Aegean aboard their three-masted schooner, The Creole... I had met Stavros six years earlier when he came to Chase's headquarters for a business meeting... Even though Stavros and I had little in common, we developed a good personal relationship and became business partners in many real estate deals in the United States, including the purchase of Rockefeller Center.... Our friends Jack [H.J. Heinz II; Pilgrims Society and Bilderberg organiser] and Drue Heinz of Pittsburgh were also on that 1959 voyage, as were Hans (Heini) Heinrich and Fiona Thyssen-Bornemisza [1001 Club], whom we met for the first time. Heini was the grandson of the famous August Thyssen, the "Rockefeller of the Ruhr," founder of Germany's Vereinigte Stahlwerke... Our cruise brought out the fact that we were all interested in art... The following May [1960]... we all flew to Lugano to spend the weekend with the Thyssens. When we arrived at Heini's home, the Villa Favorita, we were awestruck... It was the most beautiful private [art] collection we have ever seen." When Eugenia passed away, he married her sister Tina Onassis, who was also Aristotle's ex wife. At the head of a 4 billion dollar fortune, the rich shipowner prided himself on having married five times in the course of his life. After the oil crisis of 1973, Stavros Niarchos sold off some of his companies and launched into finances and the diamond trade. In the eighties, he came more and more often to Geneva, from where he managed his business around the globe. The Golden Greek, as his fellow countrymen liked to call him, retired in the nineties to his main residence in Saint-Moritz, in the Graubunden, where he devoted a lot of time to his favorite sport, skiing. One of the largest investors in Rockefeller Center until 2001, together with David Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, and the Agnelli family. At that point the Speyer and Crown families took over.

Norgay, Tenzing

Sources: October 28, 1977, The Argus (Fremont), 'Dutch prince loves nature', Page 16

Born in 1914. Came from a peasant family from Khumbu in Nepal, very near Mount Everest. Took part as a high-altitude porter in three official British attempts to climb Everest from the northern Tibetan side in the 1930s. Also took part in other climbs of mountains on the Indian subcontinent in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1953, he took part in Sir John Hunt's expedition, his own seventh expedition to Everest, in which he and Hillary became the first men to reach the summit. Sir John Hunt was a British military officer who later became a member of the Order of the Garter and the Privy Council. Hunt is one of the few Westerners who claims to have had an encounter with the alleged "Abominable Snowman", or Yeti, of the Himalayas. The Australian Sir Edmund Hillary also became a Knight of the Garter. Afterwards Norgay was met with adulation in India and Nepal, and even literally worshipped by some people who believed he must be an incarnation of Buddha or Siva. Became director of field training for the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in Darjeeling. In 1977, he accompanied Prince Bernhard and a small group of 1001 Club members who visited Nepal. In 1978, he founded a company, Tenzing Norgay Adventures, that offers trekking in the Himalaya. Today, the company is run by his son Jamling Tenzing Norgay, who himself reached the summit of Everest in 1996. Died in 1986.

Oppenheimer, Harold "Harry"

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Born in 1908. Of the German Jewish family, which controls the De Beers diamond company and the huge Anglo American Corporation. Harry was the son of Ernest Oppenheimer, who founded Anglo American Corporation in 1917, became director of De Beers in 1927, and was its chairman from 1929 to 1957. Harry was a member of Parliament for Kimberley from 1948 to 1957, and became the opposition spokesman on economics, finance and constitutional affairs. Chairman of Anglo-American Corp. from 1957 to 1982. Chairman of De Beers from 1957 to 1984. Extremely generous in gifts to the State of Israel. Personally directed that Israel receive the necessary diamond raw products from De Beers in order to establish itself as one of the world's diamond polishing and exporting countries. In the 1970s and 1980s, he financed the anti-apartheid Progressive Federal Party , now known as the Democratic Alliance. Some people believe that he could have done more to end the regime, but within his sphere of influence he is believed to have done more than most of his fellow-businessmen. Chancellor of the University Cape Town in South Africa 1976-1996. Harry was one of the world's richest men. Member of the 1001 Club. Member of the Roxburghe Club, together with families as Cecil, Cavendish, Arundel, the Duke of Norfolk, and Rothschild. Died in 2004.

Pao, Sir Y.K.

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Professor of Law. Chairman of Public Law at the University of Hong Kong. Banker in Shanghai before WWII. Moved to Hong Kong after Mao's ascend to power in 1949. Beginning in 1955 with one rusty, second-hand steamer, he would built the world's largest fleet of cargo vessels, named World-Wide Shipping Company. Sir Y.K. Pao approached Chase at his own initiative in the late 1960s, after hearing of plans to create an International Advisory Council. Member of the initial board of Chase Manhattan's International Advisory Council, together with co-1001 Club members John H. Loudon and Gianni Agnelli. By the 1970s, he was easily the biggest independent tanker owner in the world, with a fleet totaling more than 21 million tons. By comparison, the fleet of late Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis totaled about 3 million tons. At one time, Pao's private shipping fleet was larger than that of the Soviet Union. Pao expanded into real estate, communications, media and aviation. Accepted a knighthood from Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in 1978. Frequently golfed with Denis Thatcher, husband of prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Contributed generously to the British Conservative party. One of his biggest coups came in 1980 when he took over the Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf & Godown Ltd. from under the nose of Jardine Matheson, muscling into what had been an exclusively British club. Counted Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, who opened up China with Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, as a friend. At his funeral, the then governor of Hong Kong, David Wilson, sat in the front row. Died in 1991 with a fortune exceeding $1.3 billion, according to Forbes.

Patino, Antenor

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Antenor Patiño was a Bolivian tycoon, who dominated the world's supply of tin in the sixties and seventies, hence his nickname "the King of Tin". He married the daughter of Spanish monarch Alfonso XIII, the princess María Cristina de Borbón. His daughter married the Jew and later Le Cercle member Sir James Goldsmith, but Patino was violently opposed to this marriage. His daughter, below the age of 20, died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage some time later. With his fortune, amongst other things, he developed tourist destinations like Las Hadas, in Manzanillo, Mexico, and Las Alamandas in Jalisco state, also in Mexico. At that time he was among the richest men in the world.

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza Shah

Sources: 2004, Philip Dröge, 'Het Oranjekapitaal,' p. 211-216

Better known as the Shah of Iran from 1941 to 1979. Born in 1919. Attended Institut Le Rosey, a Swiss boarding school where many kings are send, and the Military College in Tehran. Followed up his father as emperor of Iran in 1941 after a joined USSR-British invasion (officially Iran was neutral). The British were of the opinion that the son would be more open to western free market influences, which turned out to be right. In 1953, the Shah supported Operation Ajax, the coup that overthrew prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh. The Brits didn't appreciate Mossadegh's succesful effort to nationalize the Iranian oil industry. Allen Dulles (Pilgrims; SMOM; DCI), John Foster Dulles (Pilgrims), and Kermit Roosevelt Jr. were key plotters of this coup. Created his secret police, the SAVAK, in 1957 with the assistance of the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. Dissidents were jailed, tortured, murdered, and-or assassinated. Member of the Safari Club, which was set up by the Kermit Roosevelt and Alexandre de Marenches, and a member of the 1001 Club. The Shah has always been good friends with western leaders, kings, and queens. Eventually he was ousted in 1979 and Ayatollah Khomeini came to power for the next 10 years. As a result the West started supplying weapons to Iran's enemy, Saddam Hussein. Pavlavi died in 1980.

Reksten, Hilmar

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Hilmar Reksten, the biggest ship owner in the world, was an owner of both P&O, Zapata Naess and most likely, Burmah Oil. Most of his fortune escaped taxation during the post-war period, mostly because of help from the Norwegian Labor Government. Eventually he went bankrupt.

