I, LIL-UTI,, knew the flesh of Eve, of Chavvah and laid with her in the walled gardens at Babylon, and in Ge'hinnom. I tasted the qlifot of Binah and her forbidden fruit. Woe, Woe unto Eve, for when I return to the banished Garden, I lamented הוהי as I loved Eloha, and Yeheshua. and Lo', I murderous and menstruous LYLYT, slew Eve."

~ Apocrypha of Lilith VIII;2

Leilah Publications, LLC™ presents books, CDs, MP3 audio, seminars, workshops, DVDs, and other media to breech the boundaries between religion, psychology, and sexuality. We engage you in controversial studies of the religion, psychology, sexuality triad's role in paradigm shifts. Studies of sex from psychological, eugenic, sociological, anthropological, and contemporary religious research have spawned epidemically. Faith must not lead Mankind to a "dictatorship of relativism." Religion, on the other hand must not lead the faithful to a schizophrenia of philosophy. Religion must not become to Mankind an anesthesia. Leilah Publications works to impregnate in you a catharsis of sacred study.

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The Curse of Aleister Crowley: A Descent into Lies & Madness

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Babylon: Secret Rituals of the Illuminati {Paperback}
ISBN 1-4196-5456
The inheritance of Illuminati has reformed the world religions into uniformity and syncretism. Hidden safe behind the walls of Temples, Lodges, Mosques, and Churches of the Illuminati Heritage are vessels of the forgotten rituals, the pungent perfumes of hidden bacchanalia and the sweet aroma of secret sacrifices. A Magi must build his Holy Alphabets deep within the Temple of the Serpent’s Tongue. The blood of the Templars and Sons of the Widow mesh with the remains of memories and incense smoke, cascading down to a chrysalis of spiritual darkness. There will no longer be a refuge of souls. The very canticles of the Serpent lead one into a labyrinthe wherein Angels have fallen with desire to taste the forbidden fruit. Here at last is that “forbidden fruit”…the hidden rituals of the Illuminati.

Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati® {O.·.A.·.I.·.}, a private religious fraternity, instructs men and women in theology opposed to Christian Protestantism & ecclesiastic organization. O.·.A.·.I.·. Initiates present academic theses to such collegiate organizations as American Academy of Religion and Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.. O.·.A.·.I.·. Initiates deconstruct Christian-oriented Initiatic heritage of the Western Mystery School.

O.·.A.·.I.·. is a Religious Order dedicated to prospect religious, sexual & psychological mysteries of the sacred feminine. O.·.A.·.I.·. is an exterior college and guild under the auspices of the "Western" and "Eastern" Mystery Schools. O.·.A.·.I.·. is the thesis of the sacred feminine, the antithesis of Protestant Christianity as an ecclesia, not as a populace or spiritual practice, the synthesis of the former and the latter.

O.·.A.·.I.·. derives from Initiatic inheritance of the "Golden Dawn," and its religious collegiate of Rosicruciana, Freemasonry, Tantra, Cabala, Tarot, Hermeticism, sabbatic witchcraft, Alchemy, and Sufism. O.·.A.·.I.·. is an Initiatic Inheritrix of the Golden Dawn defined in minute detail by the secret value of the letters, numbers, sounds, virtues, in Nature, and all other functions of inherited destiny.

O.·.A.·.I.·. prospects the traditions of sexual occultism and the Secret Teachings of All Ages. O.·.A.·.I.·. is not a social organization. O.·.A.·.I.·. is a private religious fraternity of self-initiation ordained in silence. O.·.A.·.I.·. does not Charter official Temples, Lodges, Grottoes, or Churches of Worship. Antediluvian magic{k} is latent within the heart of every woman and every man of the Order. O.·.A.·.I.·. Matrons and Brethren of their own predilection ordain and prospect ceremonial rites & arts of religion and faith.

O.·.A.·.I.·. is a triad of three Grades of self-Initiation called the Hermit, the Lover, and the man of Earth. The progressive Triad of initiation derives from the supernal emanations contained in the Sefirot of the Holy Qabalah.

O.·.A.·.I.·. is unaffiliated with, nor does the O.·.A.·.I.·. represent in any way other organizations. Women and Men seeking to Petition for membership, and initiate themselves into the O.·.A.·.I.·., must be eighteen years of age or older, and must be serious in efforts to ordain the Path and execute the Great Work.

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The O.·.A.·.I.·. does not practice, promote or advocate violence, hate or any
form of illegal activity. The system and work of the O.·.A.·.I.·. is spiritual in nature.

Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati ®
Inaugurated in service to the Greater Heritage of the Illuminati. O.·.A.·.I.·. operates in affiliation with Leilah Publications, LLC.

"Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati" and "O.A.I." are registered trademarks of Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati. All rights reserved. O.A.I.'s trademarks and copyrights may not be used in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among the public, or in any manner that disparages or discredits the O.A.I..

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"Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati" and "O.A.I." are registered trademarks of Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati. All rights reserved. O.A.I.'s trademarks and copyrights may not be used in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among the public, or in any manner that disparages or discredits the O.A.I..

The O.·.A.·.I.·. is chartered by Joshua J. Seraphim {Frater Annuit Coeptis} in service to the Greater Heritage of the Illuminati. O.·.A.·.I.·. operates in affiliation with Leilah Publications, LLC.
"Countless people...will hate the new world order...and will die protesting against it."

~ H.G. Wells {1939 A.D.