Rosenbaum, Tibor Imgas

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR); p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

A Hungarian Jew who worked with Raoul Wallenberg (of the Bilderberg family) during WWII to keep Hungarian Jews out of the concentration camps. Set up the resistance group Hatzalá in which he was known as Rabbi Pinjas. Became a Mossad agent in 1951. Worked at the Swiss Israeli Bank through which he funded Mossad operations. Head of the Jewish Agency, an organization which supported Jews who were interested in migrating to Israel. Ran the Israel Corporation with Edmond de Rothschild (once chairman), a fundraising institution which gathered funds for land purchases in Palestine. The Mossad and the Israeli Labour Party (headed by David Ben-Gurion, a close friend of the Rothschilds) sent funds to Rosenbaum so they were able to invest anonymously in Europe and the United States. Rosenbaum secretly speculated with a large part of these funds. In 1958 he set up the Swiss Banque du Credit International (BCI) with the help of Edmond de Rothschild. Rosenbaum and his BCI directors laundered illegal drug and gambling money from mafia boss Meyer Lansky by investing it in real estate. Through the BCI Mossad and Permindex operations were financed and reportedly Rosenbaum was a significant stakeholder in Permindex. In the early 1960s, the BCI bought a significant stake in Henry Luce's Time Life. Permindex has been the main suspect of having coordinated the 1963 JFK murder. Edmond de Rothschild introduced Rosenbaum to Bernhard in the mid-1960s. In 1970 Bernhard invited Rosenbaum into the 1001 Club, but after Rosenbaum got in trouble for having embezzled money of the BCI, Bernhard had to expel him again. This happened in 1973-1974. In 1974, Prince Bernhard sold his Castle Warmelo to the Evlyma Trust in Liechtenstein, a subsidiary of Tibor Rosenbaum's BCI. The Trust was managed by 1001 Club member Herbert Batliner, a person later linked to laudering funds for Marcos, Mobutu, Escobar, and Helmut Kohl. The BCI was closed down and for a short time Tibor went to jail. The rest of his life he tried to pay his debts. In 1980 he died of a heart attack.

Rupert, Anthony "Anton" Edward

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

South African billionaire. Member of the Broederbond. Established the Rembrandt-group (tobacco and alcohol) and became its chairman. Trustee of the WWF international and president of WWF South Africa. Founder and chairman of the Peace Parks Foundation and chairman of the Club 21. Chairman of the South African tobacco giant Rothmans International tobacco company (taken over by British American Tobacco, which is a member of the Multinational Chairman's Group). Owns about 28% of British American Tobacco. Chairman of the Technical Investment Corporation. Back in the late 1980's seven of his relatives were members of the 1001 Club. Rumored to have been an investor in the secretive KAS Enterprises, the SAS front company involved with Operation Lock.

Safra, Edmond J.

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Descendent of a Syrian-Jewish banking family. His ancestors were gold traders in the Ottoman empire. Grew up in Brazil before moving to Geneva. The reclusive owner of Trade Development Bank, former owner American Express Bank, and founder Republic New York Corporation 1966. Republic Bank had 2 million customers and 83 branches - the third largest network in the city after Citibank and Chase Manhattan. It also had private banking operations in New York, Miami, Los Angeles and Asia. In 1990, this Republic Bank was identified as a favorite laundromat for both the Medellín Cartel and Lebanese-based heroin and hashish smugglers. The bank has also been accused of transferring billions of U.S. Federal Reserve notes from New York to organized crime-controlled Moscow banks, on behalf of Russian organized crime figures. Safra is also under investigation by U.S. and Swiss authorities for laundering Turkish and Columbian drug money. In 2000, the Republic New York Corporation and its sister company Safra Republic Holdings were acquired by HSBC for $10.3 billion. Edmond Safra is a longtime friend and business associate of Swiss banker Edgar de Picciotto, who comes from an old Portuguese Jewish trading family, sits on the board of Soros' Quatum Fund, is a director of American Express Bank SA of Geneva, was chairman of the Geneva private bank CBI-TDB Union Bancaire Privee (major player in the gold and offshore hedge funds), and has also been involved in numerous scandals. De Picciotto is also a longtime business partner of businessman Carlo De Benedetti, closely linked with the P2 lodge scandal. July 25, 2000, Jamestown Foundation, 'Newspaper scandal over IMF diversion expands': "The scandal surrounding allegations that a US$4.8 billion IMF "stabilization credit" in the summer of 1998 was diverted before reaching Russia with the help of Mikhail Kasyanov... Even more sensationally, the author of Novaya gazeta's investigation, Oleg Lurye, claims that following the diversion of the IMF credit and the subsequent collapse of the ruble and Russia's banking system, Edmond Safra, the late head of the New York-based Republic National Bank, gave evidence to the FBI concerning the diversion. Safra died in December of last year of asphyxiation as the result of a fire in his Monte Carlo residence. Lurye quotes Geneva prosecutor Bertrand Bertossa as saying that Safra was murdered for giving evidence to both the FBI and Swiss prosecutors concerning the diversion of the IMF credit. Both La Repubblica and Novaya gazeta claim that the US$4.8 billion credit went from the New York Federal Reserve Bank to Republic National Bank and then to various banks in Switzerland and elsewhere, but not to Russia. Lurye also claims that at the start of autumn 1999 Boris Berezovsky visited Safra at his estate in southern France. The two men, according to Lurye, had a three-hour conversation in "raised voices," after which Safra fled in a panic to his heavily fortified Monte Carlo residence (Novaya gazeta, July 24)." Edmond Safra died in a fire in his Monte-Carlo apartment in December 1999. One of his male nurses, a former U.S. Marine, supposedly set fire to the building in order to rescue him and be the hero. The investigative reporter, Oleg Lurye, was assaulted with a hammer in May 2000 and died two months later. Among the friends of the Safra couple were Nancy Reagan, Condoleezza Rice, and Prince Charles. Feb 6, 2004, London Evening Standard, 'A guide to the new 'east-ablishment': "It was the super-well-connected Jacob Rothschild who helped introduce the billionaire widow of banker Edward Safra, Lily, to Prince Charles, and helped establish her in London." She is the chairman of the Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation, and she's on the board of the Michael J. Fox Foundation For Parkinson's Research.

Salomon, Sir Walter Hans

Sources: June 17, 1987, The Times, Obituary of Sir Walter Salomon

Born in Hamburg in 1906. His family had several hundred years of banking behind them. Following the Nazi persecution he came to London in 1937. He set up his own merchant bank in one room in Finsbury Square. In 1950 he acquired the banking house Rea Brothers and quietly and effectively built up a chain of companies. He remained as its chairman until 1984 and thereafter served as president. He was also chairman of the Canal-Randolph Corporation, one of the largest owner-operators of public livestock yards in the United States. In the City he was a well-known and respected banker, and a member of Lloyds and the Baltic Exchange. He was a member of a number of public bodies, including the Cambridge Settlement, the Hudson Institute and the 1001 Club. He was also the founder of Young Enterprise in 1963, an organization which sought to teach young people business by helping them to set up their own companies. Several thousand groups were formed around the country. Died in 1987.

Samuel, Lord Harold

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Lord Samuel of Wych Cross. Purchased Land Securities Investment Trust Limited in 1944 and turned it into the world's biggest property company in 20 years. Land Securities built its strength by developing properties on the line running from Oxford Street to Aldgate Pump in the City. Samuel was succeeded in 1978 by Peter Hunt. In 1987 the company's property was worth more than Pounds 3 billion and a Pounds 2.5 billion stock market value. The Samuel family owned 4% of the company at the time.

Scott, Sir Peter

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

Knight of the British Empire (deceased), WWF-UK president since its foundation in 1961, president of Survival Service Commission in the The World Conservation Union (IUCN) since 1963, founder of Wildfowl Trust in Slimbridge, Gloucetershire in 1964. Sir Peter Markham Scott (September 14, 1909 - August 29, 1989), ornithologist, conservationist and painter, was born in London, the only child of Antarctic explorer Sir Robert Falcon Scott. He is a half-brother of Wayland Young (Lord Kennet). He was educated at Oundle School and Cambridge University, graduating from Trinity College in 1931. He inherited his artistic talent from his mother, Kathleen, and had his first exhibition in London in 1933. In 1936, he represented the United Kingdom at sailing in the Olympic Games. During World War II, Scott served in the navy, emulating his father. He was in the "little ships" against German E-boats. He stood as a Conservative candidate unsuccessfully in the 1945 general election in Wembley, North. In 1948, he founded the organisation with which he was ever afterwards closely associated, the Severn Wildfowl Trust (now the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust) with its headquarters at Slimbridge in Gloucestershire. In the years that followed, he led several ornithological expeditions worldwide, and became a television personality, popularizing the study of wildfowl and wetlands. He wrote and illustrated several books on the subject, including his autobiography, The Eye of the Wind (1961). Scott was also an accomplished sailor winning an Olympic Bronze medal for single-handed dinghy sailing and numerous other sailing championships. He also skippered the 12 metre yacht Sovereign in 1964 challenge for the America's Cup which was held by USA. Sovereign suffered a whitewash 4-0 defeat in a very one-sided competition where the American boat was seen to be the faster design. From 1973-1983 Sir Peter Scott was Chancellor of the University of Birmingham. He also founded the World Wildlife Fund and designed its panda logo. He is also remembered for giving the scientific name of Nessiteras rhombopteryx to the Loch Ness Monster so that it could be registered as an endangered species. The name, based on Greek, means "the wonder of Ness with the diamond shaped fin" but is also an anagram of "Monster hoax by Sir Peter S". Present at his 1989 memorial were the Duke of Edinburgh (1001), Lord Buxton of Alsa (1001; representing the Princess Royal), Russell Train, the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Sir Kenneth Kleinwort (1001), Dr. Luc Hoffmann (1001), David McTaggart (Greenpeace International), Ravi Tikkoo (1001), John Loudon, and hundreds of others, many connected with the environmental movement.

Sese Seko, Mobutu

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

Born in Lisala, Belgian Congo (now The Democratic Republic of Congo.) After an education under the tutelage of Belgian friars Mobuto chose a military career and eventually rose to become commander in the Belgian army at the age of 30 with the rank of colonel. In 1958 he joined Patrice Lumumba's Congolese National Movement Party, and thus found himself close to the the centre of power when Lumumba was made Prime Minister, following independence two years later. He took advantage of this during the ensuing power struggle with the province of Katanga, stepping into the Prime Minister's shoes following temporarily when Lumumba was killed. The rule was short, however as Mobuto handed power back to the civilian government within six months. He was not so generous a few years later. He put a stop to the civil war that gripped the country between 1963 and 1965 and once again took control of the state machinery, this time for good. The Congo has the potential to be perhaps Africa's richest nation and it achieved impressive levels (6-7% every year) of growth following independence and during the first few years of Mobuto's rule. This changed however after 1973. Between 1971 and 1973 Mobuto embarked on a program of Zairereanisation. The country's name was changed to Zaire; in came a new national anthem and flag; he demanded his countrymen and women call each other citoyen & citoyenne; abandon European names and wear a jacket of his own design called the abacost. But perhaps most significant was the economic impact of Zaireanisation. In a move out of character for someone supposedly a bulwark against communism, Mobuto nationalized not only the entire foreign owned industrial sector of the economy but also grabbed small businesses from the hands of Greek, Portuguese and Pakistani expats and handed them to 'sons of the country.' Mobuto remained in power until 1997, when he was forced to leave by an invading army from Rwanda under the command of future president Laurent Kabila. 1001 Club member Herbert Batliner from Liechtenstein is said to have been laundering money for Mobutu at the time he presided over Zaire. Besides being a senior lawyer and fund manager who managed over 10,000 letterbox companies, Batliner is today's (2005) president of Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze Sociali located in Vatican City.

Shine, Barnett

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Property developer.

Spiro, Sidney

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Spiro's father was a wool merchant who, with his three brothers, expanded into sheep farming. Sidney was educated at Grey College, Bloemfontein, and read law at Cape Town University. Joined Anglo American in 1953. Protege of Sir Ernest Oppenheimer. With Sir Ernest and his son, Harry, Spiro formed a trio that for many years represented the spiritual heart of the Anglo American and De Beers Corporations, the twin giants of South African mining. Sir Ernest once pointed at Spiro and said: "There are only two people in the world who understand what I'm talking about. One's Harry. And this is the second." Sidney Spiro played a highly ignificant role in the expansion of the South African mining industry, and effectively created that country's money market. One of his earliest observations under his new employer was that South Africa lacked a sophisticated money market to serve a growing economy. Sir Ernest Oppenheimer accepted the force of Spiro's argument and in 1955 gave him and the late Lord Hampden the backing to create Union Acceptances, the country's first merchant bank. A key part of that project was the establishment of an operation to discount trade bills, which had been a pillar of the City of London for generations. In 1957 this was hived off into The Discount House of South Africa. Dined at the Savoy Hotel in honor of Harry Oppenheimer and his wife on October 20, 1959. It was a meeting organized by the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Club, and the attendants included the Earl of Dalhousie, Julian Amery (later Cercle president), Lord Grenfell, and others. Executive director of the Oppenheimer's Anglo-American Corporation since 1961. Founded the Mlilwane game sanctuary and became the first chairman of its trustees. Trustee of the "South African Wildlife Foundation" (a strange description somewhere between the South Africa Foundation and the African Wildlife Foundation). Vice chairman and managing director of Charter mining group 1968-1971, a company headed until 1967 by Harry Oppenheimer. Charter had large holding in Rio Tinto Zinc, Selection Trust, and Union Corporation in South Africa. Chairman of Charter mining group 1971-1976. Joined the board of Rio Tinto Zinc in 1970. Director of De Beers since 1970. Said to have ranked as one of the top three or four men in the Oppenheimer business empire in 1970. Very close the IMF top and regularly attended its meetings. Vice chairman of Cape Asbestos in the early 1970s, which was owned for 60 percent by Charter. Principal speaker at the Metal Market Forum in London in 1972, which took place at Grosvenor House. In 1977 it turned out that Anglo-American had been running a private army, supposedly to retrieve stolen diamonds, and Spiro was called in to testify. Director of Barclays International. He claimed he knew nothing about the affair. Became a director of Hambros Bank in November 1977. Acted as a go-between for Hambro's efforts to renew business relations with the South African government and corporate sector. Joined the board of the First Security Group in 1987. Resigned from the board of Minorco in 1989, together with Harry Oppenheimer. Minorco was owned by Anglo-American and De Beers. April 9, 1990, the Times, 'Post mortem on the ConsGold debacle; Book Review': "Mr Jamieson records that after a crucial board meeting in Luxembourg, Minorco directors were waiting at the airport and on alert for "private eyes" from Kroll Associates which ConsGold had hired. Mr Sidney Spiro, a Minorco director, felt a tap on his shoulder. "Psst! Look over there," came an urgent whisper. "There's a Kroll detective staring right at you]'' "Spiro spun round and gasped as he suddenly caught sight of a dark figure about to leap out of the duty-free shop. It was a cardboard promotion for Sandeman Port." Recommended." Had become an unofficial commercial ambassador between Britain and South Africa in the 1980s. He liked to hunt. Died in 1991. His daughter Lisa worked for Salomon Brothers and later UBS in London.

Strong, Maurice F.

Sources: November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR; I believe from a Canadian source); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Strong was born in 1929, and educated in Manitoba, Canada. Son of Frederick Milton and Mary Fyfe Strong. Ran away from home in 1943, but his father retrieved him. Ran away again and became Arctic trading-post employee for the Hudson's Bay Company 1944-1945. Went to New York in 1947 to take a job as assistant pass officer in the Identification Unit of the Security Section. He lived with Noah Monod, then treasurer of the United Nations. In 1947, at the age of only 18, he is listed as a member of the Secretariat of the United Nations in New York. Here, he (supposedly) first met David Rockefeller and learned that the UN's funds were handled by Rockefeller's Chase Bank. He also met the other Rockefeller brothers and other influential people as well. Although Strong kept his UN job only two months, he met very influential people through Noah Monod. According to the National Council for Science and the Environment: "He [Maurice] first worked with the United Nations as a junior officer in 1947, when he was just eighteen, and returned in 1970 to lead the Conference on the Human Environment in Geneva, after which he became the executive director of the UN's environmental program..." Strong returned to Winnipeg, failed to qualify for the Royal Canadian Air Force, and took a job as trainee analyst for James Richardson & Sons in 1948. By 1951, he had taken a job with Dome Petroleum, on whose board of directors was Henrie Brunie, a close friend of John J. McCloy (and a later friend of Strong). Dome became one of the largest oil companies in Canada but its shareholders resided on Wall Street. In 1951 Strong married, and in 1952, abruptly sold his home, quit his job and took a world cruise. He wound up in Nairobi and took a job with CalTex 1953-1954, a company formed to exploit Saudi oil. His job involved travel to exotic parts of the world for two years. Strong visited his distant cousin, Robbins Strong, in Geneva, who was the Secretary of the Extension and Intermovement Aid Division of the international YMCA. He met Leonard Hentsch whose Swiss bank handled the money of the YMCA. Strong wanted to become an international ambassador for the YMCA, but settled for a position on the International Committee of the U.S.A. and Canada which raised funds for the YMCA. From 1958 to 1961, he formed M. F. Strong Management Ltd., Calgary and assumed the management of Ajax Petroleums Ltd., which he reorganized to form Canadian Industrial Gas and Oil Ltd. At that time, it was one of the largest Canadian independent energy companies (now Norcen). He elevated his role in the international YMCA and Canada's Liberal Party. Executive vice-president of Power Corporation 1961-1963. Chairman committee extension and inter movement aid World Alliance YMCA's 1963-1965. President of the Power Corporation of Canada 1963-1966. Brought Paul Martin, later Canadian Prime-Minister, into the company as his assistant. Founder and first President of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 1966-1970. Through his creation and direction of CIDA, Strong controlled the implementation of aid programs on the ground -- including who was hired to do the work, and through the newly created IDRC (by his mentor Lester Pearson), Strong controlled the issuance of tax deductible certificates and the distribution of both private foundation money as well as government money. President National Council YMCA Canada 1967-1968. Alternate governor at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank 1968-1970 and at the Caribbean Development Bank in 1970. Member a joint committee on Justice and Peace of the World Council of Churches, Vatican, 1969-1971. Member of the advisory board of York University, Toronto, 1969-1970. Governor of the International Development Research Centre 1970-1971 and 1977-1978. Returned to the United Nations in 1970 and lead the Conference on the Human Environment in Geneva. Executive director environment program of the United Nations, New York 1971-1975. From 1971, he served as a trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation and the Aspen Institute. Later also served as an advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation and a member of the Club of Rome. Secretary-general of the U.N. Conference on the Human Environment, the 'Stockholm Conference', which took place in 1972. First executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya 1973-1975. Co-founder of the WWF in Canada and a trustee until at least the 1970s. Also served as an advisor to the WWF. Supposedly fingered the initial Canadian members of the 1001 Club and is/was a member himself. Chairman and CEO of Petro-Canada 1976-1978. Chairman and largest shareholder of AZL Resources 1978-1983. In 1981, as head of AZL, he was sued for allegedly hyping the stock ahead of a merger that eventually failed. He settled for $4.2 million at the insistence of his insurance company. February 7, 1997, The Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, the words of Senator Jack Austin, President of Canada-China Business Council: "The Canada-China Business Council was organized in 1978, at the very beginning of the Deng Xiaoping economic reform period. It was organized by a group of leaders, Paul Desmarais [Sr.], Maurice Strong, Paul Lin, and one or two others, to begin the development of a commercial relationship with China." May 15, 2005, Pittsburgh Live: "A near-compulsive talker, one item about which Strong is almost taciturn is his relations with China's elite. Strong does not mention his late cousin Anna Louise Strong. The Marxist journalist was a member of the Comintern and spent two years with Chairman Mao. Her funeral in 1970 was organized personally by Chou En-lai, China's prime minister. Some claim that Strong arranged the Nixon-Kissinger initial meetings with the Chinese. However, Strong makes full use of Cousin Anna's memories among Beijing's elite and has had excellent relationships with the Chinese for 30 years." Maurice bought the Colorado Land & Cattle Company and its accompanying 200,000 acres of San Luis Valley in Colorado in 1978 (now owned by the Conservation Fund). This land sits on multiple huge underground water streams. Strong & Co. created American Water Development Inc. in 1986 to pump up this water. After the locals started protesting, saying the valley would be turned into a desert, Strong decided to save his reputation as environmentalist and bailed out. The ranch belonged to Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, a man who's career was started by the Bin Ladens and who strong connections to British intelligence. Supposedly, in 1978, a mystic informed Hanne and Maurice Strong that "the Baca would become the center for a new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the globe in the years to come." Hanne and Maurice Strong created the Manitou Foundation in 1988, a New Age institute on or near the Baca Ranch. On the website it reads: "In the mid 1990’s, Manitou and specialists of The Conservation Fund, with generous support of Laurance Rockefeller [the late UFO/Crop Circle investigations funder] and the Jackson Hole Preserve, devoted several years to extensive studies of Manitou’s mountain properties, culminating in the creation of the Manitou Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP)." At the ranch there are representatives of many of the world's religions, spiritual movements, and New Age sects, including the Catholic and Protestant churches, Buddhist monks, and representatives of different variations on Hinduism. A circular temple has been built on the ranch where the missionaries of different religions can contemplate with each other. If you look at the floor plan you'll see the building is a complex flower (the representatives sit in circles within this flower) within a Celtic Cross/Hindu Kiakra. The latter two represent a divine sexual union. The building seems to be a Rosy Cross, which can be interpreted as having the same meaning. In that last case, the color of the rose would correspond with the nearby mountain range: Sangre de Cristo, meaning 'Blood of Christ', the sacred name the Spanish settlers decided to reserve for it. Nicholas de Vere, former head of the British Dragon Court, wrote: "The Rose represents... the magical menstrual flow of Solomon's beloved." George Hunt, who visited the place, asked to a Catholic priest there, father Victor, what the purpose of the temple is: "We contemplate on the sexual union of the church with God... that's our mission, because we're fulfilling a role that the pope wants us to fulfill. I don't know, we're just contemplating on the sexual union of the church with God." The San Luis Valley is an amazing place. Twelve different Indian tribes used the Valley as a sacred hunting and vision-quest area. Some of these tribes have legends about the 'Sipapu', or 'place of reemergence', near the lakes area. They believe that their ancestors were led underground to safety at this location by the 'Ant People', just before a cleansing period of the earth started. According to the Navajo tradition, they were warned of the upcoming cataclysms by 'sky katchinas' (sky spirits). They also claimed that the 'star people' enter our reality at the sacred Blanca Massif in the Valley. The San Luis Valley happens to be a place with enormous UFO activity (even before the modern UFO era started in June 1947). During peak UFO waves in the late 1960s dozens of cars would literally line the roads watching the amazing aerial displays of unknown lights as they cavorted around in the sky above the Great Sand Dunes/Dry Lakes area. In 1967 the first case of a typical cattle mutilation was reported in this valley (Sept. 9, a horse called Snippy. Reported by the AP and Washington Post in early October). The phenomenon would become epidemic in the early to mid 1970s. Maurice Strong introduced Edmund de Rothschild on the Fourth World Wilderness Conference in September 1987, held in Denver and southern Colorado: "One of the most important initiatives that is open here for your consideration is that of the Conservation Banking Program. As mentioned this morning, we have [inaudible] here the person who really is the source of this very significant concept. He was/is one of the trustees of the International Wilderness Foundation which sponsored this meeting. He was at the first of these conferences. His conversion to the relationship between conservation and economic development has been a pioneering one... Many of the energy developments that we have seen have come from his early anticipation of our energy needs... And I'm just delighted to have this opportunity of introducing to you, Edmund de Rothschild." Edmund (Pilgrims Society) thanks "Maurice" and gives a speech about Global Warming and what to do about the melting polar caps, the stuff we are all familiar with today. David Rockefeller (Pilgrims Society), James Baker (Pilgrims Society), and Michael Sweatman (Royal Bank of Canada; president World Conservation Bank; close associate of Edmund de Rothschild) also gave speeches. The charge for attending the multi-day conference was $650 and was visited by about 1500 businessmen. George Hunt, who attended the conference, was warned (indirectly) by David Rockefeller not to distribute any rebukes of what was said or "he would regret it". Maurice was chairman of the International Energy Development Corporation 1980-1983. Chairman of the Canada Development Investment Corporation and the Canadian government holding company for state enterprises 1981-1984. Member of the World Commission on Environment and Development 1983-1987. Chairman of the executive committee of Société Générale pour l'Energie et les Ressources around the early 1980s. Director Massey Ferguson in 1984. Executive coordinator of the United Nations Office for Emergency Operations in Africa 1985-1986. Undersecretary-general of the United Nations 1985-1987 & 1989-1992. Former Chairman the Stockholm Environment Institute which was established in 1989. It worked with the recommendations made during the 1972 Stockholm Conference. In 1991, Strong wrote the introduction to a book published by the Trilateral Commission, called 'Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology', by Jim MacNeil. David Rockefeller wrote the foreword of that book. Secretary-general of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Only those NGOs that were accredited by the UN Conference were permitted to attend. Former chairman International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Became a member of the Privy Council of Canada in 1992, the same year that Paul G. Desmarais, Sr., Conrad M. Black, and Charles R. Bronfman (brother of Edgar Bronfman, Sr.) were also made members. Chairman and CEO of Ontario Hydro 1992-1995. Commission on Global Governance 1992-1996. Co-founder of the Earth Council Institute in 1992 and has been its chairman ever since (he still is anno 2005). Ruud Lubbers (Dutch Prime Minister 1982-1994) and Mikhail Gorbachev (president of the USSR until 1991; established the Green Cross, among its directors Shimon Peres) were among those who helped in its creation. In 1994, these people, Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Ruud Lubbers joined together again to launch a civil society Earth Charter initiative. Considered a chief architect of the Kyoto Accord of 1997, because the regulations to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations started with the Framework Convention on Climate Change at the Earth Summit in Rio of 1992, headed by Maurice Strong. An international Earth Charter Commission was formed in 1997 (with Maurice Strong, Steven C. Rockefeller (second son of Nelson Rockefeller), and Mikhael Gorbachev among the handful of commissioners), and an Earth Charter secretariat was established in Costa Rica, where today it is affiliated with the UN University for Peace. In 2000, the Earth Charter was formally launched at the Peace Palace (once built by Andrew Carnegie) in The Hague in the presence of Queen Beatrix. The mission of the Earth Charter Initiative is, "To establish a sound ethical foundation for the emerging global society and to help build a sustainable world based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace." Chairman of the World Resources Institute 1995-1998. The earlier mentioned Pittsburgh Live article also states that Maurice Strong is very good friends with Kofi Annan (UN head; advised by Strong), Malloch Brown (works for Annan), Al Gore (former US vice president; intermarried with the Schiff family; presidential campaign sponsored with $100,000 from Strong), Tongsun Park (Koreagate; long history of bribing/blackmailing government officials; indicted in the Oil-For-Food scandal), Louise Frechette (UN deputy secretary-general; accused of having ordered the shredding of incriminating Oil-For-Food documents; actually an investigator of the Oil-For-Food scandal; has spoken to the Pilgrims Society), and James Wolfensohn (used to sit on the Rockefeller Foundation board; former business partner of Lord Jacob Rothschild; former president of the World Bank; the head of J. Rothschild Wolfensohn & Co. was Oil-For-Food investigator and Rockefeller-protege Paul Volcker). Strong actually was a senior advisor to James Wolfensohn when the latter was head of the World Bank from 1995 to 2005. Maurice was and is an advisor to United Nations secretary-generals Boutros-Ghali & Kofi Annan. Chairman of the High Level Expert Panel reviewing the Consultative Group on Agricultural Research (CGIAR) 1998-1999. Member of the World Water Commission, formed in 1998, which concluded that fresh water will become scarce in the future. It also recommend privatization of water companies. Member of the International Advisory Board of the Federation of Korean Industry 1998-2001. Former director of the United Nations Foundation, established in 1998, mainly through the money of Ted Turner, but sponsored by many corporations and foundations. President of the Council of the University for Peace in Costa Rica since 1999. Member of the International Advisory Board of Governors of the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) since 2003. Paul Martin (from a well-connected Roman Catholic family; Privy Councilor), Canada's Prime Minister since 2003, has stated a few times that Maurice Strong acted as his mentor. Chairman, International Advisory Board, CH2M Hill Group Inc. Director Toyoto Motor Corp, Zenon Environmental, Inc., World Society, First Color. Corp., Baca Corp., Consolidated Press Holdings, and The Humane Society of the United States. Former chairman and member of the foundation board of DAVOS/World Economic Forum. Member of the International Advisory Board of the Center of International Development (Harvard) and the Liu Centre for the Study of Global Issues at The University of British Columbia. President of the World Federation of United Nations Association. Fellow of the Royal Society (U.K.), the Royal Society of Canada, and the Royal Architectural Society of Canada. Member of the Yale Club, University Club, and the Vancouver Club. Currently chairman of Strovest Holdings and Technology Development Corporation.

Sunley, John

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Educated at Harrow and Columbia University. John served with the Royal Marines before commencing in the property world in 1960. Chairman of the Sunley Holdings Group of companies since 1979. He is also Chairman of the Trustees of the Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation and trustee of a number of other charities.

Thurn und Taxis, Prince Johannes von

November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR)

In the 15th and 16th century, Thurn und Taxis used to be spelled as Torriani e Tassi (or Torre e Tasso), and was an influential family living in Bergamo, 40 miles east of Milan, northern-Italy. The first postal services of the Torriani e Tassi family were set up in 1490 for the doge of Venice and the Pope in the Vatican. The founder of the dynasty, Francisco Tasso, organised a postal service between Milan and Innsbruck in 1516. Soon his network spread all over the Habsburg empire, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. The Thurn und Taxis system, for the first time, used stationary 'Positae Stationes' (latin), from which the word 'posta' has derived. The success of this postal service, provided by hundreds of messengers on horseback, resulted in a lot of noise on the streets of Brussels, which bothered the townspeople. During a town council meeting on 15th June 1578, the authorities suggested that Francisco limited his night runs to 1200 split as follows: 600 from Porte de Halle, 200 from Porte de Schaerbeek, 150 from Porte de Namur and finally 250 from Porte de Ninove. This compromise seemed impossible to Francisco given the continuing increase in letter and parcel deliveries across Europe. Francisco decided to transfer some of his activities to Frankfurt and so took the name Franz von Tassis. The name La Tour et Tassis was used from then on in Latin countries, while Von Thurn und Taxis was used in Germanic countries. The Habsburgs elevated the Thurn und Taxis family to nobility in 1608. Very few princely families have been able to play such an important role in Europe without ever appearing as actors in the main stage of history. The family's fortunes prospered along those of the imperial court at Vienna (Habsburg dynasty). For more than 300 years (15th-18th century), the Thurn und Taxis held the monopoly over imperial communications and post between Vienna and the far flung Habsburg possessions that formed the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Some have argued that the Thurn und Taxis family also played a leading role in catholic intelligence for the Habsburg, the Papacy, and-or the Venetians.

Johann Babtiste de Tassis (Taxis), born in 1552 in the aristocratic family of postmasters, became an officer in the Spanish army. In the 1580s he headed several army units which raided and butchered a number of towns in the Netherlands, a country at war with the Spanish (and the papacy as a whole).

It was Napoleon Bonaparte who first attacked the Thurn und Taxis monopoly (from about 1795). The loss of the mail monopoly did little to affect the power of the Thurn und Taxis for by then, the family had diversified into a myriad other enterprises from foodstuffs to banking to railroads. Their wealth was vast and very few other European families could match it. In the 19th century they intermarried with different European royal families, including Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Along with Dietrich Eckart, Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg, Prince Gustav Franz Maria von Thurn und Taxis has been named as a member of the Thule Society, the occult group from which Hitler's NSDAP was born. On the other hand, it has been reported that Prince Albert of Thurn und Taxis was deeply opposed to Hitler's regime and that the family lost a good chunk of their fortunes during WWII. After the war a lot these lost fortunes disappeared behind the iron curtain.

Max von Thurn-Valsassina became a founding member, permanent secretary and honorary president of the Mont Pelerin Society, which is part of the Kalergi-Habsburg-sponsored Vatican-Paneuropa network, aimed at rebuilding a new Holy Roman Empire. Otto von Habsburg was another founder of the Mont Pelerin Society.

Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis was a cousin of queen Elizabeth of Belgium, the duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg, and empress Zita von Habsburg of Austria. In 1952, he started to rebuild the family's financial empire, which he did very well. After WWII, the Prince had become good friends with General George S. Patton and Colonel Robert R. McCormick, the late publisher of the Chicago Tribune. April 24, 1980, Boston Globe, 'Names & Faces': "Invitations are out for the wedding of German Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis, 56, one of Europe's richest men, to his 20-year-old cousin, Countess Gloria von Schoenberg. The ceremony will take place in the bachelor prince's historic castle in Regensberg, Germany, May 30 with at least 1000 invited quests. Johannes is a descendant of the family who founded Europe's first mail service, which was delivered by coaches called Taxis. On his mother's side, he is a descendant of the kings of Portugal and Emperors of Brazil, where he has vast estates." Gloria became well known for her excessive, often obscene party behaviour and her extremely eccentric hairstyles. This was the reason that the Thurn und Taxis family suddenly began appearing in newspapers around the world. April 28, 1982, Boston Globe, 'People': "Shown at left is the new head of one of the wealthiest families in Europe. He is Prince Johannes Baptista von Thurn und Taxis, who became head of his family this week when his father, Prince Karl August von Thurn und Taxis, died at his castle in Regensburg, West Germany. The family traces its wealth to 1500 when it started the Vienna-Brussels mail service. Prince Johannes once remarked: "Anyone who knows how much money he has cannot really be rich. I never admit to more than 500 million marks ($210 million)." The Thurn und Taxis seat is a 500-room castle in Regensberg. Johannes owned ten castles in Germany, reportedly owned about 10 percent of Bavaria, was Europe's largest landowner, and owned 175,000 acres of land in Brazil (including large chunks of the Amazon) and Canada. Besides land holdings, the prince owned a private German bank, founded in the early 20th century by his family. It specialized in providing commercial banking services to small- and medium-sized businesses in the Bavarian section of West Germany and investment management services to wealthy individuals. In 1988, Fortune magazine estimated Prince Johannes' fortune about $2.8 billion. He is said to have been a friend of the Rothschilds, although the latter didn't appreciate it when Gloria, Johannes' wife, in Town & Country magazine referred to them as "these wine Jews". December 11, 1986, The Dallas Morning News, 'Saudi Billionaire Brings High-Rolling Style to Arms Sales': "Adnan M. Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian billionaire who built his reputation and his fortune on financial wheeling and dealing from Salt Lake City to the Sudan, has found himself in an arms game with higher stakes than he may have bargained for... Parties that cost up to a half a million dollars. In July 1985 he gave a 50th birthday party for himself and 400 guests, ranging from actress Brooke Shields and the Prince and Princess von Thurn und Taxis of Bavaria to Maxwell M. Rabb, the American ambassador to Italy. Rabb, who also visited the Khashoggi yacht, has denied a report that at the birthday party in Marbella he and Khashoggi discussed a plan to free American hostages in Lebanon." Khashoggi, a Saudi arms dealer, is known to be close to the Western establishment and all their underhanded deals since the 1960s. He also was a business partner of Wally Hilliard, the person who owned Rudi Dekkers' flight school where the key 9/11 plotters were trained. Rabb has been working in the shadows of Pilgrims executive Henry Cabot Lodge and James Forrestal. Forrestal was a very important banker at Dillon, Read & Co., the Pilgrims bank that had those business deals with Fritz Thyssen, next to Hjalmar Schacht the most important backer of Hitler. Rabb has long-time connections to the Italian-US mafia and according to Steven Greer has some involvement in the privatized covert group dealing with UFOs (not unlike Hans Adam von Liechtenstein). Mick Jagger is reported to have attended parties of the Thurn und Taxis family, just as Malcolm Forbes of the Pilgrims Society and the Bohemian Grove. March 1986, EIR, Special Report, 'Moscow's Secret Weapon: Ariel Sharon and the Israeli Mafia': "A third meeting scheduled for Nov.15, 1982 was to include Sharon, Kissinger [Le Cercle; Pilgrims Society], Lord Harlech (David Ormsby-Gore), Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis, former Secretary of State Alexander Haig [involved with NATO and the P2; later Pilgrims Society executive], Lord Carrington [Pilgrims Society president], British Member of Parliament Julian Amery [head of Le Cercle 1985 - early 1990s; son of a hugely important Zionist next to the Rothschilds], Ernst Kux of Neue Zeurcher Zeitung, Robert Moss [Le Cercle; protege of Cercle head Brian Crozier], Sir Edmund Peck, Armin Gutowski of the Hamburg West Germany World Economic Archives, and former British intelligence Mideast station chief Nicholas Elliot [Cercle member; close associate of Cercle president Brian Crozier in both Le Cercle and The 61], then a senior MI-6 official." I could be wrong, but I never heard EIR or pretty much anyone else talk about Le Cercle. Look at the article about Le Cercle for all the details. The very controversial Franz Joseph Strauss, another prominent member of Le Cercle, died while hunting with Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis in 1988. Prince Johannes died unexpectedly in 1990, which brought a lot of chaos to the family's fortune. Gloria, his wife (38 years younger) with whom he partied during the 1980s, had been selling a lot of the holdings in the 1990s to pay for the huge inheritance taxes. With the help of her son, born in 1983, she largely rebuild the family's vast fortune (which they never completely lost), as her son was estimated in 2005 to be worth about $2 billion dollars. The Palace of Thurn and Taxis in Bavaria, St. Emmeram, the huge family estate that contains more rooms than Buckingham Palace, is still in use today. Gloria is involved with ecological business and is close to at least the young sons of the royal house of Monaco. In contrast to the 1980s, when she was known as one of the wildest party girls on the planet, she is today known for her extremely conservative views. In May of 2001, on a German talk show, she attributed the high AIDS rate in Africa to people there liking sex. The continent's warm climate would be the cause of that, according to her, since the warmer the climate the more people want to have sex. She indicated that people should only have sex for reproduction; not for fun. Abortion she called murder, which a woman is often forced into by her partner. There's a rumor that Gloria is a member of Opus Dei and a much stronger rumor that Johannes was gay (or bi-sexual). Gloria wrote a book in 2003 with her very close friend, princess Alessandra Borghese, daughter of Prince Romano Borghese. Both Gloria and Alessandra are friends and royal representatives of Pope Ratzinger, a big supporter of Opus Dei. Alessandra Borghese, once the wife of Konstantin Niarchos, fourth son of the late shipping tycoon Stavros Niarchos, does not seem to be closely related to Prince Valerio Borghese, a leader in the post-WWII fascist international and an ally of Otto Skorzeny. Gloria von Thurn und Taxis and Francesca von Habsburg are members of the initial advisory board of Phillips de Pury & Company, which specializes in contemporary art. It was put together in late 2005. Francesca von Habsburg is married to Prince Karl von Habsburg, the son of Otto von Habsburg, and is the daughter of Heinrich von Thyssen-Bornemisza (1001 Club). The assets of the family are managed through the Thurn und Taxis Group. The prince used to be a member of the 1001 Club. Several members of the family have been Knights of Malta. The new head of the family is Prince Albert II, the 12th Prince von Thurn and Taxis, born in 1983, and son of Gloria and Prince Johannes.

Thyssen-Bornemisza, Baron Heinrich II von

December 17, 1997, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Optellen en afschieten' (weekly Dutch journal since 1877)

August Thyssen (1842-1926), sometimes referred to as the "Rockefeller of the Ruhr" or the "Andrew Carnegie of Germany", is the basis of the enormous fortune of the Thyssen family. In the 19th century August started to produce the highest quality steel in the world which was bought by the German government in large quantities.

His son, Heinrich I (1875-1947), married baroness Margit Bornemisza de Kászon in 1906. After the First World War, Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza fled to Austria and then moved with his family to The Hague, where he became head of Thyssen's foreign interests, the most important one being Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart. Their interests were moved out of Germany to avoid the Versailles treaty repercussions. Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza avoided business dependencies, which is why after the death of his father in 1926 he refused to invest his inheritance in the newly created trust Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG, which was set up and controlled by Pilgrims Society member Douglas Dillon, of Dillon Read & Company. As a result August Thyssen's industrial assets were divided between his sons Fritz and Heinrich.

Fritz Thyssen became the earliest important financial backer of Hitler. In 1922, Fritz became acquainted with Pilgrims Society member Averell Harriman with whom he agreed to set up a US branch of the Thyssen interests, the Union Banking Corporation, managed by Prescott Bush, but its funds controlled by the Thyssens. In 1923, he gave general Erich Ludendorf, who inspired Fritz to support Hitler, 100,000 gold marks for the Nazis, prior to the attempted putsch by Hitler that same year. Most people, including industrialists, gave up on Hitler after the failed coup, but not Fritz, who became a close friend of Hitler and Hess. In January 1926, Dillon Read & Co., with Clarence Dillon (Pilgrims), James Forrestal, and William H. Draper running the company, created the German Credit and Investment Corporation. They also created Vereinigte Stahlwerke. In 1932, together with banker Hjalmar Schacht, another person with close friendly ties to Pilgrims Society members/Anglo-American bankers, Fritz organized a meeting between Hitler and Germany's leading industrialists, which proved instrumental in Hitler's rise to power the following year.

During WWII, the Orange family parked a portion of their capital at the Thyssen's Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart. After WWII, the Thyssens managed to rebuild their empire. As a personal favor, Heinrich I also retrieved virtually the entire art collection of the Orange family, even pieces that were lost behind the Iron Curtain.

Baron Hans Heinrich II von Thyssen-Bornemisza, a noted art collector, was a Dutch-born (in 1921; to Heinrich I) Swiss citizen with a Hungarian title, a legal resident of Monaco for tax purposes, with a declared second residency in the United Kingdom, but in actuality a long-time resident of Spain. Married several times and has been described as a person with a cold personality. His second marriage, in 1954, was to Anglo-Indian fashion model Nina Dyer (1930-1965); they had no children and were divorced in 1956. She later married and divorced Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan (a 1001 Club family) and committed suicide in 1965. He married thirdly, in 1956, New Zealand-born British fashion model Fiona Frances Elaine Campbell-Walter (born 1932). She was a daughter of Rear-Admiral Keith McNeil Walter (later Campbell-Walter) and his wife, Frances Henriette Campbell. Their children were Francesca (born 1958 and now married to Archduke Karl of Austria, heir to the defunct Austrian imperial throne) and Lorne (born 1963). They divorced in 1965, and she went on to have a well-publicized relationship with Greek shipping heir Alexander Onassis, the only son of Aristotle Onassis. He married 2 more times. 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', pg. 448-449: "In late 1959 we were guests of Stavros [1001 Club] and Eugenie Niarchos for a week's sail through the Aegean aboard their three-masted schooner, The Creole... I had met Stavros six years earlier when he came to Chase's headquarters for a business meeting... Even though Stavros and I had little in common, we developed a good personal relationship and became business partners in many real estate deals in the United States, including the purchase of Rockefeller Center.... Our friends Jack [H.J. Heinz II; Pilgrims Society and Bilderberg organizer] and Drue Heinz of Pittsburgh were also on that 1959 voyage, as were Hans (Heini) Heinrich and Fiona Thyssen-Bornemisza [1001 Club], whom we met for the first time. Heini was the grandson of the famous August Thyssen, the "Rockefeller of the Ruhr," founder of Germany's Vereinigte Stahlwerke... Our cruise brought out the fact that we were all interested in art... The following May [1960]... we all flew to Lugano to spend the weekend with the Thyssens. When we arrived at Heini's home, the Villa Favorita, we were awestruck... It was the most beautiful private [art] collection we have ever seen." Today his empire has merged that of the Krupp family, forming ThyssenKrupp AG, which has about 190.000 employees worldwide and annual sales of about 40 billion euros (2004). Member of the 1001 Club. Died in 2002.

Tikkoo, Ravi

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Indian born billionaire, renowned in the shipping world as the man who pioneered the use of big bulk-carrying ships to transport commodities such as oil. Nowadays he is in semi-retirement in London but still harbours the notion of resurrecting his plan to construct a giant cruise liner.

Torno, Noah

Sources: Digital Who's Who

Born in 1920. Decorated Order of the British Empire. Became a director of the 1001 Trust, the World Wildlife Fund, RAM Petroleums Ltd., Mount Sinai Hospital (treasurer); Distillers Corp. Seagrams Ltd. (of the Bronfmans), Can. Trust, Consumers Gas, Carling O'Keefe Breweries Ltd., and Hiram Walker Resources Ltd. Chairman Royal Ontario Museum.

Vesco, Robert

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

A banker and CIA agent who financially supported Nixon. Good friend and business partner of Prince Bernhard, whom he met in the late 1960s. The undisputed king of the fugitive financiers. Kicked out of the 1001 Club in 1973 after he became a wanted man for illegal drug and arms trade. Vesco fled to Costa Rica in 1973 in order to avoid standing trial for the alleged theft of $224 million from the Swiss-based mutual fund, Investors Overseas Services (of Meyer Lansky - Some say the Rothschild family was involved). Shortly before Vesco left, he delivered $200,000 in illegal campaign contributions to Richard Nixon's re-election campaign. The money was stuffed in a suitcase and handed over to campaign treasurer Maurice Stans, who ended up paying a $5,000 fine for "non-willful violation" of campaign-finance law. Vesco was indicted in absentia. April 29, 1974, Time, 'Their Own Best Witnesses': "John Mitchell, 60, the former U.S. Attorney General, and Maurice Stans, 66, the former Secretary of Commerce, had in a measure won their gamble-though not necessarily their cases. They had indeed been their own best witnesses against the Government's charges that they had plotted to gain special favors in Washington for Financier Robert Vesco, 38, in exchange for the moneyman's secret $200,000 cash contribution to Richard Nixon's 1972 presidential campaign... It simply never occurred to him, insisted Mitchell, that Vesco had given the $200,000 in order to get help in his struggle with the Securities and Exchange Commission (which eventually charged Vesco and 41 associates with perpetrating a $224 million stock fraud)... Mitchell freely admitted, as the prosecution charged, that after Vesco's donation was received he set up a meeting between the financier's lawyer and William Casey, then head of the SEC." He was indicted yet again in 1989 on drug smuggling charges. From Costa Rica, Vesco hopscotched to the Bahamas, Antigua (where he tried unsuccessfully to buy a nearby island called Barbuda and establish it as a sovereign state), Nicaragua and, finally, Cuba, where he has lived for the past two decades and, since 1995, been domiciled in a Cuban jail. Vesco was convicted in connection with an alleged scheme to defraud Cuba's pharmaceutical industry. Also arrested by the Cubans was Vesco's partner and houseguest, Donald Nixon, nephew to the former president. Nixon was allowed to return to the U.S., but Vesco went to the slammer. He gets out in 2009, when he'll be 74. Vesco's Cuban wife Lidia was convicted on lesser charges and should be out by this time.

Vestey, Edmund

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Vestey's grandfather set up Union Cold Storage in Liverpool in 1897 with the simple idea of meat for the working class. Today, Edmund controls a meat empire and has personal fortune of about 700 million pounds sterling. Edmund and his brother William also founded Vestey Brothers, Union Cold Storage Co Ltd and Blue Star Line shipping. His family owns ranches in England, Scotland, South-America and Australia. Edmund owns 17000 acres in Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex. He is also a vice-president of the Essex Scouts and vice-chairman of the East Anglia Border Terrier Club. East Anglian Daily Times 19.11.02: "EDMUND Vestey, one of East Anglia's biggest supporters of foxhunting, has given the Conservative Party a donation of 6,050 [pounds], figures published by the Electoral Commission revealed yesterday. The Commission's internet site indicated that Mr Vestey, of Vestey Hall, Thurlow, near Haverhill, a former master of the Thurlow Hounds, paid his donation directly to Conservative Central Office..." Vestey was a Lord Prior of the Order of St John of Jerusalem and a his meat company belonged to the Livery Companies of the City of London.

Wasserman, Lew

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216

Generous contributor to Jewish and Catholic causes. Donated so much to Catholic charities that Pope John Paul II asked to meet him in 1987. Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995. Chairman and chief executive of the Music Corporation of America (MCA). The most influential player in the Hollywood movie business up until the eighties. From that time on, Time Warner and News Corp. became serious competitors. In the 1960s, Lew demonstrated the political influence Hollywood could wield by organizing huge fundraising campaigns, particularly for the Democratic Party. In 1990 MCA was sold to Matsushita, which sold MCA again to Bronfman controlled Seagram in 1995. Edgar Bronfman Jr. became the new president of MCA and renamed it to Universal Studios. Lew only remained a media consultant to Universal Studios. In the past Lew has been described as the godfather or even the god of Hollywood. Stories circulated of executives who fainted or vomited in the midst of Wasserman tirades.

Watson, Thomas J., Jr.

Sources: 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216; May 2003, Capital Research Center, Foundation watch

Eldest son of Thomas J. Watson, the founder of IBM, known to have struggled throughout his life with depression, earned a business degree from Brown University in 1937, and worked a few years as an IBM salesman. In May of 1956 Watson Jr. was named CEO of the company. Only six weeks later his father died. Thomas Jr. took the single biggest risk in IBM's history when he decided to make all of its previous computer software (and hardware, for that matter) obsolete, by developing a uniform range of new IBM mainframe computers. The new machines were compatible within the range—i.e., they could run the same software and use the same peripherals—but incompatible with the former mainframes. The new series, called the System/360, almost completely bankrupted the entire company; its highly successful launch in 1964 was called by Fortune magazine "IBM's $5 Billion Gamble". That same year, because of this success, Dwight D. Eisenhower at the New York World's Fair awarded Thomas J. Watson Jr. the Medal of Freedom, the highest award a U.S. President can bestow on a civilian. Watson was CEO of IBM from 1956 to 1971 and became a US ambassador to the Soviet Union 1979-1981. He also was a trustee of the China Institute and was called by Fortune Magazine “the most successful capitalist who ever lived” (1976) He was a member of the Pilgrims Society, Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Once of the primary sponsors of the Lucis Trust.

Whyte, Tom

Sources: August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club)

Chairman of the failed "fringe" bank Triumph Investment Trust, back in the seventies.

Werner, Charles A.

Sources: Digital Who's Who

Born in 1921. Graduated from the University of Chicago in 1942. MD from Cornell University 1945. Became an established Internist and radiologist after WWII. Researcher at the National Institutes of Health and a professor at Cornell. Fellow of the American College of Physicians and of the Explorers Club. Medical director at Pfizer International Corp. in New York City 1951-1956. Assistant medical director Time-Life Co. 1958-1960. Member of the 1001 Trust of the World Wildlife Association. Died November 20, 1999, at age 77 in Huntington, NY.

(Windsor) Mountbatten, Prince Philip

Sources: April 11, 1978, The Times, Court Circular, Page 18; August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; July 1997, Jeffrey Steinberg for Executive Intelligence Review, 'Tinny Blair Blares For Prince Philip's Global Eco-Fascism' (Steinberg claimed to have had several 1001 Club membership lists from the 1980s, I believe from a Canadian source)

Born in 1921 on the Isle of Corfu, Greece. Parents were evacuated from Greece after a revolution and both became depressed (father) or mentally instable (mother). Studied in Germany under Kurt Hahn and both came to Scotland in 1933. Played polo in his youth, often against Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Philip is the Duke of Edinburgh, a Knight of the Order of the Garter, a Knight of the Order of the Thistle, Grand Master and First or Principal Knight of the Order of the British Empire, and was a prince of Greece and Denmark until he married. Patron or President of 814 organizations. His wife, Queen Elizabeth II is patron of the Pilgrims Society. Long career in the navy from the start of WWII as a midshipsman to commanding his own frigate, the HMS Magpie. William R. Denslow's 10,000 Famous Freemasons: "Philip was initiated in Navy Lodge No. 2612 of London on Dec 5, 1952. Present at the initiation were the Earl of Scarbrough, grand master, q.v., and Geoffrey Fisher, archbishop of Canterbury." Philip is a Master Mason, never having shown great interest in the organization, while his cousin, Prince Edward (b. 1935) is the grand master of the United Grand Lodge. He and his wife set off for a tour of the Commonwealth, with visits to Africa, Australia, and New Zealand in 1952. They went on to visit the remote parts of the Commonwealth in 1956. Gordon Creighton, a Foreign Service official and Intelligence officer, concluded his story about a reported 1960s UFO landing on the estate of Prince Philip with: "So there had been a landing on the estate of Mountbatten and there was Mountbatten's great interest." The entire testimony was made during an interview with the Disclosure Project in September 2000. Prince Philip supposedly had a drawer full of sketches and information on different types of UFOs. Philip co-founded the WWF International in 1961 with Julian Huxley and Prince Bernhard. He has been the long time president of WWF UK. Co-founded the 1001 Nature Trust and 1001 Club from 1971 to 1974, together with Anton Rupert and Prince Bernhard. Co-founded Population Concern in 1977 with Earnest Kleinwort, Sir Cyril Kleinwort (Pilgrims), Prince Philip, Lord Caradon, Lord Renton and Lord McCorquodale. Organized a meeting of 1001 Club members in Windsor Castle in April 1978. Co-founded the Interfaith consultations between Jews, Christians, and Muslims in 1984, together with Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild at Windsor castle. In August 1988, Prince Philip said to the West German Deutsche Press Agentur: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation". He wrote something along similar lines in the foreword of the 1987 book 'If I Were An Animal', written by Fleur Cowles. Philip was supposedly hostile to Diana after she divorced Charles in 1996. Mohamed Al-Fayed claimed Prince Philip had ordered Diana's murder who was killed in a car crash on August 31, 1997. Queen Elizabeth II said to Diana's butler Paul Burrell in December 1997: "Nobody, Paul has been as close to a member of my family as you have... There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge." She advised him to be cautious and to lay low. Unlike his son, Charles, Philip supports genetically modified foods. On June 7, 2000, The Guardian quoted the Duke of Edinburgh as saying: "Do not let us forget we have been genetically modifying animals and plants ever since people started selective breeding." Philip is known to be the head of the family; what he says, generally goes. He is still president emeritus of the WWF International.
